Na In Woo Gets His Close Up in New Star1 Pictorial Discussing His Unexpected Rise to Male Lead Status in 2021
If I grow to like K-actor Na In Woo even more than I do now after his successful parachute in male lead turn in KBS sageuk River Where the Moon Rises, I’ll always enjoy the epic takedown I did of him in a blog post announcing his casting to replace Ji Soo and how much he sucked in Queen Cheorin (Mr. Queen). The close proximity of QC finishing and him stepping into River provides an unusual side-by-side comparison of two sageuk roles and how the same actor can deliver something different. I thought Na In Woo had even better chemistry with female lead Kim So Hyun in River and his version of Ondal had more depth and gravitas rather than an overgrown man-child. He filmed an entire drama is less than 4 weeks (including re-filming the first 6 episodes worth of scenes) so now River can stream on OTT platforms and continue to recoup its costs, so he singlehandedly saved a drama much like Ondal saved a country lol. He’s already signed on for his next drama as the male lead of The Jinx’s Lover which sounds light and cute.


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I like him. He’s gorgeous and has this throwback old-school KDrama leading man vibe. I’ve watched some interviews of him and he seems really sweet and humble. Plus he’s a very good actor!
I wish him all the best and I hope he hits it big soon!
I absolutely love him and I look forward to his future works ❤️ I’m sure it’s by accident and you meant it in a good way but to me it kind of came out wrong saying that he singled-handedly save the drama when it was a joint team effort of all the crew, cast, and others that came together to help salvage and save the drama. Ondal also did not single-handedly save the kingdom either although he individually did achieve much for the kingdom.
He has a lot of potentials. Good for him.
That’s great! His character in Queen Cheorin didn’t do him justice but I think that’s because of how it was written…