The post Queen of Tears popularity rise for female lead Kim Ji Won is no joke and she experienced it in a wild way this week upon her return to South Korea from attending a brand event for Bulgari in Singapore. She was legit shocked when she walked out the airport door and saw the throngs of fans and media waiting for her. There really is a difference being a famous actress, which she was prior to QoT, and being a super popular actress which she clearly has reached that level. Her bodyguards needed to protect her from the cameras shoved in her face and the people surrounding and crowding her. Thankfully she was fine probably a bit rattled and still trying to digest her leveled up reality.
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I understand that a bump in popularity does lead to people getting obsessed enough to tail your airport arrivals but that fifth picture looks legitimately scary. She's going to need extra security for the next few months at least...
This video can help to understand situation:
This is not a fans or reporters, but a bunch of zombies without brain.
She needs more bodyguards.
Was it worse than other actors and actresses when they had popular dramas? Looks like the agency did not prepare enough security. Were they not expecting that chaos?
they werent expecting this ,she didn't get that many crowds when she left just a few reporters and then just days later she came back and saw this ,you can see how surprised she was
honey the crowd already big when she left the country. even the dispatch girl was fighting for their life getting push left and right by fans. u can watch it in youtube. I havent seen actress getting this kind of crowd usually it was idols
The crowd already was big and disrespectful towards her then she left country. Because of this KJW fans were mad at her agency: "You already saw that happened two days ago, why didn't you prepare more bodyguards when she returned in Korea".
Yes it was worse. Even more than idols. Actors/actresses usually don’t get this kind of frenzy in airport arrivals
I see. I guess the agency did not expect that much people. They issued a statement on IG about it.
@Sissy It’s most definitely not worse for someone coming off a huge hit lol. Her agency is just horribly inept that too after seeing what happened just 2 days ago when she left the country. There was a time when KSH had to take a chartered plane to China with over 800 bodyguards for him alone due to the expected airport welcome. His agency (back then anyway) handled that perfectly. Expecting his agency to be worse than hers this time but hoping they learn something here.
Anyway this is completely expected and they were completely unprepared. It’s poor poor management and they really need to do better for her and the fans both. I’m just glad she’s okay.
Omg, crazy times. I remember thinking they may have been partially worried he would get assassinated or something. The level of frenzy was plain ridiculous. Insanity x infinity 😂
Not to put down ksh popularity, but I don't think the crowd would be to this level for him.
Kjw has hit it real big with qot & is trending much more than him. He is also already well knows so the hype is lower than hers. His Mido event didn't get a lot of crowd either compared to hers
@bn not someone comparing a guarded, private sponsored official event with an airport arrival ijbol. you must not hv seen the photos that came out of that event. ksh who has been at this level for a decade was shocked at the number of reporters. love them both but if you are a kjw fan, you need to come to your senses if you truly believe she is more popular than ksh in sk… if you are not a fan and are doing this to invite hate… it wouldn’t be the first time someone did that….
bn - the infamous KSH hater - *not* trying to put down KSH? Shocking claim alert...🤣
Not to worry sweetheart, there isnt a living person who can truly "put down" KSH's popularity at the moment. And most definitely not someone talking out of their ass. We all know the truth anyway including you.
@bn - Since you are talking pointedly about Korea, let me ask. Where do you think KJW is ‘trending more than KSH’? Gallup? Good Data? Actor Brand rep? Comments on every single QoT Naver TV videos (regardless on who is in the scene)? # of HOT posts on TheQoo? tvN uploaded Korea exclusive BHW loop videos? Acting award nomination? DC? DaumCafe? Teenz?
… your imagination? ~Cue Disney fantastic music~
Relax guys, no need to be so defensive I am merely judging it from social media popularity. KJW goes more viral than ksh, has more likes and comments on her insta & her dispatch posts have more likes than not only ksh but other idols too. Her airport videos had 20k - viewers waiting to watch her live. Her cosmo mag pictorial got sold out.
We will see ksh next month but i definitely don't think it will be close to what kjw had. He is already a veteran there is not much excitement to see him
@bn - Oh everyone’s relaxed. Stating the truth is not called being ~defensive~ even if it no doubt feels like that to you with so many reality slaps simultaneously lol. Instead of the data-based measuring stick like Gallup, Brand Rep and Good Data, you’re comparing KSH and KJW’s popularity in Korea based on… let’s see now… insta likes and comments? Dispatch likes on insta? Viewers for her airport? And ofc you’re comparing her sold out magazine spread to KSH’s thats been invisibly collecting dust on shelves?
