
Hu Ge Reunites with Two Beloved by Audience Leading Ladies Ariel Lin and Liu Shi Shi in a Blast From the Past — 12 Comments

  1. Pingback:Hu Ge Reunites with Two Beloved by Audience Leading Ladies Ariel Lin and Liu Shi Shi in a Blast From the Past | Parlour News Korea

  2. Such a blast from the past!!!
    I think I first saw and loved both Hu Ge and Ariel Lin in The Little Fairy (which was probably 2005-2006). It feels like a lifetime away. I still remember the OST for that little drama by S.H.E.

    • Omgee, that was a top dream pair back then! They were always in a drama together but constantly not paired up and it doesn’t help that they were publicly together in some events due to being from the same company. Although, I hardly think about the chances of them ever being paired up for a drama, it would still be nice to see them pair up!

      • They were in the same agency for so long. I never understood why they didn’t get paired up as a otp. They have great chemistry with each other.

    • I think they were paired up twice but failed because Hu Ge somehow always wanted to play second lead to her lol. I never confirmed these rumors so not sure how true it is.

  3. What’s the word on Blossoms Shanghai? Is it ever going to receive global distribution? And is Nirvana in Fire 3 with Wu Lei just a myth at this point or is it really happening?

  4. Pingback:Hu Ge Reunites With Two Beloved By Audience Leading Ladies Ariel Lin And Liu Shi Shi In ... - Playground Find

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