
C-netizens Think Deng Lun May be Gearing Up for a Comeback After Speculation that He is the Unnamed Faceless Famous Model in an Art Magazine Spread — 12 Comments

  1. lol those pics though. Like how does that determine he will comeback though? Like modeling for artists seems different than acting and debuting as an artist.

  2. I don’t know about modeling for Magazines Covers in China…however even I who’s just being acquainted with Cdrama now for 5 years, knows there is no place for him anymore in the entertainment industry after such grave offense as Tax Evasion. He better try his luck outside of the country whether its through modeling, acting even singing if he still wants to continue in the entertainment scene, like the others who shares similar faith.

  3. My sister shared this news and she can’t wait to go to his fanmeeting if he shall have one. So certainly his fans is excited.

    To me if he paid his dues, then let by gone be by gone.

  4. I used to like him a lot in Ashes of Love and Princess Agents 1. But now I care less if he’s coming back or not. C-ent doesn’t have many good scripts to work with anyway. LOL.

    • I’d really like to see “Night Wanderer”, though, the time travel drama he did with Ni Ni. It’s my most anticipated in the category of ‘hoping against hope this hasn’t been shelved forever’, alongside “Prisoner of Beauty”.

  5. What a coincidence! I just thought about Deng Lun a couple of days ago and wondered what his current status is. Thank you Koala for the update.

  6. Its a real shame we couldnt watch more of his talent progress but then again I didnt really watched a screenwriting worthy of him after his ban so…

  7. I liked his acting and he was one of the better ones of his age group and fame, but no acting genius. Each year, there is more competition in the cdrama industry and with the tax evasion, it’s going to be an uphill battle. I hope they can let the works he have already filmed air even if the industry isn’t going to offer him any more roles.

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