
UEE and Kim Bum Join Rain in Medical K-drama Ghost Doctor — 13 Comments

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  3. Even the summary sounds like Live Up To Your Name. Dramaland has no new ideas and writers keep recycling their same old works. Ugh.

  4. Honestly, I miss the old talents of the 2000s-2010s period so much. I feel like the talents were less airbrushed/more real? Also the female actresses seemed more goddess like too? I’m just nostalgic for the old years/generation haha.

    • Agree with you. The older ones can be expected to bring in the ratings these days, the younger ones are slacking. Case in point, hospital playlist 1 versus doom and my roommate is a gumiho

      • I do not think this is a fair assessment. Rain has not had a ratings hit after his military service. My Lovely Girl flopped, Come Back Mister suffered because of DOTS, Sketch had so-so ratings on cable, and Welcome 2 Life led to the then-temporary suspension of MBC’s Monday-Tuesday timeslot.

      • You can see the current dramas led by the current actors who are under 30 years old. Mostly less than 5% ratings.

      • Hospital Playlist 2 is a bad example. It’s the second season of a huge hit so of course it can piggyback on the credible success of its predecessor to be an even bigger hit. Plus, it’s got all the right elements to connect with the K-audience. How can two measly rom-coms compare to that? Besides, the Doom actors aren’t new. They also belong to the old generation yet look at how badly the drama is flopping.

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