
Suga of BTS Embroiled in Drunk Driving Scandal as ARMY Fans at Odds with Usual Public Castigation

There was a big incident and scandal this past week in K-pop and involves a member of the biggest and most popular group BTS. Member Suga was revealed to have been booked by police for a drunk driving incident where he was spotted on an electrical scooter and fell over impaired. The electrical scooter was an electric moped/small motorcycle and not the Lime/Bird type scooter the US is familiar with. Initially it was reported more like a joking manner that Suga was drunk and fell over in a small electric standing scooter until it came out that it was a riding moped and also that his blood alcohol was a astonishingly high 0.227%. In the US anything over 0.08% is considered impaired driving, and also in comparison Kim Sae Ron was castigated to kingdom come for her drunk driving incident and her BAC was also a high 0.20%. Suga has written a public apology and his license is already revoked in the investigation, but the diehard ARMY fans continue to make excuses for him while the K-public acknowledges the seriousness of this transgression but does not appear to be pushing for cancellation the way other celebs have been cancelled over drunk driving.


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  • not an ARMY and agreed what this guy did was bad. he's lucky he didn't hurt anyone. honestly, damage from an electric scooter/moped is probably nowhere near as significant as a car. don't think comparing him to Kim Saeron is completely fair when she banged into multiple lamp post, an electric transformer, and took out the electricity for 50+ cafes nearby. if she had laid low, i'm sure people would give her a second chance after some time. instead she tried to get public sympathy, posted a picture of herself pretending to work at a cafe then got outted by the cafe owner for not working there. girl dug her own grave.

  • An electric scooter is nowhere near comparable to a car DUI. Its bad regardless. BTS has pretty good image. I don't think this will cost him his career. He is on hiatus for public service anyway. As long as he does pay the fines and/or serves his punishment for recklessness, he will probably be allowed to come back fine. At worst, I see him extending his comeback to performing back to end of 2025.

  • The two cases can't really be compared, but that doesn't mean that what he did wasn't dangerous and shouldn't be taken seriously. He could have potentially hurt other people, but luckily only hurt himself.

    The double standard of the reactions is frankly disgusting.

  • Anyway lot of idols has been excused for dui so I know this will be the case. But his fandom is hilarious trying to make this like it’s nothing. Just let him lie low, it probably won’t dent his popularity

    Ah this reminds me of 2021, an idol was reported with tagline drunk driving but it turns out he was chasing drunk driver and helping the police tail him for over an hour. That was a rare news coming from idol

  • He is always bragging on drinking. Guess this will teach him to be more careful hopefully. But some older celebrities have done far worse and still carrying their careers and yes they are mostly male.

    • Yeah most dui is actually done by male celebrities somehow, I think the comparison was 9:1?
      It’s strange considering both male and female celebrities in korea equally enjoy alcohol

  • I read a news somedays ago, a grandpa got hit by an electric scooter and died. The damage is probably not as bigger as cars or others but still, it can kill someone or himself. He's lucky that he only fell.

    Im pretty much sure he'll stay in BTS. BTS is too big for this 'little' scandal. Hope he learns to take taxi if he drinks. Or drink at home!
    And his fans... i just cant. They even made a suga challenge, oh... God. Only God knows. Suga challenge with 0.2%, speechless.

  • He will be fine. His fandom would not abandon him even after he killed or raped someone.
    KPOP's idols have done these crimes and they still have support and love from their fans.
    Thanks to this whole mess, I found out with loads of evidence to back up that this guy and the members of his group are terribly disgusting people. The fandoms adore them.
    All I see on X are his fans, his group's fans supporting and defending the guy.
    All of them want and fight for members of any other group to be canceled and career destroyed in the same situation.
    KPOP's fandom wars are the nastiest stuff ever and the people inside these fandoms as Devil's spawn directly from hell.

  • One mistake and hundreds of his good deeds/chartable/donation means nothing?

    Could of but didn't. Nothing beyond that and the law took care of his punishment. We can keep judging him and talk about his fans making excuse or to make lighter of his case or we can move on and know that people make mistake and that to completely keep talking so that this good human being is continuously being punished is a devil in the making of ourselves and the world we live in. The fact is, we too, want our families/friends/idols to be forgiven if they are in the same situation. Teach those that made the mistake but still be kind to them because someday, it could be you(us).

    TO KSR as well, this girl knows nothing of a life of normalcy. Her mistake did not cause causality, but to what I believed to have been compensated already for damages. Yet, to the world that only she knows, now has completely kicked her out. She is now starting from stretch. Her unusual online actions are likely the state of her coping. She may longer have anyone to lean on or afford therapy. We don't know. Let's us not bullied people into suicidal.

    Suga too have talked about his mental issues in the past. When they are gone, they are gone, and you all will continue to live your life and continue to target other celebrities and start another cycle of keep abusing those that have paid their dues. I will not be a part of this. I only hope that they dont repeat and that they surround their selves w/ good people.

