
A Tyrant’s Chef with Yoona and Lee Chae Min to Start Filming This Week on January 23rd — 5 Comments

  1. Lee Chaemin seems like such a random choice but can see why if they have like a week to recast in time for filming to start relatively on time. Good luck to the production! Must have been a stressful month!

  2. Less than two weeks between his casting and the start of filming. They were really up against the wall! No wonder they ended up with this random actor.

    From the story description this drama sounds like it will be female-centric so Yoona will have to carry the drama. The director is very experienced so maybe the drama will be OK if he can get a decent performance from Yoona, their chemistry is good and LCM is relatively convincing. I am more interested in the chef part of the plot so I hope the drama has lots of delicious cooking and food scenes.

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