
IU Calls in to Surprise Lee Jun Ki on His Birthday as He Hosts Radio Program Dream on Naver Now — 18 Comments

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  2. Love the friendship between these two, they’re so cute!
    And same, I only rewatch Hae Soo and Wang So scenes lol

  3. Happy Birthday, Lee Jun Ki.

    He has such a sunshine personality, always cheerful. I did not enjoy the pairing of him and IU back then (sorry, IU’s acting was bad in MLSHR but she has proven herself to be a great actress and I love her esp in My Ajusshi) but I am glad that they still have that great friendship over the years.

    • Itโ€™s not rubbish. Itโ€™s called a different opinion which the general public agrees with compared to the international viewers.

      • General public, are you serious? The drama may not have achived the desired ratings domestically but it was a massive success internationally.

        Domestic ratings expectation was around 20%, which it didnโ€™t achieve but it did double digits in the last few episodes and has achieved number 1 among dramas airing on the same timeslot. Has achieved number 1 buzzworthy drama. The drama won Korean Brand Award.

        Itโ€™s only the few mozzies that keep buzzing unnecessarily but the general public continue to watch the drama even after more than 5 years. Those that have not watched during the original have become new fans of the dramas.

        The drama decided kept loyal to the novel which is the original work. Why would they follow the chinese version? The novel should prevail. Moonlobers version is far superior than the first adaptation anyway.

        I tell you, Moon Lovers is one of the best, if not , the best Korean drama ever made.

  4. Happy Birthday to Joongi. He looks younger and younger each year. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love IU and Joongi’s friendship. They’re very loyal and supportive of each other throughout the years. It’s nice to read news about something wholesome, especially nowadays with all the bullying and staff mistreatment scandals popping up one after the other. But I do not want a second season of SH. That show was super messy. If they want to work together again, just do a new drama.

  5. The right photo is of KSH’s visit to the Hotel del Luna set with a coffee cart to show support for IU and YJG btw.

  6. It’s nice to see their friendship but please no second season, the first one was already bad enough. The Princes were miscasted, only LJK and KHN were good. I couldn’t move on from KNH and IU’s couple to LJK and IU’s one. They tried to adapt a very long story with a Korean format and it didn’t work.

    • It was originally supposed to be 24 episodes. I think that might have worked. I actually liked ML quite a bit but the last 4 episodes were rushed and not well done and, yes, they had too many newbies in co-starring roles. I know the PD is respected, but I think he really messed up the production of the show. I still remember all those unnecessary close-ups of IU.

  7. Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo is and forever will be my most beloved drama. So and Soo are still looking for each other and some day will be happily together! And I’m sure I’m not the only one thinking like this.
    So as always I’m happy to see them interacting in RL. I love how they truly care and support each other
    Happy birthday my real actor Lee Joon Gi. You deserve all the happiness and success in the world

  8. I read the novel, watched both the Cdrama, and Kdrama and each version has its own charms. Of course for me the original Cdrama was the strongest but I also enjoyed this version with IU and LJK. I watched it mainly for him as Wang So and I like how they ‘updated’ it vs the nostalgic classic of the Cdrama. Why hate when you can enjoy all of them?

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