    • I kind of get what your sentiment is.. It made me think how there has been countless 'scandals' in the past all over the world in the entertainment industry but the level of moral high ground East Asian societies have over their public figures is truly unsettling to the point of disheartening. Lee Sunkyun will not be the last to be pushed to the brink. I can only SMH and not be so unforgiving irl and in my personal relationships. =/

    • You are so right. The bullying is horrendous. He made a mistake which he is obviously very aware of and does not need to be ripped apart. No one here is qualified to give judgement of what needs to happen to him or not. That is why there are law enforcers. They will decide what is fair or not fair Also, it is not only celebrities or idols that get arrested for drunk driving. It happens everyday, every hour, every minute of the day and night to regular people as well. Research the data before you crush someone with gossip and evil wishes. He is a good person and it is his first offense which he will regret on his own without anyone help for the rest of his life. Let him be as I’m sure he has learned a huge lesson. Hopefully he looks for help and in the process helps others with the same issues with drinking problems.

      • Hypocrite.
        Armys always do everything to destroy the career of any other idol outside BTS.
        IF any other idol did the same as your precious idol, you would want to destroy his career.

    • I can only laugh.
      You talk about wanting people to be kind and gentle to Suga Just because he is your idol.
      But you would want to fight, bully, torment and all things to other idols in the same situation as him.
      Any other idol would receive only hate from Armys under the same situation.

  • Vile behaviour. With that blood alcohol level he must have been hammered. What's wrong with these wealthy celebrities that they prefer to endanger others rather than just get a driver or call a taxi?

    Those electric scooters are bloody dangerous. They travel so fast and are so quiet that often you don't even know they are coming> There are such inadequate restrictions about who can ride them so you have all kinds of idiots using them. They have caused so many serous injuries and even deaths.

    • If he was that drunk do you honestly think he could call a driver or taxi himself? In some places, the establishment that was serving him the alcohol is also responsible and should not had let him leave in that state because obviously he could not make good decisions with that much alcohol in his blood. Instead of condemning a person you loved so much before this incident, you should be hoping he gets help. He as well as all other idols and celebrities are always under so much pressure from crazy fans like many here. They are not Barbie dolls you can keep in your shelves. They are human beings making a living from a talent they have and they should never be pressured the way crazy delusional fans do. What they do for a living is a job and they should be able to go home and have families and relationships not pressured and criticized because they do. That is what causes things like this. Mind your own business and if you like their music, listen to it and if you don’t like it move on. Don’t pressure them to be single and never marry because you are delusional that they belong to you. If they have a loved one to go home to or a family they wouldn’t feel all this anxiety and pressure placed by crazy fans.

      • Stop shielding your drunk driving criminal idol and his bad decisions. Immoral stans like you who constantly make excuses for the vile, selfish behaviour of these kinds of people are the worst. He's a grown man who made a choice to drive drunk. Millions of people worldwide get drunk and manage to make the decision NOT to drive drunk but your idol who has a thousand times more options or resources than most chooses to drive drunk and it's not his fault according to you because being a millionaire idol is soooo hard. Hilarious how in your post you are blaming the bar, blaming the fans, blaming his job, blaming anything but the perpetrator himself. No doubt if he had injured or killed someone you would be finding ways to blame the victim too.

      • Nabi: you're making excuses for bad behavior. He made that decision to drive drunk. No one is to be blamed except him.

        You would sing a different tune if someone like him runs into your family members drunk. I've seen people devastated by drunk drivers. Don't bend your moral and excuse bad behaviors just because he's a celebrity

      • If he thought he was sober enough to operate a moving vehicle, then he's sober enough to call a cab or designated driver. He made a mistake, he acknowledged it, and apologized for it. You don't need to make excuses for him. He'll be fine. This incident will be forgiven and he will still be in BTS. I think fans trying to place blame on others or making excuses for this behavior is just fueling the negative sentiment and perpetuating this topic.

  • Double standards much? I wish folks would stop downplaying his decision to operate a motorized vehicle while sodden drunk. I like Suga though I’m not a fan of BTS and have never listened to their music. I’ve seen him on talk shows and liked his personality. Still, giving him a pass while coming down hard on others who have committed similar offenses, reeks of hypocrisy in the extreme.

    Two things: the guy needs to get some help for his drinking if he drinks to the point where he commits this type of offense. It just might be the first time getting caught, not necessarily the first time it has occurred.

    And secondly, S. Korea needs to stop glamorizing and glorifying drinking as a whole. It’s a rare drama shown where people don’t sit down to drink heavily and show obnoxious drunken scenes. Thankfully, their society as a whole is getting better at recognizing the inherent dangers of alcohol in the more recent years, but more steps need to be taken. Ironically, it’s the same society that castigate folks smoking pot, but hail those who are sodden drunk. Smh.

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