
The Glory Releases Emotionally Clenching Character Posters with the Trumpet Vines as Backdrop — 5 Comments

  1. Excited for Lee Do Hyun! Even tho he’s not the main character, I hope this drama takes his career to the next level!
    I’ve also just seen the trailer, and wow, not gonna lie, that’s a very well-done trailer. Didn’t care for this one before, and now I’m excited! Looks thrilling AF

  2. Love how the vines wrap around the perpetrators’ necks as if to suffocate them. And the flowers are a tainted yellow hue as compared to the protagonists’ silver white hued ones. These are excellent character posters!

  3. The Chinese trumpet vine flower represents “woman”, “glory”, “honor”, “making oneself known”, and also “longing” in the context of the flower’s mythology (it’s said a court lady turned into the flower following her death; she fell sick in her longing for the king who never visited her after he started favoring her).

  4. Happy to see Lee Do Hyun in this, but even happier to see Park Sung Hoon’s return. After the cancellation of JE, he’s only been in a KBS Drama Special. Hopefully the drama is a success and leads to him appearing in dramas more often.

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