
K-media and Netizens Critique Lee Min Ho’s Visuals Attending the Movie Premiere for A Normal Family — 49 Comments

  1. Maybe he doesn’t have any sponsorship or advertising deals anymore, so he is free to appear in public looking like he just crawled out from the bed….

    And also, he must have no stylist now, coz he applied his own make up and looked completely amateur at it.

    • His make up makes him look weird. Otherwise he should be ok with a proper hair cut.
      Please stay away from cosmetics unless you have a competent stylists.. even girls like me struggle with cosmetics.

      • it is just a lighting- nothing to do with makeup- lol. also- he is nearing 40, common people. dont be like knet- nitpicking for everything.

      • Don’t be overly protective until one can’t admit the truth.

        It’s not only the lightning. Most likely, he applied the foundation and lip gloss on his own. As it turned out, it’s not his best skill set so it’s not able to withstand the glare of the lighting.

        If it’s entirely lightning then all artistes would have had this ghostly appearance on stage or in front of cameras.

        And his outfit was rather pretty sloppy though it looked more casual and youthful, but I certainly had seen him in better sporty attires. Although this is not his sponsor’s event, but he did appear on stage so as a celebrity, the remarks can’t be helped. There’s no need to defend him like as if he is gonna be executed.

        There’s nothing wrong with making a truthful comments. Just like koala said, everyone has his or her own bad hair day. There’s nothing to whitewash or hide about.

  2. I have to be honest – I am not a fan of Lee Min Ho, nor his visuals normally, but I think this critique is uncalled for. The clothes are perfectly alright, makes him look a bit younger than his usual boring old-man-style, so fine with me. Not a huge fan of the hairstyle or make-up, but quite honestly I hate his normal K-poplook and most Korean and Chinese actors wear too much makeup, so what is the outcry about?

  3. Simple. He had PS when he was younger, hence he’s not aging well now. Those who aged well are the ones who didn’t do PS, for example Kim Soo Hyun.

      • his nose procedure albeit minor, was really well done ngl. And he did it very early in his career like, right after debut

    • Kim Soo Hyun is a sport obsessed man. He can wake up at 4 am to ride a bicycle, he went to Jeju Island just to ride +30 kilometers on a bicycle with his coach. Therefore, it is understandable that he is aging well.There are not many people like him, it is unfair to compare anyone with him.
      While Lee Min Ho has serious injuries after a car accident, because of which he was released from the army. So I can understand if he doesn’t work out.

      • I agree that working out maybe hard after his recovery. But maybe he can take up swimming? it’s easier on the joints and the muscles and is a good way to burn calories as long as you are not swimming competitively. I once told a good friend of mine who had injuries from playing tennis (chronic back problems) that he could take up swimming because it was easier on the joints, but he didn’t seem enamored with that idea.

      • Based on LMH’s social media posts, he plays tennis and cycles regularly. He also goes swimming. He works out but seems like he isn’t obssessive about it like other actors like Gong Yoo who seems to live in the gym nor does he post about it in his social media that much.

  4. Well I do like the ‘he got a lot of attention part’. You know what wise men say ‘a big tree attracts the woodsman’s axe’s and /or a big tree catches more wind than small ones. Those netizens are simply proving the stardom that Lee min ho. Baby boy cannot do anything without them throwing shades or something. Anyways, he looks great to me. Interestingly, I’d like to know the age bracket of these netizens, if they’re teenagers, then it’s probably teen foolishness or adults. If they’re adults then we probably should consider calling it what it is, which is TALL POPPY SYNDROME!!

  5. I don’t care, even if he wears a bathrobe or wrapped in a towel. he is handsome in anything. But I hate to see him using too much face-foundation he looks like a sculpture in Madame Tussauds museum

  6. He’s just going as an attendee rather than an actor representing and promoting the work, so I think we can give him a pass. Outside of the BOF hype, I felt like he never came off as all that interesting. This quirky “dressing like a dad who just woke up from a nap” side to him makes him interesting.

  7. He is pushing lower end of 30s. Time to get a stylist to upgrade his style accordingly. He looks his age but clothes are mismatched to that. Some people age and get finer. Unfortunately that’s not the case with him. He was always more famous for being pretty and now that looks are fading, he is in a weird position.

  8. He is fabulous- looks gorgeous and does not deserve childish comments.
    Lee Minho is a huge part of the reason why so many people – of all ages – all over the world – are enjoying Korean shows of all genres. I hope he continues to entertain us for years to come. We adore you Lee Minho.

  9. He has been looking terrible in the face for a long time now, come on. Dude clearly is very into his fillers and keeps getting more and more of them, which makes his face look extra round. His styling has never been good and he tends to wear alot of weird looking clothing that he just doesn’t have the pizzazz to pull off. Makeup/hair usually doesn’t suit him as well. Dude is so rich he can’t afford a proper styling team? Will never get his hype.

    • Exactly. I feel like if this was an actress, this comment section would’ve been filled with comments after comments criticizing her for being “over-filled”, having a pillowface, being a “plastic monster”. But since LMH is a male actor, people just chalk it up to “bad styling” and whatnot. For some reason, plastic surgery criticisms mostly just apply to women.

