TW & C dramas

Wu Jin Yan and Wang Xing Yue Bring The Double Thrumming Chemistry to Modern Photoshoot

If you asked me at the beginning of 2024, I certainly would not have put “loving a Yu Zheng produced C-drama” on my drama bingo. And yet here we are and I am so addicted to The Double it’s not even funny, and it doesn’t have have romance yet through episode 25! More than halfway done and the OTP hasn’t even had a conversation that isn’t laced in double entendres but they make up for it with so much eye-sexing and mutually aware understanding. Leads Wu Jin Yan and Wang Xing Yue show what good acting can create in terms of chemistry by first playing their own characters to perfection and letting the audience see that these two would totally fall for each other in a slow burn way. If you haven’t checked out The Double yet get on that wagon now because live watching this baby hurts so good and I have on good accounts that the comeuppance coming for all the baddies (stepmom, princess, murdery ex-husband, greedy minister) will be so satisfying.


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  • Wasn't there already a post similar to this one?

    I've been hooked on The Double but they only released one episode today. I got an idea of what's going to happen by watching the trailer for episode 27 and 28, but who knows, The Double has had certain interesting plot twists.

    • nah. just say you like the way the actor looks and that's it. why lie about a low budget drama. which is not even good as the legend of shenli or the longest promise. use your brain!

      • the longest promise and legend of shenli were both boring af despite higher budget and better looking leads (xz and zly). a good script/story beats big budget or looks any day. just look at 2024's biggest flop, fox spirit matchmaker.

      • @anon I actually like Wang Xing Yue's visuals more because I'm getting tired of delicate features in men, no hate intented. Just commenting my preferences right now.

      • The Double far exceeds the Longest Slog as far as entertainment value, and yes, eye candy. Haven't seen Legend of Shen Li yet, but your endorsement only moves it further down the list.

  • the truth is that an attractive face makes people lose their brain cells because there are idiots here who want this young man to be an IT star but they don't say it because they think he deserves it but because they are thinking with their genit*ls. lin geng xin and liu yu ning acted better than wang xing yue but there was not the same enthusiasm for them. you can all go f*ck yourselves.

    • This truth is that you need to get some fresh air. You’ve gone so off the rails, it’s no longer visible.

    • If you can't point out what's wrong with Wang Xing Yue's acting in The Double, why mention the two actors if you don't have an argument in the first place? We know his acting is not terribly stunning, but he IS carrying himself nicely. He has shown charisma and a good presence even though he does not share the same screen time as Wu Ji Yan because it is a female-centric type of drama.

    • Did you just compare young, handsome and sexy Wang Xing Yue with 2 old uncles?

      Lin Geng Xin needs to fix his eyebrows and greasiness whilst Liu Yu Ning needs to fix his whole freakin face especially his small eyes!

      Actors are meant to be eyecandy. Are you so butthurt by pretty people coz you yourself is ugly hence you enjoy rooting for fellow ugly people?

      • "Small eyes" in an stupid insult considering they are his etnic features... Many east-asians here receive hate because of their eyes alone :(

    • @SCHI What do you eat to become a toxic troll? You have been baiting in multiple posts now. Go to the beach or go on a hike. You need to touch grass. Have a good weekend!

    • Koala needs to post MORE Wang Xing Yue articles and pics, so we can watch this SCHI's head explode.

    • I said in a prior post that I hoped WXY would be next IT actor in C-ent. @SCHI, obviously you got triggered. LOL. You don't need to be so rude and go extra miles to sell the other two boring commodities. Ppl follow whoever appeal to them, let alone LGX and LYN aren't even consistently good actors. LOL.

    • LOL. You are typical of an uneducated and illiterate Chinese country bumpkin. I've come across many Chinese halfwits on internet. But your vulgarity and idiocy are all on a different level, @SCHI. LMAO.