What you ~definitely~ think of their popularity comparison is irrelevant since it’s not actually what you ~think~: it’s what you ~want~. And if you feel like you can get ammunition based on his upcoming airport welcome then compare it to her incompetent af agency, then you’re really more delusional than what meets the eye. But… if it allows you to sleep better at night, I won’t take away that liberty. So you keep at it.
@Lily - KSH is an expert and can navigate just fine. He and his team have been handling craze 20 levels above this since he 2012. Also happy to hear KJW escaped unscathed and none of the fans got hurt.
@Bn - get out of lala land. Its not safe there!
and you know what!!? there will be no one care for Kim Hye Yoon if she arrive at that airport..there is a difference between a drama that is really2 popular among fans.,and a drama that been barking around by kids on socmed..Queen of Tears popularity hardly slowing down..while LR fans keep barking to promote a drama but a rating continously flopping and never ever touch 5% ,,Lol..
What is wrong you?! As a QOT fan, your comment is so embarrassing. You are shitting on KHY unprovoked. By doing this, if you think you’re proving something and bolstering KJW and QOT, you’re dead wrong. Get rid of the insecurity, it’s pathetic and so unneeded when QOT was such a huge success.
There is enough audience for two ladies to be popular at the same time and KHY does not deserve this when all she’s doing is her damn job. And doing it damn well.
Diffuse, stop it. I’m a fan of KJW and there is no need to bring KHY into it unprovoked. She’s a talented actress. If you’re a fan of KJW, you’re setting her up. There’s room to appreciate both.
@Dudu - you’re the type of insufferable, obsessed fan that makes me end up hating the celeb you love.
~You ARE the kid on social media barking around~
Time for mom to take away your device now.
what is wrong with you?? I'm a longtime fan of Kim Jiwon and have the years-old comments on koala's old posts about her to prove it, fans were loving that we finally get to celebrate her being as popular as she is now........ but this influx of commenters on here posing as KJW fans to put down her costars or other actresses breaking out rn is NOT it.
I mean, do you even understand the idea that two things can be popular at the same time?? Knock it off already.
Why do you care so much abour their ratings and popularity?
I was Kjw fan then her dramas were called "flop" by haters like you, and looking how newbie fans like you do the same thing for other actress and other drama is really irritating and pathetic.
QOT and LR probably were filmed for different audiences. They have nothing in common and zero point comparing them or their popularity.
Next KJW works can have small ratings or can be not popular, and it doesn't make her bad actress, the same for KHY.
So don't act like you're KJW fan then all you do is embarrassing her fandom.
@Olesya1 I don't think @Dudu is actually a KJW fan at all, just a troll since she's also talking shit about Kim Soohyun's next costar for wanting to work with him.
@MerryJames did u watch the departure video ? the crowd already big when she departed lol and her company is quite dumb for not expecting a bigger crowd after what happened during her departure
Everyone here, go to @koreadispatch Instagram page and you will see how popular she is based on number of likes and comments. Stop trying to make her popularity less than it is. There is no need for fan wars or hate here, no need to bring other people up specifically too to bring her up or down.
If her departure was any indication, her agency should have expected a bigger crowd for her arrival back into KR. Departure/arrival times into the airports make a huge difference into the size of crowds that can show up to the airport. Was it a public holiday that day? Since it doesn't seem like there was many journalist/media present (compared to her departure). Part of the crowd issue might be, many saw how kind and nice KJW is, accepting everything that was being given to her and decided to go and see her. Of course, doesn't make it right for this type of behavior. She's a tiny gal who is a notorious introvert so to be thrown into this type of situation must have been horrifying for her. I'm just super grateful that she wasn't seriously injured.
She's always been popular, but this is whole new level of popularity. She's the IT girl right now; entering her idol era. It's amazing to see how much love she's getting right now, but both sides needs to do/be better: fans can't behave like this; the worst part was the way they just kept shoving stuff in her face, squeezing her like that; Agency needs to give more security, 2 guys against that seas of fans? Come on ... And I'm sure her manager was present at some point helping, and luckily there was a fancam of a fan who actually helped escort KJW from the back, holding off some of the crowd.
At the end of day, luckily no one was injured, but that's not always the case. So let's do better people
Oh wow the crowd was huge! My enochlophobia could never lol. I feel conflicted about this because I've always thought she's quite underhyped and I'm happy she's now getting the attention and hype that she deserves. But at the same time, I'm sure she gained quite a lot of insane “fans” as well, which is unfortunate but goes with the territory.
