Xianxia C-drama Burning Flames with Allen Ren Releases First Preview Upsetting Female Lead Xing Fei’s Team with Her Few Second of Screentime

There are upcoming dramas I am looking forward to but this xianxia hotness on steroids called Burning Flames (Wu Geng Ji) is not one of them lol. The drama stars Allen Ren and Xing Fei and is already off to a potentially lead fandom in-fighting starts as the first trailer just released has upset her side by showing her onscreen for like 5 seconds maybe not even that long. I don’t know if Xing Fei needs to be upset because from the sheer level of overwrought absurdity even for a xianxia drama (humans go to war against the gods!) that I saw in this trailer she should be glad she was not featured more. Not to mention Allen is back to alternating between overacting and having the same constipated expression.

Trailer for Burning Flames:
This drama has afew former veteran idols…This may be interesting to watch. Allen is not the best actor but okay… Xing Fei may not be as pretty as other female actress but she has soul in her acting. I enjoy alot of her drama.
I am actually quite interested in this drama.I might get disappointed. To be honest, I realised I enjoy Wuxia drama more then Xianxia…but these days…we only get Xianxia genre…
Dont know if anyone else is watching, there is a new drama, not idol drama, Judge Dee’s Mystery 大唐狄公案 by Zhou Yi Wei. First eps is good. I love to watch good actors at work..
I will have to watch this! I’m late to the game, but I just started watching Strange Tales of the Tang Dynasty, and one of the main leads is supposed to be Judge Dee’s protege. I love a good mystery. Are the cases kind of eerie too?
@Soph, drama just started but it definitely has some eerie feel in the intro song. I just finished 2 eps and really enjoy it. It is just nice to be watching a drama instead of being distracted by bad acting with heavy make up.
I dont know if there is romance for the ML but this drama is not about romance, which is great. And the drama is led by veterans…not a drama by newbies.
I wonder if the lack of wuxia is somewhat related to the lack of physical action the current liulangs can do and the amount of work the production has to do to cover up lack of skills and using body doubles. Dubbing can only go so far to fix some acting holes, CG and wire work for fighting, using green screen and props for actors who can’t ride horses, I don’t think directors want to deal with choreography on top of that.
You made a very good point. That could be very possible.
Ooh that’s a very good point! I guess some of the current liulangs didn’t come from drama school so they wouldn’t have the dance training that would help with actions sequences.
Haven’t watched any of Ren Jialun drama but what’s with “constipated expression?” lol!😄
Haha, besides the horrible CGI that I noticed, not enough FL scene in the trailer was my initial reaction though! I’m like where’s the female lead? Did I miss her? LOL. Honestly, knowing the mess behind the drama made me look forward to her scenes in the trailer, but damn she’s almost no where, if you blink she’ll be gone haha.
Isn’t this the drama where Li Yitong and her studio put out a statement over unfair treatment, and quit the drama? Xing Fei and her team should know what they are getting into if they sign on for it.
Was this the drama that disrespected li yitong (when it was initially given to her) so she declined the offer. If it is then, all the signs were there at the beginning.
I mean, LYT quit over the behavior of RJL and precisely this issue so how is this a surprise?
He can’t act so I am going to give it a mess. That non moving stone face is not my idea of fun.
Used to like Allen before I realise he was giving repetitive performances in endless costume dramas. He’s a one-note actor. This male-centric drama will flop badly.
I think the supporting cast will be more interesting to watch than the ML. Never understood the fandom of Allen Ren, he cannot act.
Oh goodness! I love Wu Geng Ji and I didn’t recognized that this was the adaptation from all the photos because I skipped reading. Haha
Didn’t finish Under the Power and haven’t watch other Allen dramas but I shall peek when this airs… Just because I love the donghua. Looks like a hot mess though.🤞
Allen Ren’s acting or visuals have never hit me. I’ve checked his dramas a lot although finished none. Similar for Xing Fei. Nonetheless, oddly this trailer piques my interest again given the intensity. LOL. If the plot is interesting and the directing is decent, I can cut some slack on everything else including CGI. Both AR and XF aren’t kinds of actors appealing to me. But they’re ok to decent. They aren’t on my unwatchable list YET. LOL. So, I’ll check out the drama when it’s premiered.
Perhaps, because I wasn’t able to finish Under the Power and saw his terrible drama with Li Qin, I haven’t gotten his appeal either. His voice and facial expressions areso dull. Li Yi Tong was wise to exit this drama.
I like Xing Fei, especially in the latest Fox Volant adaptation. Unfortunately, I don’t think this will be good for her career.
Trailer seems incoherent.
I really enjoyed Allen Ren in Under the Power, but he’s sort of bland in everything else, especially when they use his real voice. I like Xing Fei too, though I prefer her in more modern settings.