
The Clown Car of Talent and Stars Keeps Increasing for K-drama Knock Off as Kim Moo Yeol Joins the Cast — 26 Comments

  1. generally ksh dramas always get people hyped although its pretty unusual for a non-romance drama to get this much buzz pre- filming. with that cast however it’s no surprise.

    the last article had almost a deep dive which i had fun reading but lets be honest we practically know nothing about the drama minus who is part of the talent clown car lol.

  2. so interesting to see some heated debates already in the other post. none of them were fan wars although the speculations are rampant on the roles each of these actors/actresses are playing. it shows how much interest the drama is already generating which is nice.
    i have no horse in the FL lead race and am up for everyone in the cast. dont care who gets the love line or the meatier role etcetera. but i love me some good bromance or showdown b/w ksh and kmy!

  3. Pingback:The Clown Car of Talent and Stars Keeps Increasing for K-drama Knock Off as Kim Moo Yeol Joins the Cast | Parlour News Korea

    • You realize right, that for it to be considered a “click bait”, KNG’s name needed to have been in the actual headline?

      Click bait literally means readers “click” an article due to false headlines. LOL.

      • Nope! Click bait means readers or viewers “click” an article or a video due to misleading information hinted in whatever highlights the message the content creator want to sell or deliver, including a title, a summary (which is this case), or a vid clip.

        Your misinterpretation of click bait is funny. Got that definition from a certain website by googling? LMAO.

      • Nope! But your definition definitely sounds like you plucked it from your fact twisting brain tho. The article mentions KNG – there is no ‘summary’. It is simply a headline(no KNG) and an article body (yes KNG).

        You seriously need to grow up. I hardly comment here but you are too obvious I really felt like it. Hurts your ego and heart that KSH’s next drama is getting all the hype and you despise his fans? You’re in for a loooong life of constant frustrations ahead of ya. LMAO.

        Ps I’m expecting a looooong essay sprinkled with tons of swearing involved as is your usual way of reacting to everyone who every says anything against you. Here’s my response in advance since I won’t be here for it: Glad to hear it or sorry it happened.

      • My Gosh! Your mental gym is seriously wild out of control. I did not even have KSH in my mind when clicking the article. It’s obvious that boldfaced “Kim Nam Gil” was among all the wording standing out in the message body by just quickly browsing the article without even reading it. Are you blind not seeing it? He’s one of my fave K actors. Why not? Butthurt cos I didn’t even mention KSH? LOL. You rabid fans have been resentful and can’t move on since I loudly criticized QoT and his comedic acting in other posts a long while ago. Therefore, even I did not mention KSH, your adrenaline still ran high to initiate exchange of words. LOL. The obsession of rabid fans with me is beyond my comprehension. Stalked me just to instigate fan wars out of nothing? LOL. Good for you to not reply again since I had wasted my time even responding to you. You aren’t worth it. LOL

      • I was among the first few visitors reading and commenting soon after Koala posted this blog. The boldfaced “Kim Nam Jil” was right there on her homepage without even clicking the title to read the entire article. How was this even a trigger to your hate towards me? Seriously! You should check your psyche! LOL. I enjoy K dramas more than C dramas. But KSH rabid fans have left a pretty foul taste in my mouth. Continue to hate on and attack those who don’t praise him to the galaxy!!!! That won’t change my reviews about his past works and acting. LOL.

      • @Somebody It seems @Terrius was looking for an opportunity to try to lash out at you. She quickly became aggressive and paranoid. It has been fun reading your comments.

  4. When put together in a collage like that, it looks like a high profile movie cast. What’s Knock Off’s budget bcz this is an insane line up.

  5. This cast is stacked! The plot sounds so fun! The only downside is that it’s on Disney+ Korea where promising dramas go to die but fingers crossed this can be as good as and pull off a “Moving” and become a break out hit.

    • I’m like that with all KSH drama’s since the man barely works, I was excited for qot for 2 yrs. But the the fact that he accepted this drama when qot was airing speaks volumes, the script must be that good. Plus atleast it’s not a Netflix drama, the wait would’ve been till 2026.

  6. The drama that just keeps giving lol. I feel silly being super excited for something we won’t be getting till prob mid-late 2025…

    • Knock off is likely an OTT exclusive so that should not be a major concern. Plus KES is especially incompetent at incorporating PPL in her dramas. It all depends on the writer. QOT also had truck loads of PPL and it was never jarring or out of context the way Eternal Monarch, Goblin or King the Land were.

  7. Genre dramas are not my preferred type but hooboy the hype for this one is infectious lol. It better be worth all the excitement because rn there’s a truck load of expectations riding it.

  8. Some dramas are just naturally (?) hyped while others we hear almost nothing about despite big names leading it. For ex no clue whats happening or who else stars in Kang Dongwon’s comeback drama other than JJH and OJS. They have been taping for months now and I don’t even know what it’s about lollllz

    On the other hand this drama literally just held its script reading a day ago but feels like we’ve been hearing about it for a long time now. I am aware of the KSH angle obviously but still. For a drama that doesn’t resolve around an OTP there’s so much organic interest being built for Knock Off.

  9. Cant be more excited if I tried. I trust Kim Soo Hyun’s script picking abilities more completely but I’m even more convinced with this line up. D+ cant be stupid enough as to not try and promote this appropriately when the time comes. At least thats the hope lol.

  10. Wow so it was ChangGi from Outlaw 4! Before that, I did not know KMY. His screen presence is amazing and so smexy like the article says. I’m so happy here’s here!!

    Knock off is at the very top of my most anticipated dramas next year! And it’s not only due to the insanely gifted and charismatic cast. I am so pumped to know how they handle the topic itself. Already had lots of fun reading the discussions. I’d hazard a guess there will be some overseas shoot in one of the fashion cities ala Paris or Milan depending on what luxury brand they’ll be PPL-ing.

    • Ooohh I think so too. Location shoot in Europe would be approps. Milan gets my vote. Or they go China route with all the secret fake factories…

    • Need to know the budget for this series with all these casts and I doubt ksh will be paid less than 200 million krw per episode.

    • This new casting screams bromance. I love WDH and his chemistry with male costars is always better than female costars lol. Super excited to see him and KSH on screen together!

      If star-studded could be described in a title, Knock off would be it.

  11. KSH is second to none in his ability to pick good drama scripts. The drama looks like it is already one of the most highest anticipated drama of next year.

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