
When the Stars Gossip with Lee Min Ho and Gong Hyo Jin Drops to 1% Ratings Range in Episode 5 — 80 Comments

  1. I think you mean EP 5 not 3 LOL when you think 2% rating is the worst thing that WTSG can get but they prove you wrong with 1% ratings 😭😭

  2. When was the last time tvN’s weekender got as low as 1%? Its jaw dropping how low the ratings are… Also, as terrible and ridiculous as Arthdal was, I think it was still second to Bulgasal when it comes to most expensive flop in kdramas lol. BH influence aside, how LJW got to lead such a high budget drama is still a mystery to me.

    Anyways, I’m thisclose to being officially done with WTSG. The confession play out in ep 5 was so ridiculous and I’m not sure how to root for a cheating hero (or a nonsensical script). Even OJS is difficult to watch (!!!). Theres just no nuance or character development in any of these characters and my god the chemistry is atrocious. I can’t say I expected a lot from LMH – imo, he has only ever looked good with PMY. Even with JJH, it was so meh. But GHJ *always* has chemistry with *every ML*. It’s melting my brain that she has zero rapport with him 6 episodes in lol. I’m not looking for panty dropping intense chemistry lol but there isn’t even a little sparkle.

    • Lee Jin Wook wasn’t the first choice. I recall that it was offered to Won Bin. Perhaps it was greenlit and they couldn’t cancel once he backed out.

      • I don’t recall Won Bin being connected to Bulgasal anything.

        Forget the inconceivable level of downgrade, if it’s true, it’s absurd for any sane human to have assumed The Won Bin would break his decade long retirement for that script.

      • Today I learned. I also see now that Won Bin was offered the leading roles in The King 2 Hearts (huh?), That Winter, the Wind Blows (makes more sense given the star power of the writer), and Descendants of the Sun (what could have been?).

      • @Butterfly – word. If that Won Bin rumor is true, BH pulled some of the strongest strings in K-ent to get LJW as a replacement. Talk about getting junk food after hoping to dine at Victoria and Albert’s 😂

        @Dakchigo – All the other dramas you mentioned aren’t questionable to be offered to Won Bin. K2H had a strong script + HJW and more than that, it was released during the time when Won Bin hadn’t unofficially retired. In 2012, he had stopped working for just 1 year so he must’ve been getting most major scripts.

        DOTS was famously offered to practically every big named actor – JIS, HB, GY, KSH, YAI, JDG, KDW, and prob more that I can’t recall now. This is always talked about by kfans. Fun fact: KES almost gave up on DOTS. Then when SJK agreed, she had to change Kim ShiJin to Yoo ShiJin and made several major character edits. The character wasn’t supposed to have a cutesy side to him amongst other things. Personally, I still think Won Bin as ShiJin with SHK would’ve been the best option.

    • Melt Me, Pandora and Bulgasal are the only other TVn dramas I can remember having very low ratings but Stars might be beating them especially with that budget and star cast.

    • The last time ratings were this bad for TVN’s weekend slot was when Melting Me Softly consistently rated 1-2% in October and November 2019. Let’s see if WTSG breaks the 1.16% record low of MMS.

    • I really want to get to your comment about the chemistry, but I think I will wait until episode 16. LMH’s acting improved in the latest episode and the chemistry is kicking in. But again, let’s see to fully decide if they really have or not the chemistry.

    • Indeed , the confession in a sleeping bag was not the most glamorous…😂Probably the thousand drunken confession 🥴seen in kdrama …but innovation ! to a head without a body …😳for which purpose ? to make the confession fun ? Should we analyse the script, what kind of love is it ?
      how deep is this suddenly love? First, Ryong confesses his crush after knowing Eve since a few days without worrying about his partner on earth – those dramas who romanticised the cheating and then after let the partner be a jerk to justify the cheating is not my cup of tea- One day after, he declares she was a murderer and wishes not to have save her …Is it a fight to put tension? to show the virility of the male lead ? Ryong is furious regarding the destruction of the fertilising eggs using the language against women who have abortions. Sorry but I cannot agree with this easy and vitriolic anti-abortion moralising speech and moreover should he be honest his gynaecologist career and the wellness of his future depends of the success of fertilise the ovule of the cheabol. It is the red line for me, I cannot forgive someone giving this kind of speech . In this episode , Ryong let Eve becomes the villain.Ryong also doesn’t respect Eve as commander , scientist and woman. The most frustrating is that Eve doesn’t reply, doesn’t argument. They continue the show as nothing happened, has nothing irreducible had been said.

