K-netizens Think Namgoong Min is Overdue for Baeksang Drama Best Actor in His 4th Nomination in 8 Years

I said it earlier and agree with netizens that this is as best a chance as any for widely acclaimed actor Namgoong Min to finally get his Baeksang Arts Award Best Actor trophy to take home. This year’s nomination for My Dearest is his 4th nom in 8 years after Remember, Good Manager (Chief Kim), and Hot Stove League. It was Hot Stove League that everyone felt he should have won, that year he lost to Kang Ha Neul for When the Camellia Blooms, and I felt Kang Ha Neul won that one on how popular the drama was and he would easily have won for other better performances. Sometimes that is how things roll. This year Namgoong Min up until the recent two months was the front runner but the last minute arrival of Kim Soo Hyun and delivering the mega hit in Queen of Tears, not to mention both younger actors have to contend with veteran dark horse Ryu Seung Ryong in Moving as Baeksang loves rewards seasoned stars as well. It’s a three way between them but I still think Namgoong Min is going to win Best Actor, Ryu Seung Ryong deserves it as well but Moving was more of an ensemble piece at the end of the day, and Kim Soo Hyun will either take Daesang or just the Popularity Award. I will be SOOOO happy for Namgoong Min to stop being the Susan Lucci of the Baeksangs haha.


K-netizens Think Namgoong Min is Overdue for Baeksang Drama Best Actor in His 4th Nomination in 8 Years — 40 Comments

  1. While I’m ok with the prospect of KSH winning, can he just be a dear and let NGM with this one? He already won his years ago let my man win this one T_T.

  2. Man this is a tough one because all 3 of these nominees (NGM, RSR, KSH) were some of my favorite performances and I’d understand any of them winning this but I have a feeling KSH might be up for daesang instead since he already won the actor award before.
    And while RSR was excellent in Moving, I can’t help but root for NGM to FINALLY get that Baeksang trophy… Its been years and its about time he gets his flowers!

  3. Not a popular opinion but I really don’t feel his performance in My Dearest is that spectacular to win an award. In fact, I never understand the drama’s hype.

    My mom really likes Namgoong Min but even she commented he was being over dramatic in his performance, what’s with how slow-mo he opened his mouth to utter words or the slow-mo batting of eyelids or turning his head. Arghhh…that drama frustrates me to no end that I refused to watch the second part.

    I am all for Ryu Seung Ryong taking the award. Unlikely KSH will win but he will definitely nab the Most Popular Actor award.

    • Samee… NGM tends to be OTT sometimes and my dearest is not really his best performance to date… He is better with comedic roles but he is way too intense and off putting in melo roles i feel… And I think many wont relate to this comment but he does not have very good diction… I am not a native speaker myself but I can understand well… But for NGM dramas, I use subtitles because he mumbles a lot or swallows his own words… I dont know how to explain better…

      • Btw, i also think RSR would win best actor. daesang i dont know since the candidate for it is too vast and wide range.

      • I love NGM and disagree about him being over the top but I have to nod about the diction issue. This is a very common issue knetz always bring up. Basically Korean subtitles only show up at reruns so during Lover broadcast some comments said they prefer watching rerun due to difficulty in catching words. It is a bigger issue in sageuk too because its both tone and diction.

    • Omg I thot I was the only one about My Dearest. I don’t get the hype over that drama or NGM’s acting in that either!
      It’s about time RSR won,he has amazing range. He was so evil in Kingdom and so funny in Extreme Job. I hope he gets it.

  4. Kim Soo Hyun is too good in Queen of Tears to just get popularity award. He’s going to get either BA or Daesang.

  5. KSH for daesang always makes me laugh. I am willing to bet anything that he won’t even be in contender list for daesang.

    Even for best actor, it’s going to be between Siwan and NGM. Surprised at no mention of Siwan bec he really was splendid in boyhood. The only thing KSH is winning is the popularity award

  6. I don’t remember the last time an actor won Daesang in Baeksangs. Probably Hyun Bin for Secret Garden eons ago. In general Daesang doesnt really go to only actors but this year I feel it has to. Packed lineup to be sure, but KSH imo should be getting Daesang. Best actor is a toss between ISW and NGM imo. If it’s not an actor getting Daesang, my pick is obvious for best actor. We’ll soon see!

      • She well deserved it. Cannot speak of the same thing about KSH though even his acting in QoT is solid.

        Moving deserves Daesang among all the nominees.

