C-actress Tang Yan’s Fanclub Stops Updating After Protesting Her Agency’s Outdated Outfits and Poorly Photoshopped Official 40th Birthday Pictures

So I think this is the straw the broke the camel’s back and not the first complaint from Tang Yan‘s fanclub about her agency (also known as workshop or production company). She’s opened her own agency and reps herself but her agency is staffed by her close confidantes and friends in various positions that she trust. This week her agency released official pictures to celebrate her 40th birthday, a big milestone, but it led to a massive public fallout with her fanclub which posted a lengthy 6-issue complaint about the pictures and other issues and then decreed that it would stop updating or covering Tang Yan unless its complaints was addressed by the agency. Among them was the outfits/hair/makeup was poorly selected and looked old-fashioned and the photoshopped background was crude and cheesy. I’m with the fanclub there. Apparently the fanclub has been communicating with the agency for quite some time that it was not styling Tang Yan properly and had poor fashion taste, and demanded a change in coordi and photographer, but the agency never responded. The fanclub says it wants the best for Tang Yan but can’t keep supporting her in light of the agency not doing the best for her and probably doing close to the worst for her.

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Yes. I agreed. These pictures look ridiculous and cheap. Who came up with that idea? That person should be fired. Happy Birthday anyway TY.
Imagine if Tang Yan selected/approved these all herself an her fan club just said she has cheap and poor taste… but I don’t disagree with them. Not a huge fan of the entire photoshoot. They were better off doing something simpler and less tacky.
Lol! That would be hilarious if it just turned out that all this mess is because TY had tacky taste XD
Now that I think about it, that’s not impossible🤣 after all she’s born in 83, maybe she likes it
@Yuhyi: Haha! I think she would be alone on that. The other big 1980s born actresses like Yang Mi, Liu Yifei, Liu Shishi, Zhao Liying, NiNi, Fan Bing Bing would never! 😀
I don’t care about her fashion style. But is she still relevant to C-ent? She seems to have lost public attention and interest since she got married. Besides, I found her perhaps one of the worst actresses among those high-profile 85ers.
If you found her bad, why do you like Liu Yifei? She is as bad as Tang Yan when it comes to acting. Lmao. Liu Yifei is better at picking scripts, that’s it. Lol.
When did I say I like Crystal Liu? I’m not her fan. LOL. I do think CL is prettier than TY and a better actress. Well, that’s my opinion. We just agree to disagree. You don’t have to get excited about my personal opinion. It’s extra to respond to me like this. LOL
@Somebody I only found Liu Yi Fei pretty in Chinese Paladdin. She looked almost ethereal there. In the rest of her projects, she looked above average — depends heavily on her makeup artist skills. Tang Yan on the other hand, no. If it’s all about makeup, it’s not for me. I don’t like made-up faces lol.
I only can watch Tang Yan when her characters show limited emotions. But when it’s about Liu Yifei, I really can’t. Also, I don’t like her overbite.
Excited? Nah. It’s just a comment, I’ll probably forget about it in the next 10 minutes lol. I usually forget about this blog for months.
Those photos did not come out well. She’s having so much scandal around her company. Last time, she had issue too!
I usually think the behaviour of these fanclubs is too extreme but they are justified here.
It doesn’t even look like she really took these pictures. It looks like they are computer generated and they just suck a generic picture of her smiling face on the body. So cheap and ugly for a milestone birthday. If she had just posted a casual selfie in glasses and comfy clothes for her birthday that would have been way nicer and more sincere treat for her fans than this mess that look like it was cobbled together in Windows Vista.
Windows vista 🤣🤣 ahh that sure bring back memories
@Yuhyi: Lmao! I had to take it back to properly emphasise how outdated this looks
Yes, these photo are not good…the look is appropriate if celebrating 60 year old. Should go with a professional.
It seems to me like she and her studio are running tight on cash and didn’t want to spend money on getting decent dresses, stylists and photographer? Her mishap at the previous Weibo Night was also rumoured to be a result of her studio attempting to save on such expenses by putting an e-commence livestream on the same day as the Weibo Night, resulting in her being stuck in traffic running late and unable to enter the event venue.
If they’re running tight on cash, they should have done other things like vlogs that costs less instead of a photoshoot.
This might explain…the artistic concept of these photos.
No wonder she was not there. I was wondering why. She has been trying to make a comeback with dramas and variety shows. But all these are not going to help if she is badly managed.
Honestly, those photos don’t look “real”. They’re probably all AI-generated with her face stuck on them. It’s sad if her agency is really run by confidants – people you would expect to want what’s best for her.
Wow it just screams 2008! That’s 15 years ago 😃
That’s why they say, don’t do business with your friends or relatives
She use to be huge in 2015-2017 🥺 i love My Sunshine and Princess Weiyoung ❤️ i don’t know what happened, but i hope she always enjoy her day, be safe, health and happy.