  3. It is competing with Melting Me Softly for lowest rating on TvN’s weekend time slot, it could go lower than 1%. Netflix ranking is also dismal, sitting at #25 even with new episode drop. Lee Min Ho’s SEA fans, why are you not watching??

    • Hmmmm. I just checked Netflix non-English shows’ global ranking. WTSG is ranking at 8th. Where did you see #25? From some blogs not the Netflix website?

      • The ranking is from Flix Patrol and based off a points system. WTSG’s daily rankings are pretty low so not surprising it is not on Netflix’s global ranking this week.

      • When the Phone Rings isn’t on the top 10 this week either. Given that how WTPR was ranked better than WTSG in the prior weeks, it’s not surprising WTSG doesn’t make it to the top list this week. But WTSG did rank #8 as of 1/20/2025 when I checked Netflix website then. I still can’t find where you got this #25. Flix Patrol isn’t Netflix website.

  4. At least its a GLOBAL FLOP according to LMH’s fangirl (can’t remember her handle/name) who got so mad that the last posting of WTSG got hijacked by another drama (which shall not be mentioned here). LOLS

    The plot of WTSG is absurd and LMH is basically just playing LMH as always. It was okay back then when he was still young and pretty good looking but now, his youth and looks has faded, he can’t bank in on that anymore. And for whatever reason, I find literally everyone performed badly in this drama. OJS and GHJ were both giving bad performances.

    All and all, it’s just a bad drama. Not only the rating is incredibly low but there’s literally no buzz at all.

    • LMH being LMH is expected, but GHJ also looked almost confused on how to portray her own character. Which is honestly understandable because all these characters are so erratic, as if the scenes are actually jumbled up. One moment you have the ML insulting and attacking the FL (and also being a blatant misogynist – a whole different issue), and the next they’re totally fine and he’s shooting heart eyes at her again. Forget the scientific and plot flaws, they’re failing to portray normal human behaviour. It’s ridiculous!

    • I have been discouraged from watching this despite liking Iron Family. Can you share how Kim Joo-hun, Lee El and Alex Hafner are doing?

    • Arthdal averaged 6.5% for season 1. Other than the flop status and the budget, there is nothing remotely comparable between the two ratings. LMH has not had a ratings hit since LOBS so that’s not what will affect him. The dismal overseas performance of this drama certainly will.

    • @ somebody 🤣🤣, you’re my living, breathing hero!! I mean you hit the nail in the head, it’s so unfortunate, however will they overcome this?

    • this is his second big budget drama in a row that’s flopping, Arthdal at least got 6-7 percent and not like.. 2 percent. And it’s not 2009 or even 2013 anymore, it’s now 8 years since he was the main in a successful drama

      Sad to see Gong Hyojin’s 2 decade streak of hit dramas end like this though

      • You’re right. I think everyone is so focused on LMH’s fangirls that we’re missing the bigger narrative – which is that GHJ always picks winners. She has literally never failed before so for her drama to do this terribly to the point of dropping to 1% in ratings with no positive reviews – it’s a far bigger headline than LMH failing again.

      • @Butterfly – exactly. Melo, romcom, slice of life, GHJ has had ratings winners+critical acclaim her entire career no matter who she was paired with, literally NEVER had a flop/badly reviewed drama in almost 25 years. There’s no other actor, male or female, who can boast a run like hers. Kim Soo Hyun maybe, but even there she’s got like a decade on him+more dramas.

        I can see how this drama appealed to her but as a fan, it sucks.

      • @Royal We

        Definitely. I think the choice itself makes sense if you look at the production team. She’s worked with both the writer and the PD previously in different projects and they did very well. LMH is iffy on the chemistry department but GHJ is not and she can hard carry a drama if the issue is only the acting. OJS is also a part of the cast and if I recall correctly, he signed up for this close after winning 2 back to back Baeksangs and working with her in Camellia Blooms. Everything looked good on paper.

