
Established C-ent Gossiper Confirms Luhan and Guan Xiaotong are Still Going Strong 7 Years into Dating Defying All Odds — 14 Comments

  1. What happened to GXT career? Seems she was an It girl for a minute and fell off. Was it because of the public dating that her career died?

    Luhan seems to have given up on acting too which is for the best. His acting is mediocre and he does not have a leading man aura.

    • Yea I’ve seen her in supporting roles I thought she is considered one of the 4 Dan actresses of this generation. But now it’s all Bai Lu, Zhao Lusi, Esther Yu, Ju jingyi of course Dilraba is on another level.

      • Dilraba can’t act so yes, she is on another level compared to those who can. Incredibly beautiful but that’s it.

      • @eh i think 123 meant to say dilreba is the most a-list among the actresses mentioned, which is true. doesn’t matter if she’s not the best actress, they’re talking about star status

      • looking pretty is a vital aspect in being a star. Acting skills can bring you a certain level, but if the visuals are questionable, then it can be a major turn off.

      • It’s interesting that the Dan actresses of this genre you mentioned none of them went to film school.

      • Hmm if you’re talking about generation, top of 90s flower is zhou dongyu and top of 95s flower is guan xiaotong. This is the most mainstream opinion, although I don’t really know their work since they’re mostly on movie and tv dramas.

      • Which project though? As far as I know, Once and Forever, Mr and Mrs Chen did good. It’s television drama so I don’t really know. I usually chase web drama

    • Is she taking the serious drama/ movie route? I think she’s still recognised as the top of her age group but not as an idol/ traffic actress. None of the other 95 actresses can compete with her in terms of glamour and looks.

    • Her family is influental in beijin circle so she is focused on television drama rather than web dramas. She is the top 95 just from her work result, but it’s true she isn’t really that popular internationally. Yu shuxin and zhao lusi can’t claim top 95 because of her

  2. I thought I read a last year they are already a registered/married couple? Supposedly, they wanted to hold the traditional wedding ceremony/party sometime this year.

  3. They deserve respect. After overcoming many challenges and obstacles in their relationship. They are mature, respectful, honest, and brave. I hope they will continue to be happy together. They are indeed role models for other C-Ent couples and K-couples

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