
Shin Hye Sun, Lee Jin Wook, and Kang Hoon Confirmed for Healing Mental Illness K-drama To My Harry — 31 Comments

  1. Eew, Shs is really unlucky when it comes to partners, she worked with a disgusting man in my golden life too. She was a perfect sl in my loftbs, I wonder why PJE didnt think of casting her in qot when iu declined. She wouldve made a perfect match with ksh, acting wise. Anyway, shs deserves better male leads! Jcw was probably her best male lead in a long time, too bad it was more of a family drama rather than romance.

      • Shs would’ve been better. I’m lamenting the fact that shs is always paired with ML’s not on her level (expect jcw) and is in meh dramas she deserves to be in a big production.

      • @Doe
        You can’t know for sure if Shs would’ve been better or not. The fact that directors choose Kjw, and Kim Hee Won said, that Kjw was her first choice. Kjw acting was incredible in Qot, even Ksh praised her many times and said many good words about her acting skills, which didn’t sound like fanservice. And it’s hard not to notice that you mention Kjw everywhere, even if the topic isn’t about her or about QOT.
        It’s my first time seeing someone, who bothered by Kjw, so I’m even a little bit interested in.
        And what do you mean about ML not SHS level? Ahn Bo Hyun is a good actor too.

      • This person seems really pressed by KJW’s success, so salty they can’t help bringing her up in places that have no connection to her, lol! Guess it sucks to be Doe! Imagine SHS in QOT, she wouldn’t fit the role at all, lol. Hating on his costars won’t make your female favorites more successful, so try harder next time, ‘Doe’.

      • @Layan
        I agree with you in the 1st half but not in the 2nd. I don’t think Sarah would’ve been better or worse, because it would’ve been different Hong Haein. Even if the script the same, they’d shown Hong Hae in in a different way, with different vibe. The same goes for IU, although people compared her and Kim Ji Won, I feel like there’s no need, because actresses wouldn’t play character in the same way.
        And yet, I think Kim Ji Won was perfect in her role, and there’s no need to think about who could replace her.

    • I love SHS and also think she’s a great actress but KJW was amazing in the role. I don’t think it’s fair for you to say SHS would definitely been better. They’re both great actresses of a very high caliber.

      I have to agree with you she hasn’t had any A list actors in her recent dramas, but most of them can at least act. Lee Jinwook’s ability to emote is about the same as a piece of wood. This is really unfortunate casting news. I always check out her dramas even if I end up dropping it, but definitely pass on this one.

    • lmao u do realise how KSH and Kim Ji won chemistry, acting and visual hard carry queen of tears right ? the reason why people stay till they broke 24% is because of the leads. If u look at the korean sites most of them hate the script but LOVE the leads visual and acting. are u sure ur fave can produce the same impact ?

      • @neney
        I don’t think that most of the audience hate the script. Some lasts episodes were lame, but before this on social media viewers actively discussed the characters and built theories.
        The drama began to be criticized for the last episodes and because of the ending (although for me it is one of the best endings I’ve ever seen). And for me, some people just like to whine and complain, especially about such popular dramas, and someone joined this hate train out of a need to whine. But if you go to movie sites, the QOT has high ratings everywhere.
        Moreover, in some episodes, Hyunwoo and Haein’s relationship was given about 20 minutes for an hour and a half of the entire episode, but the audience somehow watched the series from beginning to end.
        The drama has a lot of bright characters (it’s rare when viewers remember characters other than main leads), impressive cinematography, and strong scenes that were undoubtedly played first-class by the actors, but the screenwriter and directors laid the foundation.
        The way the relationships and characters developed, how Hyunwoo was criticized in the first episodes, and in the last audience began to call him the green forest, their touching love story – there is a part of Pje in all of this.
        I also think that the acting of Kim Ji won, Kim Soo hyun and the rest of the actors brought drama to the top, but QOT wouldn’t have become so popular just because of good acting and character chemistry. The plot, based on divorce, illness and revenge, played a role in this.
        If you look at the list of the most popular dramas on cable channels, none of them turned out to be there only because of the acting and chemistry of the main leads. There was something else that caught on to the audience.
        And even on Koala blog, before the 15th episode, most of the reviews were enthusiastic, and after the 16th, harsh criticism began.
        It’s unclear to me why such a hate train began on the Queen of Tears from knetz, twitter and other soc media, after the lasts episodes, and everyone started talking how bad script and that actors carried the show, when most of the drama most of the audience were satisfied with the QOT.

    • it was given to KJW because she is the director’s first choice. IU is PJE first choice but kim ji won is director Kim Hee Won first choice and no offence to SHS but visually kim ji won is definitely more suitable as hong haein

      • Actually no. KJW was offered the role because IU turned down the role. This is a literal fact and there are hoards of articles to prove this.

