
Zhao Lu Si and He Yu in Talks for Workplace Romance Modern C-drama Perfect Lobbyist — 26 Comments

  1. That red dress looks awful…. When was this photo taken? Must be years ago? Zhao Lusi have sharper features now..

    • Did she have 3 bowls of ramen the night before shooting this photo? LOL. Her face looked puffier than usual. It did look like a teen pic with all the baby fat still on the face. Look at her thin thighs though! LOL

      I’ll check out this drama. I got a pleasant surprise with Li Xian’s and Zhou Yu Tong’s drama. Good for C drama! There’s still hope. LOL.

      • I always wondered if ramen really gives one puffy face… My face is naturally angular thus…noodles or not…they still dont look chiselled. 🤣🤣

      • I think it is more related to the Photoshopping which did not “shave” her face into a sharp V-shape. Publicized images nowadays can be very misleading. C-dramas are mostly filtered. Really need to see the real person to be sure.

      • I think this is what her face actually looks when her photos aren’t heavily photoshopped lol! Everyone just got used to her photoshopped pics…I’m sure this photo is still edited but not as much as her usual.

      • I think she naturally has a bit of a plump face. It’s a good thing as it means she looks youthful:)

      • @sunny yup i don’t know what is people’s issue with plump faces? plump faces are cute and youthful. i hope she doesn’t end up getting an unnecessary buccal fat removal because of people’s comments

  2. Oh. My. Ghosh. Adorable with adorable?!! I am in! Just don’t make He Yu a cold CEO or some such. PLEASE. *prays*

  3. I don’t know the actor but he is handsome in this picture. It will be good to see ZL in a different type of role.

  4. Fake News

    OP, please post more reliable melons. There are melon masters on c-platforms who are almost always correct with their insider info. And there are a lot who just makes up things. Please learn to discern.

  5. He Yu as Furong in The Legend of Shen Li was fantastic! His comedic timing is excellent and his witty repartee was priceless. If he pairs with Lu Si in a modern romcom, it can only be gold provided the script is halfway decent, which I’m really hoping it would be. ZLS elevates all her scripts with warm, believable and endearing performances. I can’t wait to see them together in a romcom. Really hoping this news is true.

  6. I dont know him but he looks so good visually. I find him utterly handsome and now it is tempting me to go look up some of his work. I watch C dramas sparingly but I can be lured by the shallow

  7. IDK. Last Immortal was horrible. Loved He Yu in The Legend of Shenli. But he was a supporting role in that series, which I think suits him. After Love Like A Galaxy, Zhao Lusi’s star power is going downhill for me. But I’m old – Gen X. Millennials are the most active demographic on social media – her age range, which accounts for her popularity.

    • I’m older than you and I love Lu Si’s works except for the drama titled Gen X. 😂 I also enjoyed TLI very much and have rewatched it almost as many times as LLTG. So I don’t think it’s demographics. She appeals to some and not to others.

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