Producer of Cheng Yi’s Next Drama Hero Legends Incur Fans Ire When He Shares the Trailer for Dylan Wang’s New Drama Guardian’s of the Dafeng

So this beef goes back to earlier this year during the filming of period C-drama Hero Legends starring Cheng Yi. Apparently the production started filming before getting the first approval from the authorities which is a big no no and reportedly the production was shut down and fined after being reported to the authorities. Cheng Yi fans claim it’s Dylan Wang‘s fans that were the snitches and did it to get the drama his rival was starring in trouble. Since then the two fandoms hate each other. This week Dylan’s new drama Guardians of the Dafeng released the first long trailer and the producer of Hero Legends posted the trailer on his Weibo account. Chen Yi fans attacked him for supporting the drama of the actor whose fandom tried a sneak attack on Hero Legends. The producer ended up deleted, apologizing, and then deleting his account. I’m just here munching on popcorn, thanks for the random drama on a random week C-fans, never change.

Their fans hate each other perhaps not only for project competition but also about popularity ranking. I read so many claims that they were gonna replace XZ in popularity after their respective hit drama. And these two fandoms viciously competed for their faves’ ranking next to XZ; Dylan Wang was ranked by some fans on the top 2nd and some others ranked CY instead. There were also tabloid coverages ranking them in a similar way, perhaps bought for actor’s promotion?
C-ent actors and fans always bicker about billing status and liuliang ranking. They should care more about the acting and visuals instead. LOL
Nobody wants to be next xiao zhan lol. His career is tanked. He’ll forever be known as the gay drama star with nutjob fans.
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These 2 fandoms have been fighting since last year when IS and LBFAD airing at the same time. Earlier this year they were throwing insult at each other bias where DD’s fandom said CY has big boobies while CY’s fandom reciprocate by saying DD’s junk is only 2 cm. Beside there were many small fights here and there, now and then.
I was munching popcorn and milk tea in the front row during the battle of the fandoms.
I start taking leave for holidays and have plenty of time for popcorn. LOL
DD’s fandom brought me plenty of secondhand embarrassment during the battle of crotch and boobies. They kept posting pictures of DD’s crotch to prove that DD’s more than 2 cm.
They’re getting busy since the school holiday has started
These 2 actors should just go oput and have spicy steamboat with drinks, have a big laugh and post the photos to their fandom.
This reminds me of the days of Alan Tam and Leslie Cheung… Fans were very aggressive then too but more physical.
WHD fans absolutely destroyed CY fans in their big fight a while ago. As a neutral party it was so funny to watch. Everyone now knows CY is bald and has to wear wigs. Every time he goes somewhere now people talk about it.
Cheng Yi is bald?
Classic male pattern baldness, the top of his head.
@Yup, funny enough, I was wondering about i when I read recently how Xu Kai mentioned he did not like wearing the Period hair gears as removing them cost him pain and sometimes he need to undergo hair implants/transplant. I did wonder if other actors go thru that. Especially hair loss is common amongst male.
Some of those hair gears are just ridiculously heavy.
Now, imagine a balding man pretending to be naive and acting cute. LOL.
Yes, those wigs are murder on the hair. I have been reading for years now about various actors complaining. It is good when they are open about the damage to the hair, reduces some of the stupid social stigma of it.
Lmao that is some image.
When I think of it, I always see this video where its really windy and his assistant is trying to hold his wig down, to prevent it from being blown away. WHD fans sure were through! I can never unsee that now.
These fan fights are amazing. It’s like one cannot like two idols at the same time because then one would have to punch oneself while enjoying a drama of a favorite.
And poor ChengYi.