        This is PJE’s drama first and foremost. She approached KSH and IU in March of 2022 with PD Lee Eunbok at helm. KSH agreed, IU declined and due to the changes in schedule and the search for a lead actress, the PD was also replaced. This is a writer led drama so the only “first choice” in this drama is Kim Soohyun and that is completely fine because KJW and the PDs did extremely well. But there is no need to distort reality or claim something that is not. Its like saying a PD’s first choice in a KES drama has any relevance. PJE and KES chooses their own cast and teams, not the other way around.

  2. Oh man, SHS always gets paired up with actors I either actively dislike, or straight up cannot tolerate. Basically, I am not touching this with a 10ft pole. To me Lee Jin Wook has got to be one of the most bland and uncharismatic actors in Korea. Super unfortunate as she herself is the exact opposite. Sigh.

  3. For the love of all that is holy, why of all people does it need to be LJW? Why does this guy still have a job when actors like Kim ji Seok does not? He has neither the star power, nor the acting ability, nor the looks, or even the popularity. BH Ent is really the only reason he is getting roles in high profile work.

  4. Damn I didn’t know people hate lee jinwook that much. I’ve never seen his work so I have no opinion

    • It’s not that he is a bad actor, he is in the field since 2 decades , he was friends with Kim Ji Suk and Lee Dong Wook back then as they did MS at the same time , but he was involved in a sexual assault scandal if i remember well, and as Shin Hye Sun worked in the past with Park Shi Hoo , her fans aren’t happy . It’s understable as they wish for her to work with talented or popular actors . She worked with Ji Chang Wook and Ahn Bo Hyun but the dramas weren’t that great and there wasn’t chemistry .

      • Not true because I am pretty sure most here think he is a terrible actor. I dont know how his friendships have anything to do with his lack of abilities after like you said, being in the industry for 2 decades. You’re right that SHS keeps getting paired with actors who she has no chemistry with but as much as I love her, that is partially on her too as chemistry is not a one way street.

        Either way, my issue with LJW is controversies aside, he is as stiff as a sculpture, as bland as a blank paper and as charismatic as chalk on that blank paper.

    • @Butterfly , i was just giving a few facts about him for the ones who don’t Know him . I Never said that he was a great actor but he isn’t bad either ! But i respect your point of view as there are actors who are working since years that still bad in acting. I named Kim ji suk and Lee Dong Wook because they are about the same generation and are better actors . That’s all, no offence !

  5. Not sure proven or not in his scandals. LJW jus has the ick factor. As an actor too I find him bland. Its a pass for me. Too bad. I love SHS.

  6. Lmfao, QOT/KSH is as related to this blog post as cheese is to bricks. How does one even find a start point connection to have a full out discussion?? 😅😂🤣

    This is insanity.

    • For real lmao. That Doe is the saltiest mf ever lmao. She’s mad that KJW is thriving while her queen Seo Ye Ji is… uh… No comment 😂

      Watch her deny that she’s a KJW hater all the while also implying in all her comments that KJW is a bad actress (she said in one comment in the other post that KSH hasn’t had a good leading lady in years, therefore strongly implying that KJW is not a good actress, which is just objectively wrong lol)

  7. @Doe, are you worried that Kim Soo Hyun is going to date Kim Ji Won ? Why is her name brought up all of a sudden? I am a fan of the QOT couple but in my opinion, I don’t think they will date in real life. Not because of the interaction in bts or interviews, it is mainly because the couples I ship never end up together lol.

    Now, let’s go back to talk about Shin Hye Sun. I do agree she needs to have better male leads. She is a good actress. Maybe she will still be able to make this drama shine even though her male costar may not be everyone’s favorite

  8. Urghhhhhh, can they make Kang Hoon the ML instead? I’ll probably still try this for SHS and the premise but his casting is such a turn off. She can do so much better! I have seen 2 shows with him in it and he was just bland and wooden in both. BH Ent must be pulling the strings for him, seeing how he’s somehow also inserted into the the cast of Squid Game 2. I’ll just hope he has as little screen time as possible.

  9. I have to be honest. Although SHS is a charismatic actress, none of her dramas is good enough for me to finish to the end. I also agree she didn’t seem to have strong chemistry with her costars. I wonder why.

  10. @somebody, agree her lastest dramas weren’t that good, she is a good actress but she isn’t lucky with her projects !

  11. How does this guy keep getting leading roles? I don’t see acting talent or a particularly handsome face. I would love to see Lee Soohyuk pair up with her.

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