      • Yep I know. I meant actor – male (not actress). In the past 10 years only JJH, KHJ and PEB won Daesang. It’s a mix of dramas, writers, entertainment etc. so it’s not a given it will be an actor this year is what I’m saying. But if there was a year when they should pick an actor Daesang, it would be this year no doubt.

    • I think actors who wind up winning the Daesang are the ones who either delivered a performance so strong it eclipsed all of their peers, they created an iconic character in a hit drama that took the nation by storm, and/or veteran actors who made a long awaited return playing a role that got the most buzz that year in a drama that became a monster hit. I think this year it might go to a drama, a PD, or a screenwriter. I wouldn’t be surprised if it went to either Moving, the director of Moving, or My Dearest.

  7. I know KSH already has a Baeksang, but I feel it would be way too tragic for him to not win for his performance in QoT. It was way too raw and brilliant and I think he’ll be up for daesang too. Im Siwan has been nominated few times too so I will stick with him this time.

  8. I still cannot believe Kang Ha Neul won best actor against Hyun Bin, Nam Goong Min and Park Seo Joon. This is the one single time Baeksang got it wrong. Serious WTF decision which I saw live tweeted and thought was a prank someone was pulling. He was the weakest actor in that group of nominees with an acting performance that was best described as so-so. He should not even have been nominated in the first place over Jo Jung Suk in Hospital Playlist. So weird even if I think of it today.

    Whats done is done but Hot Stove League was still Nam Goong Min’s best performance. My Dearest was too over the top and slightly overacted. My favourites would be either Ryu Seung Ryung or Kim Soo Hyun. Does anyone know who the knetz think will win?

    • I also like him best in Hot Stove League, after I marathoned Doctor Prisoner, Chief Kim, etc.

      Hope he wins an award.

    • I did not watch the nominated dramas of HB and NGM (that I will check and watch at some points). But if KHN was competing against PSJ (for Itaewon Class) alone, I personally think that Baeksang award was so unjustified. HKN overacted A LOT all over the top in WtCB. His acting of a country bumpkin is overkill. LOL.

      My favorite for the nomination this year is either NGM or RSR based upon acting alone since I dislike almost everything of My Dearest except for NGM but love everything about Moving including all the cast. Both actors were pretty impressive.

    • 💯 on KHN. And I don’t even agree that it’s due to popularity of the drama. That’s BS. He was up against Hyun Bin as you mentioned. The difference in the popularity of CLOY vs Camellia is not even worth discussing. Even the ratings are similar except one is in cable and the other in terrestrial.

    • There was a post on TheQoo just yesterday with around 250 responses to this same question. Here is the link:

      Most knetz said KSH or RSR from what I gather. NGM was mentioned as well.

      Ps I agree about KHN… actually he is well regarded in Korea so there wasnt too much controversy but also to me really makes no sense to win. This was the year JJH also was candidate for Hyena so I dont know what the judges were thinking seriously.

  9. He deserved it many times but still didn’t get it cuz he is not as popular as the other actors, I don’t think he will win this year too

  10. Tbh Baeksang has never been predictable so for all we know, YYS will win this year 😂

    We’ll see. I feel like anyone winning is fair game but I’m picking KSH and NGM for Daesang and best actor respectively. They could both come out with nothing but the popularity award amongst them and it wouldn’t exactly shock me either lol.

  11. I loved Lover so much as a drama and the leads were amazing really. I hope both KSH and NGM wins but that does not include popularity. Popularity is from fans and KSH deserves an acting award from Baeksang seriously.

  12. It’s really pity that QOT didn’t receive more nominations. Otherwise, I would’ve rooted for Kim Ji Won as Best actress or Daesang and for Park Sung Hoon as Best supporting actor.
    But, since they didn’t get nominations, I rooting only for Kim Soo Hyun or Yim Si Wan. I don’t think any other actor could’ve played in Boyhood the way Yim Si Wan did, and Kim Soo Hyun nailed his scenes in QOT. That scene with the car is enough to earn this award.
    But even if I rooting for them, I don’t think any of them will win Best actor award.

    My predictions:
    Namgoon Min as Best actor
    Ra Mi Ran as Best actress
    Moving as Best drama
    Good Bad Mother as Best screenplay
    Revenant or Worst of evil as Best director

  13. Anyone nominated deserves to win. It just depends on the panel and their pick but they all are valid candidates. I am cheering KSH on, but I am okay if he cannot win this year since it’s tough pool of talented actors. He should be so proud to be nominated while only 6 episodes were judged. Everyone had a full drama aired so to me that is enough validation of how amazing his acting was in his drama.