        That being said, I feel like WTSG is the worse type of drama to have in your resume. It’s not the inoffensive, forgettable type, but the kind that people remember and talk/mock as *that drama* years later. For someone who has never faltered in her entire 2 decade career in kdramas (well over a decade on KSH you’re right and she’s also far more prolific than him), this whole thing just doubly sucks. Especially too because I can’t even say she’s acting circles around others. It’s like she is as confused as the viewers. It’s been 5 years since she’s done a drama so this is just really shocking and frustrating all round.

    • I understand how and why people are eager to see LMH flop big time. Whether LMH can act or not, he is still a big name among Hallyu. I don’t think his fanbase will easily dwindle as many commenters on this site pray and wish LMAO. Not his fan, but I recognize his unique charm on screen. Therefore, I don’t dismiss him that easily just based upon 1 or 2 unsuccessful projects.

      To be fair, LMH has found his unique niche in the industry, naysayers like it or not. For example, I can’t imagine any other actors replacing him in City Hunter and The King: Eternal Monarch. Those two are among very few dramas of LMH I watched. Like Tom Cruise in Hollywood, there are always ppl mocking popular actors’ acting. But LOL, Tom Cruise at age 62 is still regarded as the iconic symbol for Americans-feeling-good Top Gun series. His last Top Gun sequel still sold top box office and reaped huge profits globally. Some actors are expression and emoting experts, nonetheless unconvincing weaklings in the action and fantasy department LOL. LMH may be in the opposite league that has its own pool of consumers.

      So, I won’t jump to a quick verdict to announce his career dooming. WTSG may be a rating flop, but it’s too early for naysayers of LMH to get exhilarated and celebrate. LOL.

      • “he is still a big name among Hallyu” “Tom Cruise”

        Has-been status comes for everyone after a certain number of flops in a row. Especially huge budget flops.

        and Tom Cruise had the skills to play a disabled war veteran in his twenties and work with Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorcese, Paul Thomas Anderson and Steven Spielberg by the time he was LMH’s current age, he wasn’t some complacent pretty face coasting on one type of role and a ‘cool’ image, and comparing them is – frankly – insulting.

        (I don’t like Tom Cruise’s cult or him as a person, not a fan here but his real Korean equivalent is Lee Byung Hun, not your fave)

      • I beg to differ Tom Cruise is way above Lee Byung Hun . Tom Cruise was targeted as a blockbuster actor wich didn’t helped him to show all his sides despite working with Oliver Stone, Paul Thomas Anderson,…But the man even aced his guest appearance in Tropic Thunder . In western countries most of time when you became a popular actor you don’t get recognition of your peers . No awards, same for Johnny Depp ( even if he is typecasted ) Di Caprio has to wait 20 years before getting an Oscar . Lee Byung Hun doesn’t leave his comfort zone .

      • “Insulting” is too strong a word. What LMH is to Kdrama, Tom Cruise is to Hollywood. As an American Kdrama fan, I assure you that. LOL. That said, I wasn’t making comparison between Kdrama and Hollywood since these are two different animals, mountain cat to lion, looking for different preys for money LOL. Nonetheless, both LMH and Tom Cruise are both extremely popular without award recognitions in their own industries, subject to the same criticism they aren’t good actors but both are charismatic on screen and have strong appeal in action genres. They are similar from this perspective. Some Kdrama fans don’t like LMH while it’s true he’s got a huge fanbase for years. Same goes to Cruise. While naysayers huff and puff over their fame and popularity, these two guys continue to make money from high-profile projects, flop or not. LOL. That’s my main point.

      • Western industry used to separate movies actors from dramas actors, but since NETFLIX became a giant ,movies actors flipped their jacket and do dramas. I’m not complaining about it as i never understood their snobish side when korean actors did both . Only Tom Cruise is still refusing to work for them as he explained that since childhood he was fascinate by going to theaters . A movie for him is set to be played in theaters .This week we lost David Lynch ( still remember when i was young and the craze about who killed Laura Palmer ) and Bertrand Blier , great movies directors .