  10. The outfit is okay. It is the bloated face plus too much foundation that is not. He clearly had Botox on his face which I really don’t get since it makes his face more round.
    Botox /fillers reminds me of embalming fluids that are injected to the face of cadavers in order for them to look presentable for viewing.

  11. Another day, another bodyshaming. Or faceshaming, new word.
    This isn’t even his own promotion/work related, he went to support his friends. And of course, got faceshaming again.
    I’m already expecting when Cha Eun Woo will start to age and people will start to act all surprising.

    • Oh, forgot to mention how first people criticised him for AGING, lol, now they criticising for filters and make up. Just what do you expecting from him?

      • Hire a better plastic surgeon, he can certainly afford it. His fillers and botox are so obvious here.

      • @Renee
        So now he need to hire a better plastic surgeon, because people in internet want it? If someone doing something with their face, they need to do it by their own will, not because of a faceshaming.
        He probably thought that plastic surgeon was good, do you think he went to bad plastic surgeon on purpose?
        Even if he would hire a better ps, people will start complain that he’s too unnatural. If his ps will be ungood, people will start complain about him as they’re complaining on Lee Jung Sook face. If he will stop doing filters and botox, people would complain about his aging face. This is already third article Koala wrote about his look, and seems she’s not going to stop. No matter what he’ll do now, people never will be satisfied because they can’t accept he won’t look as 20s pretty flower boy anymore.

      • @Oleysa1
        All that yapping over what? His problem is his brand is built around that face. It is not like he is famous for his acting. So, its only natural he should try harder to look good. Or maybe by now he should have become more famous for his acting prowess so people focus less on his look.

  12. lol I like LMH just fine and think he’s one of the most good looking actors in Korea. And his height absolutely makes up for bad clothing most of the time. But let’s be honest, he looks pretty bad here and netizens make sense in this context. The lousy clothing apart, but he looks slightly bloated and oily. And the hair just isn’t his look. He’s so much more handsome with it up instead of down.

  13. Never been a fan of LMH’s visuals although I like some of his action dramas. Interesting netizens are scathing about him all the time, be it visually or actin-wise. Ppl have too short memory to remember he’s one major contributor to Hallyua. LOL. For that reason, I have a soft spot in my heart for this actor as a long-term K drama fan.

    BTW, some ppl don’t think KSH ever went under knife. I don’ think so. Song Joong Ki, however, looks more natural to me.

    • Nobody cares about that. People come and go all the time. Squid Games is the biggest thing right now from South Korea in terms of global reach. Nobody remembers his projects. 90% of them did not age well.

      • People still cant negate the Hallyu history that LMH was one of the top contributors. Without those trailblazers like LMH, Kdrama wouldn’t have been able to take over the Asian drama market and then caught the attention from big streaming sites like Netflix and Disney+. I won’t dismiss LMH’s accomplishment even he’s not that popular anymore.

  14. He is bloated from the Botox. He needs to drop that because he looks fine and there’s no need for it. Also I don’t see a problem with the clothes.

      • @HL

        Yes, being swollen is a very common side-effect when it comes to Botox, sometimes accompanied by bruising and even mild pain. But when you see someone looking like LMH here, bloated, you can guess Botox easily.

        Botox has other side effects that aren’t that visible. They can range from headaches to full blown flu symptoms to constipation.

        In worst cases, usually in people with pre-existing conditions but can occur for other reasons it can even cause difficulty breathing or swallowing, and muscle weakness.

        It’s a good thing in proper doses with a qualified professional (and it is even used in medicine for things like treating spasticity) but as anything, it can go wrong. Imo he is overdoing it now and is close to the point where it will start affecting his work. We have already seen this in multiple actors in the west but it’s his choice after all.

  15. His acting in pachinko got favorable reviews, he’s aging like how 35+ men would, he’s booked and still thriving. Those actors who look ‘younger’ on tv are prolly aged and wrinkled as well without filter.

  16. Give him a break. He’s been under the radar, working when he wants do and enjoying his life. I think he just can’t be bothered LOL good for him.

  17. Now that he’s ugly and cannot act, I guess he’ll stop getting picked for big budget drama and stop being sought after, and just wither into oblivion? Nahhhhhh. Hasn’t happened and won’t happen. It must be really hard to be a Lee min ho anti. I mean come on, the guy is literally everywhere, sought after and critically acclaimed and yet they say he neither has looks nor acting going for him. Then how is he still pulling it off people? Unless you think those high ranking directors and producers are stupid, and you are the smart one

  18. He looks sad to me on this occasion. Who knows what happened in his life? He’s a human being first and foremost. How difficult to be always under the spotlight and not able to live a normal life! We don’t know what that would be like? He’s entitled to have a sad day and to dress in whatever feels comfortable. And yes, he’s getting older, though still a young man, and although still very popular and sought after, he must at times, I imagine, feel a little insecure about aging in the highly competitive Kdrama scene. He acts well, has made some iconic dramas which will be remain popular, and was superb, I think, in Pachinko. Lee Min Ho, for all the criticism, is a fixture in Korean dramas. I’m sure we will continue to see this handsome, talented, fun loving, kind and thoughtful man for many more years to come!

  19. Wow. The toxicity in a lot of the comments are repulsive and reveal nothing but a bunch of misery and insecurity in those who left them. Lee Minho is a gorgeous man. You might not like these particular images of him but there’s no need to do an all-out assault on his appearance.

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