  14. I really hope NGM wins at least Best Actor. I remember him being shut out of winning an award for Doctor Prisoner at the KBS Drama Awards in 2019 most likely because he had to appear at the SBS Drama Awards which were held the same day to promote Hot Stove League. It was really sweet to see SBS award him the Daesang for that drama the following year. The cherry on top was him winning another Daesang the next year with MBC’s The Veil and another Daesang just last year for MBC’s My Dearest. He’s been acting since 2001 and has put in some amazing performances as both a supporting actor and lead actor for years. Him winning at least Best Actor at the Baeksang Arts Awards is long overdue.

    It was a seriously competitive year. Actors who delivered really strong performances didn’t make the cut. It should be interesting to see who winds up winning the Daesang as well. Last year Park Eun Bin won and she was up against her drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo, The Glory, the screenwriter of The Glory Kim Eun Sook, and Lee Sung Min for his role in Reborn Rich. I was so happy she received the honor. It should be interesting if we get to see who the contenders are and who winds up winning.

  15. I’m reaping one benefit from comment threads again. Now will add NGM’s recent dramas on my plate. More than one mentioned Hot Stove League. I feel as if hitting a jackpot. LOL. I’m gonna check this one out after finishing Beyond Evil since NGM and one of my faves, PEB, led the drama. 2024 dramas have been boring to me so far. But I found quite a few old lottery prizes from fans’ recommendations. Lucky me! LOL.

    • @Somebody: Hot Stove League is excellent! I can’t recommend it enough. NGM is amazing in the lead but the whole cast is just pitch perfect. I avoided it for a while because I don’t care about baseball but this drama is so much more than that.

      Beyond Evil is a great drama too but much darker than HSL.

      • Stove league is a really good drama , and for a feel good vibe Chief Kim was fun . Beyond evil great too, another interesting drama “Save me ” and Through the darkness , also liked Mouse with Lee Seung gi it was addictive even if the plot ( a serial killer) has flows , i enjoyed it !

      • @Sunny and cahill, Gosh! I have to jot down the names of all these goodies. Memory is getting deteriorating after 30 yrs old for average person. LOL. Thanks for all the interesting recommendations. These may fill up my entertainment slots off time till the year end already. LOL. 2024 dramas won’t matter much!

  16. Does anyone know when winners were picked? The timing will surely be key here. Everyone mentioning KSH and yes yes he was worthy throughout but no question his best scenes came in episode 14, so if they picked before that he is at a disadvantage. Simultaneously, QOT became the biggest tvN drama in history last week, so again, if they picked the drama daesang winner before this past sunday, again it is a disadvantage. Timing is the key point I imagine.

  17. Since some years now that i don’t feel concerned about awards but how didn’t he get one yet . He is a solid actor with some great roles as in Chief Kim, Stove league, just to name a few ones . Miss Koala named Susan Lucci ( only older people as me knows who she is !) i’d say that great actors as Johnny Depp never got an Oscar, and Leo DiCaprio has to wait so many years before getting one ! So maybe he would have to wait too !What matters is to have a successful and long career !

    • Neither of theses great actors who were nominated but never won Viggo Mortensen, Glenn Close, Samuel L Jackson, Ralph Fiennes….

    • Ikr! I’ve already noted his charisma, versatility, and acting talent since he still did a lot of supporting roles. He’s got everything to be a huge star. Need more award recognition than overrated ones. LOL.

      Some popular actors had breakout hits very early and have been almost always taking protagonist roles. That’s not necessarily good for their acting development cos they don’t know how to play evil or dark characters. But NGM, his role as a psychopathic killer in A Girl Who Sees Smells was extremely impressive to me. I have rooted for him since then. I’m happy now seeing him promoted to ML with so many good dramas under his belt after all these years.

      • His most memorable role to me will always be his villain role in Remember: War of the Son. He gave a SPINE-CHILLING performance in that drama. I found him so scary in that role that I had to watch his rom-com Beautiful Gong Shim afterwards to get rid of the image of scary Namgoong Min from my mind lmao

      • Exactly, his spine-chilling acting in villainous roles was so powerful that I always looked forward to him as MLs someday cos his flower boy face was so pleasant to swoon over too and why not? LOL.

        Remember is one example that prompted me what I wanted to say in my prior comment. No doubt, NGM’s current achievement has way surpassed Remember’s ML’s resume.

        I hope either he or RSR will win Best Actor since either one deserves it and Moving gets Daesang.

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