
KBS Mon-Tues Youth Sageuk Moonshine with Yoo Seung Ho and Hyeri Premieres to Promising 7.5% Ratings and Positive Viewer First Impression — 11 Comments

    • Wonder why ms k won’t write any further reviews of moonshine. Ending next week. Ratings tanking again to lowest. Ysh is her love obsession. Same as My Strange Hero. No review of finale.

  1. It benefit from the TKA which finished at 12%. If the ratings continue to rise then congratulations to the cast and crew.

    KBS seems to be doing better than SBS.

  2. Episodes 13-14 had lowest ratings 3.8-4.9%. Winter olympics kill it. At least better reporting than MSH which was completely ignored.

  3. The reviews are mostly negative in other sites. Bad writing, weak plot, bland acting. Even hardcore fans are struggling to hang on. Plenty of complaints about alcohol plot dragging.

  4. I hope koala will write a recap of moonshine. Imo, he’s doing too many rom-coms. He should go back to playing a villain like missing you. Not getting any younger at 29 this year. So many younger and older actors have surpassed him. Please choose better roles seung ho ah. Fighting.

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