
Lee Ji Hoon Will Not Attend Press Conference for MBN Drama Sponsor Reportedly Due to Scheduling Conflict But Insiders Say It’s Due to Him Being Demoted From Male Lead as Seen in Name Order on Official Drama Page — 5 Comments

  1. Wasn’t this the same drama where the writer claimed something against him (I don’t remember what) and later she apologised publicly and said it was a misunderstanding…

    • Yes, she said he complained about his screentime and got her fired but the production released text messages between the writer and PD and PD and LJH that showed it was the higher ups that were requesting changes to the script and screentime and the writer was eventually fired because she didn’t make them. From the texts, it seemed like LJH wasn’t being written as the lead from the start, so I’m not surprised by the demotion after the brouhaha. I went back and read the production statement and LJH was supposed to be the lead but had less than 10 scenes for the first five episodes. LJH is bearing the brunt of what sounds like a very troubled production.

      • Thanks, I couldn’t find that article but now I remember. It really is unfair and they’re wasting a great talent.

  2. This drama production is so weird. He casted as 1st lead, and seems like his character will die in the middle of the drama. It’s his first drama as a lead, no?

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