
Park Bo Gum and IU in Talks for K-drama Life From the PD of My Ahjusshi and the Screenwriter of When the Camellia Blooms — 5 Comments

  1. Koala, you are always behind. Park Bo Gum’s agency has already denied receiving the script or even contacted about scheduling.

  2. I was so over the moon this morning when this news broke out but my happiness isn’t even lasted for 1 hour haha. Anyway, I’m still hoping this will work out in the end, especially knowing blossom the most incompetent agency out there. They have done this before, denying some news that turns out to be true.

    I wish bogum’s comeback drama will be a darker theme but this has a great prod team (especially writer!) and I so want bogum to finally have projects with great writers again. So I don’t mind the plot and character at all.

  3. Yup, the agency of Bogummy has denied it that they haven’t received any script yet but being in Bogum’s fandom and knowing his agency, Blossom is always ready in denying everthing, even to RoY before,they did it.

    Oh Yeah this one is a BIG CASTING NEWS since two A-list and super famous actor and actress will be in one frame and they know how to act great on the screen. These two are a DREAM PAIR, nobody can deny it.

    Further, I love the Jagganim and PD. Those dramas are all my favs. I love the texture of the drama and the way jagganim made the story lines.

    I just hope this project will be transpired and will have a challenging roles for the characters.Life title is generic though. Hoping this will be a little dark drama.

  4. My screen will be on 🔥🔥🔥. Yofeeee!!!! This will be very big, very exposed, and will have a big expectations but one thing I will just anticipate is the lovey – dovey of these two in the screen, the fluttering moments – that only, is more than enough for me. PDnim and Jagganim, dont fail to catch these two.Praying to all drama gods out there🙏🙏🙏.

  5. Just excited to see Kim Won Seok and IU return to dramaland again after 3 years and together at that. My Mister is still my favorite drama of all time.
    Sort of on the fence with this writer, but I trust KWS’s choice and direction. It’s too bad Bogum denied. Would have been a refreshing pairing with IU since they are the same age and already know each other.

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