      • @cahill, aw RIP Director Lynch! I watched the DVD of David Lynch’s the Elephant Man with my dad at home. I remember pretty overwhelmed back then at a very young age and now still feel touched when thinking about this film. He was a great director. That movie is a classic full of compassion. I’ve watched good movies with my dad way more than myself. My dad has an excellent taste of artistry and introduced me to many great movies and Shakespeare theater. But we watched more British dramas/films than Hollywood productions. My dad is a fan of whatever British even he went to graduate school in the US LOL. My dad dismissed the latter as tacky LOL. I’ve never watched any Hollywood movies until my teenage son dragged me to Marvel franchise that bored me to the heck. My son is an American kid anyway LOL.

  5. In the own words of “baby boy’s” fangirl – WTSG is officially a global flop. Apparently, his fans doesn’t mind as long as the flop is in a global scale 😂

    But no, its unfortunate. I like a lot of the actors here so it’s sad to see the drama lose the few remaining viewers week after week. tvN should start pouring cash on the promotions of Potato Lab.

  6. Perhaps they should have made a movie out of this instead. perhaps the big budget sci fi theme would have benefitted from a 2 hour movie and K movies being K movies can push the scenes further and more skinship as any k movie does. But Lee Minho… no. The story… stale. The entire idea is awful unless they throw in some aliens, maybe… just maybe it could be watchable.

  7. Well I’m just here to say my baby boy looks devastatingly handsome. Ottoke!! Also Millie and Alexa you’re making me feel like a celebrity down here, I’ll take it😇

    • “OtToKe” Way to be a cringe Koreaboo lmfao. Also, yeah, at this point, LMH’s “looks” is the only thing his cringe fangirls can brag about, what with baby boy’s global flop and all lmaooo

      • At least you admitted he has the looks, not that your opinion on his looks matters in the grand scale of things.

    • Millie I’ll hold you to your words. I better be tagged whenever the term is used ever and given due accolades. I stand by it, when my baby boy’s drama is a hit, it’s a global hit, when it flops, it’s a global flop. Such a thing cannot faze the zenith, it’s simply one of those things. You win some, you lose some. And as long as the people who truly matters don’t lose, eg investors, might as well take a title along with the declining ratings. After koala even mentioned a crown in her article, we’ll take it

      • @Jennilee hilarious that you think “the people who truly matter, eg investors” are winning with a 1% drama 🤣 this is the level of delulu that keeps me coming back to this site. It’s genuinely the most fun I’ve had with a commenter here too. Love that you own your madness instead of swearing like a deranged fool. It’s a common tendency amongst certain people here 😂

        Let’s keep this going because you can count on me, girl! I’ll be around in each of Koala’s coverage of your baby boy. I’ll make sure you get credit each and every time we mention The Global Flop (‘The’ has a good ring to it to emphasize on the new crown you just got – let’s add it in!).

  8. So disappointed that a talented actor like OJS is wasting his time here. This is so unwatchable. I think it will go below 1%.

    LMH seems to have given up on any self management. He looks like a total ahjussi in this show and promotions.

  9. A flop in the career of stars as Lee Min Ho and Gong Hyo jin will not affect their status . I like Lee min ho in BOF but after i didn’t watch any of his others works so i can’t say much about his acting skills, as for GHJ i like many of her dramas but ,it’s my own opinion, after Jealousy incarnate, i think that her acting is about always the same . No need to mention that she always worked with good lead actors !

    • The thing with Lee Min Ho is his fame was only built on his looks (never found him attractive though) and Hallyu status. With both waning, it’ll be interesting where his career will take him in the coming years.

      • I second this.

        Tbh, I don’t find LMH handsome (the older he gets, he looks more and more similar to Kris Jenner) and though his acting range is limited, I am still fine watching him on screen.

        I was just dissing a fangirl who got so riled up over the last posting on WTSG and angered at others for calling it a failure by coining the term “GLOBAL FLOP”.

        A flop is a flop. That’s it.

    • @cahill – this is applicable to Gong Hyojin (this is her first unsuccessful drama since 2001, let that sink in, it’s not a typo) ie since she started doing dramas, and her only one with bad reviews. I hope they paid her enough to make this stinker worth it, as her fan I’m surprised it’s so bad because she always had a good eye for scripts and it’s let her down big time here.

