Han So Hee Suspected of Having Second SNS Account that Shades Hyeri After Jeon Jong Seo Found to be Following It

Wow, I can’t believe the Han So Hee v Hyeri saga from earlier this year still has an update. The whole shebang went down when Han So Hee dated Hyeri’s ex-boyfriend Ryu Jun Yeol so I won’t go into the details but recently netizens discovered an SNS account that frequently shades and attacks Hyeri online that was opened in March 2024 this year and only has a few followers. Netizens believe that account belongs to Han So Hee and the reason for that is because Jeon Jong Seo follows it, and it’s weird a celebrity follows a small unknown person account with just a few followers. Netizens know the two actresses are good friends in real life hence the connection that said anti-Hyeri account belongs to Han So Hee. If so then the high school drama absolutely lives up to the petty shadiness of it all.


Han So Hee Suspected of Having Second SNS Account that Shades Hyeri After Jeon Jong Seo Found to be Following It — 56 Comments

  1. To quote Hyeri, ✨“This is fun”✨ lmao

    Anyway, only Hyeri came out of this whole fiasco smelling like roses. I’m really disappointed with HSH, her whole schtick is that she’s cool and “unbothered” while she’s actually the complete opposite. She acts on feelings without thinking about her actions first, and it always backfires towards her. And it’s obvious that Hyeri getting all the love and support from Koreans really triggered her.

    Such a waste, because rookie actresses would kill for all the opportunities HSH has gotten. And she just ruined her career for a man — a nonchalant, unattractive guy at that. Sigh.

    Also insane how HSH’s fans are trying to spin the narrative into “Koreans just hate her because she’s rebellious and doesn’t follow rules! 😡”. Conveniently forgetting that she was well-loved before all of this. Koreans literally loved her “I don’t give a f**k” attitude and edgy aesthetic, before the scandal. She was getting all the plum projects and all the CFs. So what is her fans yapping about? Lol.

    As for JJS, I know people say this all the time whenever a celebrity gets outed as a bad person, but in my case, it’s true that I’ve always had a bad feeling about this woman. She just seems like a try-hard to me, always trying hard to be sexy and badass/fierce but just comes off as cringey and tacky to me. But that’s just my opinion, of course.

    Well, wishing the best for Hyeri. And hopefully, HSH stops being obsessed with her lol

    • I couldn’t agree more with you. If the account is truly hers, I’d say she is a bad loser and a person who doesn’t know how to give up gracefully. Immature, most likely have low self esteem hence her over the top way of doing things, bitchy, doesn’t know how her own mistakes, obsessive… both her and her friend, like you said tried to come across as cool, trendsetter but actually not a positive influence on anyone. Their behaviours at parties screamed a bit of someone who is high on something. It’s amazing how a simple photo and a word can be interpreted into a whole story .. Hyeri, hang in there.

  2. Pingback: Han So Hee Suspected of Having Second SNS Account that Shades Hyeri After Jeon Jong Seo Found to be Following It | Parlour News Korea

  3. This account is definitely han so hee’s. And those HSHs fans defending her and that actress is dumb. You cannot accidentally follow an IG account that is private, barely has any activity / posts. Unless that person is known to them. HSH is known to be vocal about defending herself online. Why is she now silent? If its not her why did the hater removed all their followers and follows.

    • She and Jessi cosplays as tough ass women who do not hesitate to exact punishment on “injustice”. Sadly this skewed sense of justice is only meted out within the perimeter of SELF. This is iljin behavior not one of a crusader. Pathetic bullies who probably think themselves above the rest. I won’t watch neither her nor JJS shows anymore. Honestly HSH’s reputation has sunk so low in korea, the hair dye brand that still has her face on the box is now placed on the most bottom shelf in EMARTs.

      • Jessi’s case is not great too…especially watching her walk away in the video. As least in SK netizen’s eyes..she is not looking great.

      • @HL
        One source said the fan is guy, so I don’t know if it’s strange that jessi is running away. Not a fan of her but if it’s two men altercation, I would’ve ran away too. So actually is the fan girl or guy?

      • @Yuhyi, it was a male fan, I saw the video. I could see she tried to do something but it did not work out, she then walked away. I dont want to judge her as I was not in her shoes. But it does look bad for her image in eyes of netizens.

        To be honest, I dislike those that disturb celebs on their private time. They dont owe fans their time 24/7…

  4. IF ITS TRUE, then I don’t understand Han So Hee. She was very very upset and that’s for being the new girlfriend. Normally the one w who gets super mad would be the ex-GF.

    And the one who is keeping quiet and possibly confusing both girls is that fella…. who is not facing any fallout from this issue.

  5. This is looking bad for her…if she is innocent, speak up with evidence. I dont know just how generous SK netizen will be with her…

    • Her agency has spoken up that it is NOT hers and they will sue anyone who claims it is. I don’t know why folks are saying she’s not defending herself. Maybe she’s learned from ‘speaking up for herself in the past’ and is now letting her agency make the right noises on her behalf.

      • @Xoxo, @Hm, That goes 2 ways I guess, no way to prove who is right or wrong. But things can be tracked, IP can be tracked if needed.
        But it will be very costly and illegal to investigate on one’s own unless this goes to court and formal investigation is lodged by the Judge.

