Love Next Door with Jung Hae In and Jung So Min Heads to Finale Weekend with Happier Viewers After the OTP Get Together

I haven’t written about tvN weekend drama Love Next Door the last few weeks because I did check out from full watching after the narratively frustrating first half of the drama, and the inconsistent chemistry of leads Jung Hae In and Jung So Min, which to date I can’t figure out if it’s their natural chemistry issue or their acting or the way their characters are written to interact. I love them so individually so much so it remains such a sadness that I don’t LOVE love this drama and their pairing. At least the frustrating story is behind viewers as the last three episodes the leads have admitted their feelings, kissed, slept together, gone on cute dates, and ventured towards engaged status. Now that the good stuff has arrived it’s worth watching for their scenes alone but TBH it doesn’t overcome the overall problems with this drama, just band aids the gaps. But it’s enough to keep the loyal viewers happy and this weekend’s finale will probably deliver a happy ending that will park this drama in the worth watching category.


Love Next Door with Jung Hae In and Jung So Min Heads to Finale Weekend with Happier Viewers After the OTP Get Together — 39 Comments

  1. I had a great time with this drama. Especially with a rewatch of the earlier episodes. The characters had a lot of unpacking to do and a lot vulnerability so it was nice seeing everything unfold.

      • I hope you enjoy. It’s not perfect, but I don’t understand people’s frustration with it. There’s a lot of context in the second part of the drama, which is why I rewatched it to fully experience the emotions that might have been going on. The things we least expect can make the biggest difference and the characters never intend to hurt each other, but it happens. It’s not a melodrama where there’s this claustrophobic feeling and pressure, but there’s some heartache and some healing, which makes the ending more sweet.

  2. This comment is just in case because I suspect there will be people that say the leads Jung Somin and Jung Haein don’t have chemistry please watch the behind the scenes and their promotional videos before coming to the ultimate conclusion because these two have crazy chemistry behind the scenes. Start with their Elle magazine interview. It’s subbed in English so there’s no excuses. Now for the drama itself, honestly this was one of my most anticipated dramas of the year and I haven’t been this frustrated about a drama before. Because objectively speaking this drama has good points but it’s covered in piles of crap. Like the FL character is a perfect representation of the eldest Asian daughter and the drama has a real refreshing take on past relationships but honestly beyond that there’s not much to rave about. This drama is only watchable because of its cast. And I think it’s because of the lackluster writing and directing that the insane chemistry that Jung Somin and Jung Haein don’t come through at times. Honestly this drama fails at almost every technical category it seems like the only person in production that was doing their job really well I might add is the casting director. So I definitely don’t recommend watching the drama itself but I do recommend watching the behind the scenes and the promotional interviews because honestly mature fans will agree that most of our enjoyment comes from that anyway. You can tell from the behind the scenes stuff that the cast had an absolute blast filming the drama. I’ve seen fans of Jung Haein that have followed him for years say that they’ve never seen him smile or laugh so much before.

    • You sound like a shipper haha, same playbook as many other ships before you. And it feels like you’re overcompensating, like who cares offscreen if theyre so bland onscreen they could be dating offscreen but again who cares. It’s all this excess promo, and even sudden dating rumours gimmick yet the show is flopping compared to welcome to samdalri and marry my husband which had zero promo.

      • And you sound bitter lol. I’m just saying like the comment above me. Even though the show might not meet expectations it’s a joy watching the behind the scenes stuff and I’m just trying to explain why the show is so big on Twitter and other social media despite not being that well written. And honestly what’s wrong with being a shipper? I think it’s perfectly fine to ship on the internet as long as you don’t take it out of the internet into a real life context. Like don’t go to their fan meetings and scream about that stuff. But if people want to ship in their own Twitter pages Instagram pages and whatnot I think it’s perfectly fine as long as they don’t tag the actors. Let people have fun. Obviously if they end up being with other people that’s totally great and fans should still be supportive. And obviously support the two actors when they move on to different projects and are paired with different co-stars.

      • @Keke
        Agree with you, the drama itself feels so underwhelming. Their story isn’t as interesting as I expected, compared to the second couple. Nothing really made me root for them to be together

    • It’s refreshing to see costars that truly enjoying filming with each other. Even haein singing ost and missing out on veteran promo speaks volumes. The no chemistry comments stems from certain jealous fans of two popular tvn shows. Tvn had their promo starved so out of bitterness they seem to be taking it out on love next door, it’s sad really.

  3. Pingback: Love Next Door with Jung Hae In and Jung So Min Heads to Finale Weekend with Happier Viewers After the OTP Get Together | Parlour News Korea

  4. I’m sad and utterly frustrated with this drama that I don’t want to comment anymore. Agree with you 100% and more. I can’t even get myself to continue watching after I checked out, not even after seeing some sweet scenes. I started as a fan of JSM to not being a fan now. It was that bad for me.

    • You’re not her fan, don’t pretend you were. Jung So Min has Strange Father, The smile has left your eyes, Because this is my first life, Alchemy of souls, and others dramas with good acting and chemistry on her side not for you to pretend to be her fan with turn off because of one drama.

    • The term ‘fan’ is subjective. I liked her, watched a few of her dramas, especially like Father is Strange, fangirl her, find her very pretty, watched her YT vlogs. Most of all, was so looking forward to this drama. I don’t have anything against the actress, but my sentiments stay. This is how I feel and my experience. But as I said, I don’t want to comment anymore. I have moved on to other dramas. I meant no drama here nor (fan)war with any ‘fans’ if I’m not considered one.

