
Son Ye Jin Makes First Post Baby Public Appearance Attending Valentino Fashion Show in Paris — 8 Comments

  1. She slayed all her Valentino fits. Including her outfit going back to korea. Luxury fashion houses brand ambassadors should at the minimum be fashionable and stylish anytime they are seen in public, not just at events for their brand.

  2. The first outfit…showing her legs but covering everything up. I will never get use to this.

    Oh, and she looks better with shorter hair.

  3. Love love love her hair in the airport pics! Wish her outfit at the Valentino event (which I super love, as well) was paired with that hair! She looks great nonetheless tho, and I’m glad to see her looking glowing and happy!

  4. That black Valentino outfit is so heavy and dark, it looks inappropriate for summer. Paris is hot, hot, hot right now so she must’ve be sweltering under that blazer (which is 2 sizes too big), collared shirt, and combat boots. Not sure why they didn’t give her a dress to wear.

  5. My fave outfit was her airport departure pics in that white blazer and rock stud pumps. Her legs are just wow!!! Very toned and slim.

    I wasn’t a fan of the black outfit at the show because I feel like it swallowed her up, but I do understand why she wore those combat boots. It would have been hard to walk with heels on those cobble stones and pebbles.

    Overall, she wowed the public and the media with her comeback post-pregnancy. Now I’m looking forward to her next project! Hopefully a movie?

  6. The show started past 8 pm Paris time. How hot could it be? And she was already using a blanket on her legs during the after party. And it is deliberately oversized. It was meant to be that way. Even on the runway model.

    The boots were also a practical choice since the risk of twisting her ankle while wearing heels on those cobblestones is high.

    • Ew, can women on this site stop policing what female celebrities wear? You all’s internalized misogyny is showing 🙄

      Also, why should Hyun Bin be “strict” regarding what she wears? What is he, her father? Even fathers don’t have a right to dictate what women wear, FFS. Just because they’re married doesn’t mean he gets to control what she does, they’re their own persons 🙄

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