The fallout and alleged reveals continue to dig up painful memories from three years ago in 2018 on the production of MBC drama Time. Male lead Kim Jung Hyun was noticeably awkward and reserved with female lead Seohyun at the press conference and then departed the drama midway reportedly due to mental health issues. He got both flack for being rude and irresponsible if that was just an excuse, as well as sympathy and consideration for his wellbeing since he did look really gaunt and ill and that can’t be faked. The world moved on until this week when it was all brought back to the front pages of K-ent with first the insider account that Kim Jung Hyun left the drama because he could not do romantic scenes with Seohyun and was actively avoiding her and made the entire production awkward and untenable (summarizing here). That report also claimed people thought it was due to Kim Jung Hyun’s then girlfriend (now ex-girlfriend) making such demands of him that caused him to behave that way on set and during filming. Now Dispatch as involved itself and the breaking news Monday morning in Seoul is the reveal that the ex-girlfriend was reportedly K-actress Seo Ye Ji. Dispatch’s post contained text messages between her and Kim Jung Hyun as well as production crew interviews, basically saying that Seo Ye Ji was so controlling and Kim Jung Hyun agreeing to all her demands to have zero contact with females on the set and to reduce the romantic scenes to zero. If true then both of them need some therapy on how to have healthy, non-controlling, and confident relationships without resorting to insecure behavior for personal reasons that impacts an entire filming production. What Kim Jung Hyun and Seo Ye Ji are like dating each other is totally their own choice and no one should judge, but it cannot seep into affecting their professional jobs IMO. Again, this is what Dispatch is reporting, no response as of yet from Kim Jung Hyun or Seo Ye Ji’s sides.
Seo Ye Ji: Rigid Kim, refrain from all physical contact.
Kim Jung Hyun: Yes, ma’am.
Seo: Report what you did today?
Kim: I didn’t say hi to female staff. Totally acted uninterested in anyone else. Told the PD that there can be no romantic scenes.
Kim: Only you can touch my hand.
Seo: Do everything without passion. No physical contact.
Kim: Yes, ma’am. I’m Rigid Kim!
Seo: Are you behaving yourself?
Seo: How did you greet people?
Kim: (sent a video) I didn’t even say hi.
Seo: You don’t have to say hi to them anyway. If they do it first then you can respond curtly.
Kim: I keep reading the script, doing nothing else.
Seo: Tweak the script so it doesn’t have any romantic scenes.
Kim: Yup, I’m reading the script.
Seo: Okay, do your best. No romance or physical contact.
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Damn Koala, this was fast! Lol
But my dude, if you don't have a brain, balls or a backbone and you're gonna let your girlfriend dictate and/or destroy your life and career, then I don't know what to tell ya. Now said girlfriend has landed herself a nomination at Baeksang and look where you are. Hm.
Better make that ex-girlfriend.
How in the world has a Baeksang nomination got to do with this?
She’s just as messed up and if you don’t see that, I don’t know why to tell ya. Said “ex-gf” could win a damn Oscar and she’d still be as big of a biatch as she is now with zero Baeksang or Oscars. Hm.
Even a 3rd grader have better conversation than that. Lol
Do you see me defending her???? Gtfo with that.
Lol. It's probably the Korean to English translation? Lol.
Oh? So you’re holding back on slamming her but have no issues slamming him?! Gtfo with that.
This is a disgusting comment. If he'd made the demands of her, you'd be falling all over yourself to get the pitchfork instead of jeering at her to get some ovaries.
There is irrefutable video evidence of him being a dick to his former co-star plus testimonies from production staff et al who are supporting that wronged co-star. An insider has also mentioned that this is an issue he has with women. So yes, he can be criticized. However, this case so far only has texts which the ex-girlfriend's camp can easily claim to be fabricated to smear her name. When more info/evidence about said ex-girlfriend is released, she'll get it too.
@aurora I'm lol at people thinking you're defending her when I know you're not a fan. Great Scot, if only they knew of those Twitter spats with her overbearing fans who attribute the success of IOTNBO to her, bash her Hallyu co-star like he's a nobody, bash their agency and act like she's the greatest thing that ever lived. Even now, they're on the bird app cursing Dispatch and breathing fire at her agency to defend her.
