
Go Hyun Jung and Jang Dong Yoon Cast in SBS Police Thriller K-drama Mantis — 12 Comments

  1. Pingback:Go Hyun Jung and Jang Dong Yoon Cast in SBS Police Thriller K-drama Mantis | Parlour News Korea

  2. JDY’s project choices have been poor after Mr Sunshine and Nokdu but this is finally promising. I’m unfamiliar with the PD but I heard great things about 12:12.

  3. Good for JDY for taking on different roles as of lately. I can see GHJ playing a serial killer. She was scary in that drama with Shin Hyun Bin from a couple of years back, forgot the name of it.

  4. I like being surprised by random castings like this, and better yet, both are good actors and the plot sounds really interesting! Will definitely watch out for this!

  5. I watched the french version, GHJ’s character was played by Carole Bouquet well known in France ,It’s the story of a woman serial killer who is confined since 25 years , she agrees with helping the police with one condition ,to deal with his estranged son who is a detective .I’m not a fan of french fictions and hope that koreans will do a good job . There are only a few that i like and are big hits in France “HPI” , Capitaine Marleau, Les invisibles, Astrid et Raphaelle , L’art du crime, Balthazar , Agatha Chritie’s little murders .

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