Alchemy of Souls Takes an Action Breather in Episode 9 to Enjoy Wook’s Ascension into Wizarding School and Lets Mu Duk Chill with Her Trio of Guys Interested in Her
Last week’s two episodes of Alchemy of Souls were a whirlwind and there was also the news about Part 2 that sent viewers into a tizzy so it’s nice that this Saturday’s episode 9 was a total slow break. Half the episode was spent at the gisaeng house celebrating Wook’s entry into Songrim, which is basically the Hogwarts of this universe and he’s the Boy Who Couldn’t his entire life until now. The reason I love Wook so much is that he reaches for the things he wants and cares about, he’s not afraid of failure or rejection or saving face. Conversely Yul is too perfect his whole life and has never stepped a toe out of line and in K-drama land that is what is the hallmark of a second male lead, his ideal traits lose out to the guy who actively makes up for his shortcomings. Mu Duk is still not in the brain space to think about Wook or Yul in a romantic light but her desire to be with Wook is definitely more than needing his protection or help no matter how she spins it. That signs now definitively point to her body as the Jin family long lost elder daughter Bu Yeon makes things more interesting and also I can’t wait for the Mu Duk/Bu Yeon/Nak Su combo to shiv Jin Mu and destroy that mega asswipe by the end.

why oh why? when i already forget the part 2 fiasco now here i am read about that again
my wildest theory is part 1 end with mudeok d word after giving birth to baby girl and when she grow up her face is exactly like naksu, the reincarnation of naksu.
and part 2 is about her journey
This show getting boring..
That yul guy so blank..I can’t with his acting
Can’t Mudeok/Buyeon end up with Crown Prince pretty please?
Honestly, since news of season 2 without Jung So Min broke out, i felt like my enthusiasm just crashed and i’m no longer invested in this drama. I have nothing against Go Youn Jung. In fact, i thought she was a better fit as Naksu in the beginning. But as each episode pass, i fell more and more in love with JSM’s potrayal as the weak bodied but strong willed Mu Deok. Now, i cant imagine anyone else as mudeok-naksu with wook. I really wished they’d kept news of S2 under wraps till S1 finished broadcasting.
The amount of hate i saw on twitter towards the new girl is insane
People need to chill lmao