C-actress Zhao Lu Si Reportedly to Resume Entertainment Activities After Hospitalization and Subsequent Hiatus
It’s been a quiet month of January for C-actress Zhao Lu Si after a very eventful December last month where she was hospitalized after her health deteriorated on the filming set of her drama Almost Lover and later she revealed that she was suffering from depression after she was verbally mistreated by her former agency early on in her career. C-netizens were mixed in responses, with some feeling bad for her and others seeing this as an exaggerated ploy on her part based on prior such allegations of her creating news to garner sympathy. The online discourse died down after a week or two and now it’s back on as Zhao Lu Si updated her Weibo for the first time sharing pictures of her relaxing with her cat and dog. This has led to the rumor that she is resuming her entertainment activities soon, perhaps as quickly as this weekend. Once again, netizens are split with some saying her “quick” recovery confirms that she wasn’t ill (or as ill as she claimed) and others feeling like it’s just good to see her healthy and coming back.
She still looks way too skinny.
Too early to return to work… Hope she gets more rest. Her pets are lovely.
It’s too soon to come back. She needs at least a year off. But she is so anxious about so many things that she is most likely going back to her old state. The world won’t end Lusi if you go on vacation. Please rest. Your fans will wait for you.
Why assume it was some elaborate ploy? It could be her company pressuring her to come back for all we know. I recall they were selling tickets for some in person event end of Jan for her even when she was still in the hospital. No one knows how her contract is written. Maybe she needs to or else there’s a significant fine. People should just give others the benefit of the doubt. None of us truly knows what anyone else is going through.
it can’t be help she sign 10 year contract,she still has 2 more years,i guess the revelation is her attempt to cut short her contract,it did not work so now business as usual
She hasn’t been out long enough. I suspect she’s being pressured to return so she’s unable to take the time off that she really needs. If I were to give her any piece of advice, it would be to lay off social media and only contact close friends via text. No need to generate more buzz and gossip from an unsympathetic public.
I do hope she regains her health and her agency gives her plenty of time to rest before siccing her onto a new project. She’s been shooting dramas back to back and really does need a break at this time.
She has contracts to fulfil unless she breach those contracts and pay compensation. After she fulfils her obligations she can take a year or 2 off.
Thanks to Koala for an impartial review. 👍👍👍
I personally believe that both her illness and collapse are genuine.
I have been quite concerned when I see Zhao Lu Si filming back to back and I have seen her photos at events looking pale, wan and exhausted. So I am not surprised she had a breakdown.
There’s no such thing as fulfilling a contract at the expense of one’s health. If the event is deemed as a short session and won’t stress her out, then it’s up to her state of health.
I only pray for her and hope she has good health and that she is happy.
Nice if she’s getting better. Wish her a full recovery before starting to work again. Depression is a chronical disease. It takes time to be all well even episodes seem to be under control. It’s particular hard for a public figure to deal with such malaise.
I look at it all with very skeptical and suspicious eyes because I’ve seen celebrities doing the things she did in the past so go ahead and bash me for being old and experienced lol.
ZLS and her friends made a whole live reality show out of this mess besides having fun seeing all the theories people made up about what’s going on with ZLS based on their words without any evidence to back them up so people went crazy with all kinds of ideas. ZLS and who else is with her made loads of money with all the publicity.
ZLS is going back to work, play the pitiful and ill card besides her fandom doing the same for many years to come. She “is sick” and if her team play it right she’s going to be more than fine.
I hope you never find yourself in the shoes where people judge you based on limited information or their perception of you. ‘playing the pitiful and ill card’ indeed. She’s genuinely sick. The fact that she and her friends posted pictures of her illness on social media doesn’t negate the fact that she’s genuinely ill. Just because she is not doing stuff that you approve of.
People deal and cope with life’s adversity in a myriad of different ways, that’s the way they chose to cope with it. May not be a choice I would personally make, but I respect that. There’s no one size fits all in life.
You seem kind of sick to me. But that’s just me being cynical.
I wish her the best and I’m sending her lots of good vibes. I don’t think she is fully recovered, so I hope she takes it easy as she resumes activities. The industry moves so fast that actors feel like they have to be out there and visible all the time, so I can see why she may push herself.