TW & C dramas

Mix Reviewed Xianxia C-drama Till the End of the Moon Wraps Today with Even More Polarizing Ending

Till the End of the Moon is over, peeps! The best part is that it ended, we can be put out of our misery. The worst part is that it ended, we can never see what this drama could have been if it was done properly. The last month has been a fun ride for me, the strong buzz and chatter for this drama comprising of both fan love and detractor hate has pumped life back into somnolent C-drama land and made it entertaining to watch the drama even if the drama wasn’t all that entertaining itself. The story was a giant hamster wheel of fated to be bad poor abused bae trying to escape him fate and falling deeper into it, giving Luo Yun Xi the chance to showcase great acting even in a thankless role. He was intense and restrained at all times, perfectly balanced to carry the entire drama on his slim shoulders. Bai Lu did her best but she had even less to work with, none of her characters were likeable and her actions ended up being the catalyst or the plot device. The good third OTP was offed too early and the annoying as shit secondary OTP of Boring and Jealous could have been cut from the drama and the time used for better plot builds. The ending is what it is, I hated it on principle but wasn’t emotionally invested by then to care anymore. But fans must be spitting blood and after all that copious blood spitting in this drama perhaps it’s just meant to be.


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  • In C-dramas they have a tendency to ruin the writing of female characters coming from novels to satisfy the sexist audience. In what I have seen in the past year, female-centric stories have been altered to give prominence to men. It's disappointing and unfair. Li Susu's character is complex in the source material and here, she was presented poorly.

    • Male actors have more bargaining power because they attract more fervent fans and thus have better "statistics" on paper. Most dramas right now are adapted from online novels which are usually from the female character's perspective, and more material has to be shifted to the male actor to make the weights of the lead roles more equal. This means that a lot of times the female characters are undermined. Even top actors are subjected to this. This is why you often see extensions of the plot related to the male characters. But when the reverse is the case, you still see male actors requesting for absolute screen time (see how Li Yitong dropped Wu Geng Ji).

      • Wow. The audience is mostly female, so I'm surprised they hold such sexist views while they have no problem watching C-dramas where women fight over a man or portrayed as useless.

  • agree with you completely, I wished for a better ending but the last episode was such a drag and the CGI could have been better. It's unfortunate when special effects detract from the story instead of enhancing it. I fast-forwarded a lot. I’m glad it's over

  • So much potential and Luo Yun Xi was great but the PLOT, ugh!!! and I love Bai Lu but not her character here, UGGH!!!

  • Devastatingly disappointing. All the CGI, costume, acting and make up cannot compensate for such a SH*T ENDING.

    I think I'm definitely shelving cdrama for some time.

  • If they weren’t censored with the ridiculous new requirements with the 40 ep limit and the three month in between seasons or if the Chinese audience had a bigger attention span than a hamster the show could’ve been so much better. Sigh … I’m more pissed at what could’ve been. I would pay good money to get a directors cut but of course the censors had already banned the availability for those to international audiences.

    • I keep seeing this argument and I don't understand where you got this.

      They weren't censored to cut everything into 40 episodes. One season has to have 40 but you are allowed multiple seasons, see IS, LLTG or SB that should air this summer. All of these have split over 40 episodes into seasons.

      I don't know who told you that 40 is the absolute maximum but they are lying to you.

      • TTEOTM was supposedly 58 eps divided into 2 just like Immortal Samsara and Love Like The Galaxy but right before it aired there is a new regulation popped up that stated it have to have a gap of min. 6 months between 1st and 2nd season hence they cut off 18 eps. Whose want to wait for 6 months?

      • @Lady Bird

        I thought 3 not 6 but I really wasn't paying attention.

        Everyone will wait if it is good. In the west, people wait all the time but the key is the material being worth the wait. Chinese would have waited too.

        But that is the point isn't it? The material needs to be good enough. And they obviously didn't think so if they cut so much. What is done is done I suppose.

  • So, I'm not missing anything by dropping the series early. GREAT!

  • Was this drama a rinse and repeat in terms of plot? Yes absolutely. But it was still fun for the most part. My only gripe is killing off Pan Rian too early on and thereby ending the most adorable an enjoyable couple of the show. The second couple deserve to be eradicated from the plot line completely. Thankfully for Chen Duling the Mo Nv character was at least interesting but all of Deng Wei's characters were annoying and boring. TTEOTM was basically a one man show for Luo Younxi who delivered the most complex and interesting character but I also enjoyed his chemistry with Bail Lu. The ending isn't so bad considering we've seen worse *cough*MemoriesoftheAlhambra*cough*. Overall would definitely say it was fun watching the drama and especially the costumes were gorgeous to look at. Now I'm looking for the next addicted Cdrama to watch.

  • It should have at least after all the prolong sadness a very happy ending, or at least he can be reborn and marry Bai Lu....I am not a fan of sad ending, after 40 episodes...

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