SBS Premieres Woori the Virgin with Im Soo Hyang and Sung Hoon this Mon-Tues and Leans into the Comedic and Warm Energy

Okay, so goes every Jane the Virgin so far the exact same story line and progression, and I guess I’m wondering which guy she ends up with. The boyfriend or the accidental baby daddy? Onscreen male leads Sung Hoon and Shin Dong Wook are appealing in their own way in the upcoming SBS drama Woori the Virgin and a blast to watch in the previews already. Female lead Im Soo Hyang is the surprise for me, she’s never been appealing to me but here she’s really charming and engaging. I’m also glad that there seems to be different conflicts and issues rather than the usual stuff about chaebol inheritance conflict or evil plotter wanting to take over a company/land/school. The drama premieres tomorrow Monday and SBS is likely hoping for the continuation of the well received audience for lighthearted fare.

Preview for Woori the Virgin:
She’s definitely ending up with Sung Hoon unless they deviate from the usual kdrama formula.
I’m not a fan of Im Soo Hyang honestly but I do agree this looks light and warm.
She was regal in Gracious family.
It looks fun and I’m happy to have a new drama for Monday-Tuesday!
Im soobhyang is a great actress.
I like her.
I marathoned the first 4 episodes, now I’m addicted to this drama. The casting is perfect, and they are using every drama troupe in the book. It’s not that deep but it’s a lighthearted, crazy at times drama. It is the perfect entertainment for the uncertain times we are living in.