      But in his case this is his second big budget and very high profile flop in a row and his last successful drama as lead was in 2017. He’s still a big name but it’s fair to say the industry might be, uh, noticing when both the domestic and international audiences aren’t biting.

    • @cahil, I rarely disagreed with you, but I do (no pun intended LOL) this time. I’ll just take it as your personal and very subjective opinion regarding GHJ. I see great differentiation in GHJ’s interpretations of the characters from Jealousy Incarnate to When the Camellia Blooms to WTSG. It’s funny how I don’t see any similarity or reprisal of characters in her acting across these three dramas while you see her always the same. LOL.

      For me as a fan, I appreciate her work in WTSG the most while disliking her character here the most at the same time. Compared with her characters in the prior two dramas, her personality as a space commander is very serious, level-headed, determined, and technically oriented (that I feel 100% relatable) but somehow obnoxious, self-absorbent, and bigoted, not very approachable at the same time. I can totally see her character’s strength as a scientist and a commander that I appreciate but also weakness in her personality that I disapprove of. That’s how well GHJ has performed to portray a flawed persona so far in WTSG. She is not the same GHJ in JI or WtCB. GHJ’s acting has been always nuanced. No exception in WTSG either.

      The only thing lacking in WTSG is the romance part. I did cringe at her interaction with LMH sometimes. Hopefully the chemistry will develop later on. But that’s not the only element this space drama is focused on. Certainly old school K rom com lovers are disappointed and I can see the majority of the active commenters visiting this blog are in this category per the comments I’ve read in the past. That’s fine. Nonetheless, there are other fans appreciating different styles of rom com and storytelling. Me for example, was completely turned off by old tropey QoT but have been getting a lot of fun watching WTSG lately . Not everyone enjoyed QoT even it was extremely popular. We just have different taste and preference.

      • @Somebody, of course it’s my opinion and i do respect your own opinion . It would be not funny if we were always on the same page . I used to like GHJ very much as i began to watch everything with her since 2004 , but lately i felt that she seems less passionate . But i do feel the same about some other actors too , or perhaps it’s just” Cahill’s cell’s” work !🤦‍♀️😉 , anyway i always read your comments .

      • Not a problem. You’re one of the commenters here that can appreciate nonconformity. Even you disagreed, you always responded with respect and are very level-headed. I appreciate that.

  10. I am at the kdrama stage of not watching airing dramas so I’m just soaking in the reviews. I knew when I heard the whole going into space thing that this would be a hard sell. That genre is hard to manage in k-dramas. I’ve liked both actors in other projects and am fond of LMH because Faith was my first k-drama, but this sounds like a dismal situation.

  11. So they spent all that money on this drama and didn’t make sure the script was impeccable before producing this? Scifi is already a hard sell but then to add Rom Com elements and weird subplots makes this drama a complete mess. I love Gong Hyo Jin but she should have been on hiatus a bit longer until a script worth her time became available.

    • To be fair GHJ has built her entire career playing candy female leads who are lovable but this is her first drama in this decade and since the Netflix boom which changed the audience for Kdramas forever. Candy female leads don’t work anymore and she also doesn’t fit the current beauty standards of SYJ and SHK or the younger ones like GYJ and HSH. She should have gone for a dark thriller drama instead but its something she has never done in a drama so it might have been too far from her comfort zone. Its the edgy, crazy, fashionable female leads that Kdrama stans like now days. Like the female leads in IOTNBO, QOT, Devil Judge, CLOY etc that people like the most.

      • Are you for real? Candy female? are we really watching the same drama? here in When the Stars Gossip, she portrayed a commander who is a serious woman and even called a killer. GHJ chose this drama in fact because she can be a commanding figure. Really, I have prepared my self to read good critics here in Koala’s playground, since it used to be a thoughtful discussion platform for kdrama lovers, but it just fulfilled now by FOMO and thoughtless ones. Not that you are all young and newbie, but just becoming judgmental and narrow-minded. Is real life too challenging now that most of us can no longer discuss, comment and criticize with brains?

      • @tamaso, you have such a wrong reading of GHJ’s acting resume. LOL Those FLs you mentioned to compare with GHJ all have different acting styles, just like GHJ who is unique and very recognizable on screen. You were comparing orange to apple. I’m totally lost in your argument since you couldn’t get down to the bottom line to make a right case. LOL.