Ohmigosh, yes! Hehehe, I also see some of them are trying to come for him again for his nomination. They should just focus on their girl.
He IS a submissive man, that's all. There's always an option to be a submissive man.
what a tone deaf, completely insensitive response. it’s very clear he was being controlled/abused in that relationship. he owes the entire time cast and crew a big apology, but the bigger bad here is definitely her. that baeksang nom may be her last if this turns out to be true.
That’s... fucked up.
But also if it’s true, I wouldn’t necessarily be shocked. I dunno, I get that vibe from SYJ. Whatever KHJ did to his costar is messed up, but I’m also glad he’s done with this relationship (if he is). That’s different level WTFuckery
“If it's true?” Didn't you already decide that it's the truth and attacked someone's comment above after assuming that user was defending her? You backtracking here is a different level of WTFuckery. Hypocrite.
There's nothing wrong with Butterfly offering their opinion on a celebrity's perceived character on a kdrama discussion portal. We're all here airing our opinions about this rumour. Everything is up in the air and it's ok to have a civil conversation about. Relax guys!~
Just as it is his/her right to offer his/her opinion on this general topic so is it my right to offer mine. No one needs to agree, it is MY opinion and I'm entitled to it. Yet look at the hostile manner he/she and that other user accosted my comment and even called me names when they don't know me from Adam. Everyone needs to relax, indeed.
Poor Seo Hyun and all the staff at drama Time....
This is exactly what I think. Seohyun hiatus for 2 years after that and writer also go to hospital. They didnt deserve this.
Right. It feels very unfair that so many people had to suffer from the actions of two.
The whole "Yes Ma'am" thing made me think about dom-sub relationship lol.
I don't know if I can trust Dispatch, but seeing how other actors and staffs from Time liking and commenting on Seohyun's latest post made me believe they've suffered together because of him back then.
Exactly like a dom-sub relationship! Lol.
I also don't know if Dispatch can be trusted. Which is why I'm holding back on slamming the alleged ex-girlfriend before more info is released.
Seo Yeaji was horrible.... it was an abusive relationship.
You don’t even know the truth.
Here comes the supporter lol. Get a life
Ah yes, that's right. Women are saints who can literally do no wrong. Y'all wouuld have crucified him as an abuser with less information. HYPOCRITE!
What? You are basically destroying Seo Ye Ji. Either way, you don’t know the truth so how can you make conclusion.
Is maligning others your full time jobs?
Maybe the crew from "Its okay not to be okay" might just stand up for her. Though... I seriously doubt that. Lol
@Rina exactly!!! But this does not mean KJH should be absolved from the horrible treatment he gave to Seohyun and the hell the writer and the rest of the production team went through to accommodate his unreasonable demands. They are both vile.
It definitely does not absolve him. He behaved like pond scum and doesn't deserve to call himself a man, TBH. But let's call out toxic behavior regardless of gender. I'm sure someone's going to come out with a sob story about hhow hhe MUST have cheated on her at some point for her to behave that wa. I only feel bad for Seohyun who literally got humiliated by this toxic pair of losers.
The guy was going through mental health issues... He is very sweet with his cloy and mr.queen co-stars and even with his school 2017 and Waikiki co-stars... Its only in time he was like that... So it's obviously not just him being an asshole...
We don't even know if kjh dated syj and if all these are true... But his change in behaviour was there only in a single drama and he took a break of an year due to mental health issues... For an upcoming actor it's very important to keep working and he was getting praised for his performances when he had to take a break...
i don't know how anyone can read those texts and not see how emotionally manipulative they are. unless there's more revelations that this was something they both did to each other, that's classic emotional abuse. i won't excuse his behaviour towards the time staff and seohyun but i also feel sorry for him if this was the relationship he was in and his mental health was already suffering either because of it or if it got worse because of it. but i don't think people will be able to discuss this whole thing with any sort of nuance or empathy.
But she had some pretty passionate kiss scenes in It's Okay, so she can do kiss scenes but he can't even hold his costar's hand? Smh.
@bbc - I wondered about that. Why is she allowed to do kissing scenes but not him? And why did he sign up for that drama anyway, instead of one that had no romantic scenes from the start? There are plenty of dramas like that in OCN. Combination of a lot of bad decision making made him shoot himself in the foot with this one.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the person you're dating shouldn't have that control to allow or forbid you from doing your job though. Especially when that person is also in the same industry and knows how the job works.
