Cheng Yi and Xu Lu Reportedly Cast for Big Budget Wuxia C-drama Chang An’s Twenty-Four Schemes But There May Be a Twist to Come

This C-drama has been talked about for months now as it’s a big name lead wuxia project that has a lot of top C-actors eying it. This month industry casting train said that it was going to be Cheng Yi (long rumored) and Xu Lu (newly mentioned) as the two leads for C-drama 长安二十四计 (Chang An Er Shi Si Ji or Chang An’s Twenty-four Schemes). But before I got a chance to post this a new twist arrived in a hot melon that Cheng Yi has now been dropped as the male lead as the investor behind the production has cast his own son as the lead. I’ll wait and see if this is true but if accounts are reporting on it where there is smoke there is fire.
I was just going to say I dont feel any CP feeling from reading these 2 names but Im glad to read the rest. I hope more of a suitable name will be beside her IF the melon is true! I really like her in costumes.