  12. The drama is just a masterpiece!!! Every episode, my heart stops from worrying, the plot is great, thanks to the scriptwriters and director! All the actors are great!!! Lee Min Ho is just great!!!! Bravo!!! I’m waiting for the continuation))

    • I totally agree. I am really enjoying the show: the concept, the set, the banter, the comedic elements. I find the slightly off-color remarks hysterically funny and silly which is appropriate for a romcom. I also think the leads have a wonderful chemistry, starting out as cold and aloof, but gaining some interest. I find LMH’s goofiness a fun departure from some of his roles. I hope the international viewers from Netflix will support the show in the future.

  13. I stuck with this show just for GHJ and OJS, paying like 50% of my attention, and now I am fully regretting it. This show is beyond bad – it’s appalling. At the press conference for the show’s premiere, the PD mentioned the show was quite unconventional and would be discussing themes on life and death. By episode 6, I realised it’s actually a blatant pro-life propaganda piece disguising itself as a rom com. By now there is zero attempt to even hide this intention. Yikes.

    Along with that, there are at least 10 lines uttered by the ML or OJS that are problematic at best, and bordering on sexual harassment at worst. The FL, the commander on the receiving end of these insults, simply takes it most of the time. I have no words.

    There aren’t more people talking about this because no one’s even watching it. This is by far the WORST kdrama I have watched in many years. It’s unkind of me but I would love to see its ratings drop even further!

    • I’m not watching this drama currently due to personal reasons, really wish I could argue the merits of your observations. But on a general note, why should the drama go out of its way to hide that’ it is pro life? Is that something to hide. So it can be pro life/ rom com/ sci fi and every other thing? If it was pro choice, would they have hidden it, although it’s something to be utterly ashamed of! Also since there are at least 10 lines, I’d like you to name one please, humor me. Well at least two other persons above are watching it and loving it and not seeing what you’re seeing, so maybe ….. if you hate it so much please rest, the balance of the world does not depend on your continual watching of the said drama. When you noticed the first, then the second then the third problematic line that rendered you speechless ( since you have no words), why didn’t you drop the drama? At this point I’m begging you to drop it and save us all these tantrums! Rest Biko!

      • Please re-read my comment. I didn’t say that the drama needs to hide its pro-life messaging, and I didn’t even mention anything about my stance on it. But it is a fact that it’s a highly debatable (and even controversial) subject and it isn’t handling this with any nuance or sensitivity at all. It’s bound to be a turn off for some viewers, which is why I said “yikes”. Notice that I’m only being objective about the show here (You thinking that pro-choice is something to be ashamed of is none of my business.)

        Here are some of the lines that you asked for.
        1) ML is a OB-GYN and complains about how all his studying made him end up at a job where he “stares at women’s vaginas all day”. Followed by an odd and sexual statement about his adoptive parents.
        2) ML says that “all women are patients to him” because of his job, despite having a gf himself, and also hits on the FL at the same time.
        3) ML calls FL a murderer for simply carrying out her duties and throwing out a petri dish with some human cells, etc.

        And since you aren’t even watching this show, why do you seem to be assuming that my critiques are baseless? You also seem to be casually ignoring how other comments are also calling out the ridiculous plot. Also, I HAVE dropped this drama by now, and I’ve clearly stated that I stuck with it to this point for GHJ and OJS. Which is up to me, by the way. If my one comment about this show has bothered you this much, maybe consider that the Internet isn’t for you?

    • @FruitPunch, Hmmmm interesting! Pro-life message in the plot (if true) is the reason why you are disgusted.

      I’ll continue to watch the drama and see if your allegation is true. So far I can’t get the connection of a chaebol family wanting an heir to pro-life political agenda. LOL.

    • I haven’t thought about this sending a pro-life message, but I can kinda see it now. I wouldn’t go so far to say it’s a propaganda (yet), but it’s possibly going in that direction. Before, there was this “appreciate all forms of life” kinda theme (which I honestly found to be pretentious), but the whole thing with the morulas was questionable to say the least. I did note that the ML has said some misogynistic things since the first episode, and that has already been widely criticized on korean forums. This whole production is just scattered with problems.

