
Season 2 of Hit Period C-drama Joy of Life Gets Airing Permit with Reportedly Airing Date of May 2024 and All Other Networks and Dramas are Avoiding Going Head-to-Head — 21 Comments

  1. Keep my expectation as lower as possible. It took 5 years for the sequel and i already forget the last part of this drama lol. Should watch the last ep of s1 soon.

    Btw Ms.Koala, any news of Lost You Forever s2? It will be great to have these two drama air at the same time.

    • I am going to say something sacrilegious. XZ wasn’t great in that role. My unwanted 2 cents and opinion. But he has evolved, it is best for him and the drama not to come back.

  2. iQiyi should release Fox Spirit Matchmaker, but it seems like they chickened out and will be releasing Luo Yunxi’s drama instead. Youku will be releasing Wu Jinyan’s drama. Think it should be an effortless win for Joy of Life. Personally am looking forward to the drama.

  3. Season 1 started all interesting and this was one of the first few Cdramas that baited me in. But the tropes of Fan Xian going extra flirting with other supporting female characters did not sit well with me. I fast forwarded and skipped quit a chunk of those parts later on. It’s a shame to the drama.

    • I know right. Will also skip all those parts but i do hope it wont take so long for him to be loyal to his beloved one. I didnt read the novel tho.

      • There is no such thing as an empower who marries only one woman. He’s not destined for loyalty but for royalty. Played right, it hardly matters.

  4. It wasn’t a behemoth the first time so I don’t see where the immense hype is coming from. In fact, it was arguably more popular internationally than in China.

    Tencent is banking on it but if anyone thinks those 13 million reservations are real, I have a bridge to sell you.

    It should do really well, great cast, should be good story but can we please have some perspective and actually wait?

  5. The issue that most C-drama sequels have is that all the celebrities with strong backings will wriggle their way into the sequel after seeing the original’s success, and then they will ruin it with either bad acting or vie for screentime. Hope this drama will be otherwise.

  6. Didnt watch the first but its not easy to get a sequel and have main leads reprise their roles. ZRY is a solod actor for me, LQ not so mich for me. Probably will watch clips to decide if im drawn or not. So far May doesnt seem to hav much interesting things airing. Im wrap up with Kdramas, there’s 2 airing dramas that seem to hook me more thn current C offerings.

  7. This is one of 3 dramas that I watched religiously – with my mom! (The others were Rise of Phoenixes & Royal Nirvana). She normally gets bored easily with TV dramas, she also often falls asleep in movie theaters lol, she’s more into news & documentaries. But Joy of Life were really engaging for both of us that we discussed about the characters & plots. Can’t wait for S-2!

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