On a positive note, wow she's really beautiful, she looks like a doll! And she has this elegant and expensive aura even when she's wearing such a simple outfit. Hope she plays a queen role in a historical drama next. She looked great in Mr. Sunshine. Well, whatever it is, I'm looking forward to what she does next!
Some k-drama fans strangely love comparing actors popularity and dramas popularity to each other. What's the point? To count who is more popular, which drama is more popular, how many likes and views some actress have on social media comparing to other, how often some actor was on top in GoodData or TheQoo or whatever it was, which drama has more ratings, more discussions in internet, and a lot a lot more these things.
Do you really not realize how pathetic all this souhd? Why brag about other's people popularity and comparing who is more popular one, which drama is more popular, like it has something to do with you? The only things that matter is if they good actors/actresses and if their dramas good and interesting. Popularity has a meaning if it helps for actors to choose good projects, not for some fanwars between some pathetic fans, who can't brag about their own lifes.
Please, if you one of these fans, stop using your favs. They worked hard not for you to push down others artists by their popularity and to use it in ridiculous fanwars.
I've been a longtime fan of Korean dramas and it's sadly been this way since then. A lot of people on here (not referring to you, btw) act like it's a new thing, that there's a “KPopification” of KDramas happening these days. But like I said, it's been this way since more than a decade ago when I first got into Korean dramas. I remember the intense fanwars between BinKyo fans (Song Hye Kyo/Hyun Bin shippers) and Ha Ji Won/Hyun Bin fans during Secret Garden era, Lee Da Hae fans vs. Yoon Eun Hye fans, Kim Tae Hee fans vs. Song Hye Kyo fans, Park Shin Hye fans vs. Suzy fans, Kim Soo Hyun fans vs. Lee Min Ho fans, etc. And people back in early 2010s were even pitting two literal teenagers (Kim So Hyun and Kim Yoo Jung) against each other, which was just unbelievably toxic and I couldn't believe that it was grown-ass adults who were doing that. So yes, it's been that way since forever, unfortunately.
But yes, you're totally right, people should just be focusing on their faves instead of obsessing over actors and actresses they don't even like lol. That weirdo behavior is just completely alien to me and I will never understand it. I mean, literally why spend so much energy bashing actors you hate instead of pouring that energy on supporting your faves instead? Just wild to me lmao. I feel like some of these people aren't even fans, they just live vicariously through their “faves” so they need validation that their faves are popular and all that. Because if they're truly fans, they wouldn't care if their faves are popular or not, they will just support them and their works. For me, it's nice to know that my fave is popular, but it's just a bonus. As long as she remains her talented self and is happy with what she's doing, that's all that matters to me as a fan
Omg I didn't know things were like this even back then. I watched dramas in my own little bubble, decided to join to k-drama fandoms not so long ago, and was surprised how often fans argue with each other and talk about their fav's success like it's their own.
The amazing thing that all of the actors you mentioned have a good reputation in industry. They didn't fight with each other or anything like that, so they didn't give any reason to this fanwars. The same for KSH, KJW, KHY, and many others. So there's no a single need to compare them, since all of them good respectful actors and received recognition from industry.
The same for me, I only care if my favs can continue acting and if their dramas interesting for me or not.
Not to compare two or more successful actors or dramas to calculate who is more popular, lol.
Omg I didn't know things were like this even back then. I watched dramas in my own little bubble, decided to join to k-drama fandoms not so long ago, and was surprised how often fans argue with each other and talk about their fav's success like it's their own.
The amusing thing that all of the actors you mentioned have a good reputation in industry. They didn't fight with each other or anything like that, so they didn't give any reason to this fanwars. The same for KSH, KJW, KHY, and many others. So there's no a single need to compare them, since all of them good respectful actors and received recognition from industry.
The same for me, I only care if my favs can continue acting, and if their dramas interesting for me or not. Not to compare two or more successful actors or dramas to calculate who is more popular, lol.
OMG! just saw the video Oleysya1 posted and it looks like madness. KJW looks so genuinely surprised. She has always been very private and lowkey so this sudden level of attention must be a big shock for her.
She is beautiful and has that rare sophisticated and luxurious feel. She also speaks good English so she is a great choice as a global ambassador. I wonder if will get a Bvlgari ambasadorship?