    • You may be right about the pro-life propaganda. There is a concerted push-supported by the government-to encourage women to have babies as the birth rate in S. Korea is so low. You can see the push on Korean social media and many of their variety shows.

      I have seen so many lines and themes from this drama that have sexist and misogynistic undertones. Perhaps this writer needs to retire. This type of sexist and retrograde writing does not cut it anymore (yes, I know the writer is female but internalised misogyny exists) .

    • @fruitpunch

      I’m watching the drama and have not quite made that conclusion regarding pro-life but thinking about it, I sort of see why you’re thinking that way. I wouldn’t say it’s blatant as I personally did not make that connection but I can see it heading here eventually.

      My problem with the drama is the lack of nuance or depth amongst all the other issues obviously. GR is so hot and cold one moment harassing the FL, one moment declaring his love. OJS is also such a waste of talent and he’s actually difficult to watch in this role which is baffling to me. This PD was the same who directed him to a Baeksang award. It’s just a terrible script overall. And GHJ – someone mentioned here how she just seems confused on how to act her character out. I see that too. This is a bipolar drama that is both too slow and too fast paced.


      you need to save your tantrums and I won’t even beg you for it. The balance of the world does not depend on you defending your oppar. At least 2 people not seeing something about a drama that 20 others might be? That’s how drama reviews work. You want to defend the drama? Go watch it first. You want to defend your oppar’s character in the drama? Go watch it first. This drama desperately needs the views anyway. Go help your oppar instead of worrying about what others are saying on a topic you literally know nothing about.

    • Fruit punch, I should apologize to you, I did lose it a little when I saw you say you wish it fell harder, just the part of me that will always defend all things Lee min ho just flared up. But you’re right, you’re entitled to your opinions, and I cannot count how many times I was actively complaining about some plot or acting of characters and still watching it. You’re right, your observations are not baseless, maybe the character having these blemishes like being a bit of a misogynist is a conscious input by the writers. Perhaps it is meant to promote misogyny, but you may not know if you approach it with so much judgment and anger. Allow the characters to be all flawed, it’s probably the point, and then see how the writer handles it. Have a little faith. Please don’t drop it cause I was rude. You very well said the pd said the drama discusses life and death, that’s a very strange angle for a romcom to take don’t you think? Perhaps these are all indications of something deeper. of course you don’t have to agree with me, but I just feel like we’ve all fallen into this trap of being so bitter towards each other here, and I don’t like it, my baby boy wouldn’t want me doing that all in the name of defending him😂
      @ butterfly I do wonder why you are watching the drama, you don’t seem to like anything about it, but before you come for my jugular, you’re a grown woman, watch whatever you like, you have my blessings.
      The end.

      • Good for you to give me blessings I didn’t ask for. Well, that’s down the drain. But it does seem like you’ve gotten it through your head that anyone can choose to watch any dramas they feel like – without your “blessings”. Took you a while, but glad you’re ending your confusion 😉

  14. I dropped WTSG after ep 2. Interestingly I picked up WTSG again after finishing The King: Eternal Monarch. Now finishing ep3, I found it more engaging as a space sci-fi. I dropped WTSG before cuz the first 2 eps were just random narratives here and there, very incoherent. Now, the plot is getting more cohesive and the spacewalk trope had the dramatic elements that piqued my interest. Again it’s not for everyone, but I’m interested to see the development of the story.

    The romance part is still very awkward by far, forced in a usual way in all the past romance stories the writer penned out. I’m not a fan of the romance that OTP starts after already having intimacy with their ex’s, which has greatly reduced the appeal of love lines to delusional viewers (cuz I’m one of these delusional viewers sometimes LOL). Nonetheless, I watch a space drama mostly for its sci-fi elements and suspension, not much about love lines, and hopefully some mystery or fantasy along the way (that doesn’t seem to be the case for WTSG unfortunately).