      • Then just say you hated the project not her. Like I can accept people hating the show but for people to suddenly drop her just for this one. It’s not as if she did anything morally indecent.
        I ain’t commenting after this also.

      • *By saying I don’t have anything against the actress means nothing against her personally/morally but I do have my take on her acting and performance, styling, chemistry, etc. hence the way I feel. Not just her but the drama/production itself and the cast. But then (to elaborate) I will just go into a critique and I rather not.

  5. This just proves how a pro So Min is. I like how Hae In didn’t feel awkward for someone he never acted with, it helped that she’s very open to skinship. Like if the scene needed them to kiss or hug, they would do it on the rehearsals and she wasn’t bothered by it.

    But if anything, watch this show for the behind the scenes, the chemistry was better there than the show. Sorry So Min, hope you’re hiatus won’t be that long again. (She always do back-to-back projects then do her own thing for about a year)

    • No Gain No Love suffers from an very unlikeable main lead (Not Shin Minah’s fault, she’s just written as a very self-centered, self-righteous person – the only exception being in the penultimate episode). That drama was saved by the second leads chemistry and relationship, which thankfully the producers/ writers focused on in the latter parts of the drama.

      • Agree with you that shin min ah carried that drama. But as a romcom it did feel more enjoyable than lnd even with the male lead stiff acting

  6. Koala seems shady with this show, yet her recent fav was a makjang mess, atleast have standards. Love next door is not without flaws but atieast it doesn’t have evil villians as a side plot,and overall seems still like a realistic and grounded show. Jungjung pairing always seems a once in a lifetime rare type of pairing that never comes often, I hope they reunite in a better show. But for now as others said the real treat is watching the sweetness in behind the seasons, they’re so affectionate that’s the lines between real and reel are blurred.

    • No one said anything about QOT, and yet people can’t left that drama in peace 5 months after it aired 🤦
      It’s funny to read about “have standards”, because you think your standards in drama should be the same standards for everyone. And if you don’t like plot of one drama and like plot of other, when others people need to think the same way and to have the same “standards” for dramas.

    • i actually am enjoying the show except the mother, but how is koala being shady? this is her opinion and it doesn’t always have to align with yours. people watch dramas for the drama itself, not for the sole purpose of watching behind the scenes.

    • sorry what standard are u talking about ?

      qot is still a better drama than lnd overall. your drama need a dating rumour to boost the rating and guess what ? it still cant touch qot second episode lol

  7. Love next door may not be what the audience was waiting for but i found it interesting . It’s not just about a love story between childhood friends , if one wants a sparkling love story ,it’s not the good drama to watch but if you want to watch a drama about the dynamics of families, friends , love, in South korea society …you may like it . It’s not the kind of drama that makes you wait for the next episode with excitement but more like a peaceful leisure activity of the week-end .

    • Sound like my marriage journey… now we are at eps 19..🤣🤣

      I watch only for the cast…their chemistry is just so adorable..

    • Btw, it is champignons seasons… I started foraging champignons in the wilds. Will be going Paris next week for a quick getaway. I can smell Boulangerie as I type…

  8. Currently watching this drama and You Are My Lover Friend, have to say that the later is more interesting. It’s more realistic and natural than LND.

    I either like nor dislike this show. I really like both actors and have no problem with their acting and chemistry but the story was boring. The ‘cancer’ and the exes were such a turn off. Havent watched last week episodes, cuz waiting for the ending. I can skip those episodes to the end.

    The current airing kdramas are pretty boring except for The Judge From Hell and Dear Hyeri.
    No Gain No Love is so so. Nothing special. Well, preference.

  9. Jung Jung couple look great together BUT the story is horribly written. No substance. Its really hard to watch. I hope they team up again with a better story.

  10. I guess for people who watch dramas all the time there may be a certain fatigue after watching extremely emotional dramas and you are expecting too many things instead of following the story. I don’t invest in dramas if the story involves time travel or supernatural elements or revenge or rich people problems anymore as it’s a bit tired concepts and not at all relatable. After Daily dose of Sunshine , this is the one drama that I really enjoyed watching and wanted to watch every weekend regardless of the sad parts. Although I don’t get some of Korean contexts but at normal life level I get it. Will be sad when this ends.

  11. I am such a big fan of the cast. Loved Jung so min since Bad Guys. Because this my first life is my all time fav. The same goes for Jung Hae In, Something on the rain is always on my rewatch button. He is so amazing in Tune in Love and One spring night. I was anticipating the drama like anything. It pains me to admit I drop the drama midway. I love them individually but together… I am not feeling it… I may catch up in the future.

  12. I really enjoyed the show it’s not the best rom com out there and there were parts that were a bit cringy to me but it is one of the shows I will rewatch while doing mundane household. I have to agee that bts were such a fun watch. They make such a good pairing but I think all the dating nonsense is for pure publicity purposes. I don’t believe he can actually skip publicity for his movie to promote a drama?

  13. I think this drama did very well in unpeeling all the hidden emotions and traumas that the characters have – each and every one of them, from the parents to the kids. It’s probably not what people expected – not so much a rom-com as advertised but a slice of life that gives equal attention to husband-wife relationship, neighbor/ long time friend relationship, parent-children relationship. Is it as exciting and engaging as QoT? Probably not. But I’d say it has more character depth and did a good job exploring them.

    • To be honest people are probably hating because the promo made it seem like lighthearted romcom, which means the majority watching it is romcom fans but they’re served full platter of trauma dumping. It would probably help if they advertise the makjang side like qot or the slice of life like liberation notes

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