Not sure the timeline of their relationship but @bbc and @Adal are right. Why could she do romantic scenes in LL and IOTNBO but he wasn't allowed to? If this news is indeed true, she sounds really messed up and manipulative.
Yes, if this is totally true then he is really wrong to Seo Hyun and TIME production team and he should apologize to them but there are many people still think that only women can be victim in a toxic relationship, not men.
If man is a victim they call him as sissy/chickened out and all other insults.
He needs to apologize for the part he played and she is total bad news if this has an ounce of truth to it. Men or Women, you don't get to do this to another human being you are in relationship with.
How could Dispatch get their hands on celebrities private messages? Isn't this invasion of privacy? Why do I feel that his agency wants to destroy him so that no agency would want to sign him?
If this is true, his unhealthy relationship with her thankfully ended. Their profession is acting so even if they hated their costar in real life they should have no problem acting lovey dovey on screen.
I'm pretty sure KJH already learned his lesson which is why he did some time off after his character was killed off in the drama.
I don't get why the press is dredging the past except it's pretty obvious that his agency is pissed that he wants to leave and sign to another agency.
Stars whose career are on the rise usually wants to change agency and that's when contract dispute leads to derailing their career.
Maybe he leaked it to shift the blame away from himself to play the victim card?
Ding ding! I would sue KJH if I were SYJ. She just got a huge nomination/IOTNBO as well. Or if this is false, I would sue Dispatch. I bet this will be settled down privately, and taken down soon. Tsk tsk...if he's playing the victim card. Not cool. Relationships are tricky/messy, and they were both seemed toxic for one another but they are exes now so what's the deal? Seems like a ploy to destroy someone's reputation/career.
Also, who would want to work with O&Entertainment? Damn, Korean agencies are shady/gross, disturbing how b/c their cilent wanted to get out, they threaten him.
I've heard cases where agencies force actors to do projects/other stuff even though they're physically tired/ill. I think KJH had a breaking point, thus leaving Time.
EXACTLY!!! Especially that invasion if privacy part. How in the world can dispatch release those? If it's true then dispatch is going to face legal issues
Yeah i'm confused as to how they got their hands on these....was it sent from some random person or someone from his agency or KHJ himself which would be extra puzzling? also saw on another site that they stated "they verified the authenticity of the messages through various channels"??? I doubt many people will even be thinking of this.
The general consensus about this Time situation before this seemed to be that his agency was just trying to sully his name but I wonder what the public and industry reaction will be since this is such an explosive allegation with "receipts" released through Dispatch. I think most people will assume this is true because his behavior was SO odd and SYJ's recent role in IONTBO does NOT help her case. What a mess!
Wow sounds like another script for a new k-drama.
Wowee. The dirt keeps on coming. Psycho gf controlling this dude. When I see comments like "mental actress" I straight away thought of her. Lydia1, I don't doubt you anymore.
Hmm...both could be right or wrong. Either way, not here for this gaslighting and blame towards a woman. It could have been both people weren't right for one another. KJH's agency or himself is going to come out this not well. It's a two way street. Plus, he was dealing with health disorders and issues so clearly there were other issues. In terms of acting cold on set, and what not, seems like its his issue and he dealt with after a 11 month break. Eh, also Dispatch violated privacy law, so they're going to get sued. Tsk tsk...
LOL. Why can't you blame a woman? One would hope that you're not a member of the judiciary of any country.
Of course, if both are at fault then yes. Blame isn't one way. The only thing I'm worried about is Korea tends to be harder on the women, and KJH's career if SYJ's suffers should also go down too. He shouldn't' get away from this scoff free if a petty gf issue was at play. Lee Byung Hyun who is notorious for his personal life, and has done worse allegedly is still able to work.
Seems like some folks will run with b/c she was this/that, that's why he was that way. When KJH had underlying health issues/mental issues either from overworking/etc, and he dropped out of Time. Is that relevant information to bring up now, me thinks not? If his agency has issues with him, deal with it in private not air it out for rumors/making it a bigger issue. Now its become an issue where multiple parties are coming out/being blamed, and making this a huge commotion.
Or maybe KJH leaked the text conversations himself LOL