    Anyhow, WTSG is solid so far from my perspectives. I still consider the PD very skillful and artistic, trying his best to execute a nonetheless quirky script. The writer, however, isn’t one of the best out there. I’m saying this after trying to watch her past dramas that all failed me. The scriptwriting for WTSG is not much brilliant either. Lacking mystery or fantasy in the plot of a sci-fi like WTSG once again confirms me that the writer does not have much creative talent. Imagination isn’t her strength. She shouldn’t have tested her ability for this genre. Without star power from GHJ/LMH and very decent directing, I don’t think I’ll be ever interested in any of her works.

  15. Yikes! I already knew I wouldn’t watch as I dislike this writer’s previous projects, don’t like LMH’s acting nor any of GHJ’s drama characters. I expected it would underperform given all the negative pre-airing rumours and how much trouble they had even getting this to air but never expected it to flop this hard.

  16. I’m excited about the drama. From the first minutes I was glued to the screen and did not let go even after watching the episode, and I waited all week for the weekend to watch the sequel. This is something new, and I am very interested to know how the astronauts work at the station.
    A dynamic plot, funny in places, with good notes of humor and deep meaning – any life is valuable, be it a person, a mouse, a fly. Thanks to excellent graphics, you will enjoy magnificent space views, and excellent music will also not leave you indifferent. And the brilliant acting makes you empathize with the characters. Drama with a great cast. Lee Min Ho plays Dr. Gong Ren amazingly; the actor showed us a lot of images from the very first episodes: a school bully, a superhero obstetrician, a magnificent doctor, a desperate unemployed man, a space tourist. With just one glance he can show such a hurricane of feelings that no words are required. I really liked the visualization – everything looks natural and believable, but it’s very difficult to depict weightlessness. Bravo and thank you to everyone who worked on this amazing drama.

    • I have to say I change my initial review about the drama after finishing 6 eps. The plot was confusing and the romance part cringe worthy…that’s how I felt about the first 3 eps. But now it’s getting really interesting. I’m looking forward to new storylines unfold.

      Some commenters seemed paranoid about pro-life message/agenda? I still didn’t see that. Rather, I saw the writer and the PD trying a delicate balance in the plot to debate some controversial subjects through the vistas of the two leads: the OB/Gynec ML seemed pro-life and the pro astronaut FL seemed to dismiss zygotes as the beginning of human form. They argued fervently about it even to tarnish their positive impression of each other by name calling LOL. (Yeah I can’t imagine how one pro-life and the other pro-choice can develop romance! LOL)

      I didn’t get bored watching the drama now even the romance part still looked awkward by far. But wait! How can I expect to see attraction between them when these two had been seething and fighting for very opposite values? The hero even called out the heroine a killer LMAO. In the latest eps, there were several conflicts of interest inherent in human nature among supporting roles too. It’s so entertaining to watch these goofy scientists scheming, colluding, and tripping through the space station. They were not only losing their balance physically, but their mind was also tumbling…for a lottery ticket LMAO. The setting of gravity loss made the best scenario to portray their mental state. HAHAHA. I so much appreciate how the PD brilliantly designed and shot their comedic motions to capture the conflicting struggles among these space crew. They made me laugh out loud.

      I made my initial review too early to have a positive review of the writer. Yeah I was judgmental and perhaps was swayed by criticism of the drama. Now I’m really loving this interesting story and wanting to know any new development.

      For those who are looking for old school Kdrama rom com or love lines, just skip. WTSG isn’t it.

  17. Who is paying you guys for your negative reviews? Does putting someone’s hard work down make you feel alive? How miserable you must be!
    I am no fan of any of the actors but have genuinely enjoyed WTSG. Koreans are proving to be very narrow-minded and excessively hateful of their own…. If you don’t protect your own, who will?

  18. Oh pls…some of these comments are not it. Look I’m not a fan of either actors. But who cares if it flopped. There’s a reason why this drama was put in the back burner for years. Tvn probably already knew the outcome of this drama. Plus the actors will be fine. Just because an actor had a flop or two, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of their career. Its actually pretty common to happen so it’s not a big deal.

  19. I’ve felt disappointed at the script, the acting, the lack of character development, as well as the, so far, lack of chemistry between the two lead actors, both of whom are talented actors in their own right, and whose past dramas I have appreciated. However, I’ve decided to stick with it and keep watching to see where this drama goes. My hope is that there is something to salvage as it goes forward. Time will tell!

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