    • @Somebody How cute but I'm not Chinese. I just like to make fun of low level Asians like you. Only a moron would think of saying that Wang Xing Yue deserves to be an IT star. L O L. Women like you who only think with their p*ssy don't deserve respect or the slightest right.

      @Leslie Did you ask that question yourself since you are the one who is losing your mind over this actor? Lololol.

      @🌸 He is just an attractive face. And you think he's talented just because of that. You are obviously thinking of him in a different way lmao. Do you dream of riding him or something?

      Sh*t-for-brains, all of you. It's funny how you guys get desperate for one more idiot on the ent.

    • @SCHI Does your life suck so much that you get your kicks by being a raging racist and sexist? I should be amused by how pathetic that is, but somehow more concerned that there may still be a human that needs help here. Please get help.

    • Everyone, you all should stop feeding the troll. What does it eat to become so toxic? The attention it's getting right now. It writes these ridiculous comments to bait us. Just ignore it, and hopefully it goes on it's way or it'll at least be ticked off that no one is talking to it.

    • And who kicked your grandma today to make you vomit so bitterly? LOL. These actors are well paid and doing fine. You don't have to whack yourself this hard.

    • @SCHI, there are way worse animals than pathetic Chinese trolls online. You're definitely in that kind of zoo! LOL. I won't squander time getting myself stink in the cesspool a pig has created. Have fun rolling in the mud yourself. LOL. So long!

  • I'm waiting with high hopes to binge watch later, so I hope koala won't spoil the ending or highlights in the title of her future posts.

    I love seeing these two interact in recent interviews and bts clips, so funny and cute together and age difference nowhere to be seen!

  • I understand that this is a low-budget production, but aren't there any professionals in the make-up team? In some scenes Wang Xing Yue's face looks pale in contrast to his neck, also his eyebrows are overdone in the first episodes. He has naturally thick eyebrows, why apply products there? Bad makeup has been bothering me lately not only here.

    • It seems to be a habit of his team not knowing how to play with his features.

  • He is an unexpected underdog, I didn't think he was going to be impressive. But I'm glad that he began to take his acting profession seriously and not just living off his looks - there are already enough models reading scripts. If he stays consistent, he will definitely become an IT star. I also like the fact that he dubs himself, it was interesting to watch the video and listen to his ideas.

    • I read that he said he wanted to improve to make the supporters who have been there for him from the beginning proud. I'll try to find the translation, but I think it was on a Tumblr blog. I honestly didn't take his words seriously because there are actors who promised to improve and I still don't see results. LOL.

  • I see I'm not the only one who went from saying he was a weak actor to saying I'm pleased with his acting here. I even find him even more attractive because of his charisma. It would be great to see more cases like his.

    • Nope! I'm another one saying the same thing. I was so not interested in him before until the Double that has opened my eyes to see his acting talent. LOL

      • The Double didn't open your eyes nor mine. It's just than he wasn't good before. He didn't even use his intense gaze to his advantage 😂. But as others mentioned, I love underdogs cases especially among liuliangs.

  • I just watched the 1st episode and I loved it. Great story telling and I love the horror movie vibe. Very entertaining. I love the close ups and the rapid editing of the fight scenes. This director is very inspired by Wong Kar Wai and Tsui Hark!
    The leading lady is great and I liked all the other actors. I am loving the pace and the mood. It’s so nice to be addicted to a C-drama after a long time.

  • These are lovely black and white pics. I've watched some livestream snippets and BtS videos, and they have great chemistry and look like they had a lot of fun. I'm enjoying their show and am happy for both actors. Hope them much success in the future.

  • Really enjoying this drama! Totally agree with Koala about playing their own characters to perfection. I never wondered why they were attracted to eachother, it just made sense to me! Wu Jingyan is perfect here. She is one of the few actresses that convincingly pulls off an intelligent female lead!

  • He has sharp features and looks intense. She looks like her usual self, bored. Her acting is one note even in photoshoots.

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