      • @HL

        So I am confused. On one hand, you expect her to speak up with evidence and on the other you are aware she can’t actually get that evidence.

        Yes, a court order would have to be issued to get to the IP of the account. But why would a court allow that? They would not. She has no legal standing here. That account isn’t pretending to be her in public, she has no legal grounds to ask for an IP reveal and even then, all she could say is that the IPs are different. People like posters here would just come up with some excuse what that isn’t enough.

        People here on Koala hate her and of course lots of Hyeri stans too but in this situation, she did the only thing she could. Her agency responded. That’s all she can reasonably do.

      • @Hm, from my position, I have no dislike for this young woman..I do know her upbringing and life have been very hard. After all those years, she finally have the chance to change her life for the better but she has been caught up in negative news one after another… I do not know what is true and what isn’t, but she does have issues dealing with some of these rumours.

        For her sake, I do hope this current rumours is not true but most of k-netizen is believing otherwise.. Her agency’s response is really the best at the moment since IP tracking cannot be done without court’s ruling thus truth will not be reveal easily.

    • I am curious, how would she prove that’s not her? You say with evidence but which? All she can say is that it’s not her account, there is no way she can prove that.

      I am not saying this is or isn’t her, I am just wondering what is this evidence you want.

  6. The chances of both HSH’s stylist and JJS following a random account with a profile pic that was posted on HSH’s main account is pretty low… I’m sorry but if it really was her, then she has rocks for brains.

      • Her fans ofter refer to her as “girl boss” or girl’s girl and she also has that cool image but this incident has shown her to be complete opposite. She seems furious that the unattractive guy (as she herself called him) dumped her and it appears to have hurt her ego and is having hard time accepting that.

    • it’s not about him anymore but losers keep on wanting to drag him into it and can’t accept that HSH is crazy and she was his mistake not the other way around

      • Exactly. He got his fun times in the beginning and dropped her like a hot sack of potatoes when he realised she was unhinged. The guy does long relationships with sane people. That I give him credit for. For him to go… eeks bad decision and end it after one month when he admitted to it in the beginning – he was definitely suffering severe cognitive dissonance. It takes more than good looks, a hot body to make a relationship work. So obvious that HSH is lacking in the depth department. She is solely responsible for dragging this out. Not him or Hyeri. This stinks of over self worth and refusal to admit defeat due to superiority complex. Smh

      • Yes. If I were the guy, I would drop her like a sack of potato too. Imagine going out with someone like her? A few years down the road, if things don’t work out, what kind of a wreck will she make of your life then? Silly girl just showed her true colours.

  7. Han Sohee has deep seated issues and she is not a girl’s girl. She is a mean girl trying to pass off as cool girl. This is embarrassing.

    • There’s enough confusion about timelines that she’s allowed to be annoyed about Hyeri implying cheating. But this is too far.

  8. Been following this new development and it’s honestly so high school level petty, it’s hilarious. Hyeri prob doesn’t read all the thousands of comments from nobodies and likely gives no fucks. But because HSH does, she apparently thinks everyone’s like her and spends hours reading IG comments.

    I don’t even think this is about RJY anymore. It’s her bruised ego. And she plummets it further by her latest stunt of teenage rage. I definitely remember a time when I called her “mature” for admitting her fault in chapter 0 of this saga. Boy that was as wildly incorrect as I’ve ever been on a celeb LOL

    • Assuming she is guilty, I too think it is not about Ryu Jun Yeol..it is her own personal issues.
      I am not aware how this will affect her image but time will tell.

      • Honestly I doubt it changes her already worsening image in SK. Most Knetz have declared her unhinged so this just supports that narrative. If anything, her image will likely improve if it comes out that she is not this account. But we’ll never really know unless Hyeri involves herself and sues for harassment.

        If I was the writer of this drama, that would be the next plot in this riveting saga LOL. Alas, Hyeri is far too mature for that level of pettiness. And my drama loving heart aside, I actually like HSH enough to hope she starts acting her age. It’s good that she hasn’t unleashed herself on her blog or SNS. That’s already a start.

  9. In my country, her scandal became national joke 😂 we call her ‘fufufafa Korean’s version’.

    It reference to our next vice-president who got his 2nd account found by netizen after they win election. And in there he shade our next president aka his partner as pitiful widow with one ball 😭

    • @Yuhyi why it unrelated, what she do is the same as the fufufafa do. Why unrelated? Every thing i and you doing are relate to politik.

      I can write it here, comment about her and compare her with fufufafa, because the politics in my country allow it.

      If you didnt do politik, they will do you.

  10. This should be a learning moment for Jeon Jongseo to never follow a private insta account when you only follow a handful of other friends. She and her agency also got outsmarted by Han Sohee’s agency. They made her look like a petty hater who followed a private account that left hate comments about her friend’s ex-bf’s ex-gf. Not only that but her bullying scandal that was buried by her agency is still fresh on knetz mind. As for HSH, if it really is her, then girl needs to get her head straight, get a therapist, stay off of social media. A man who kept quiet to save his career while you get the hate thrown at you is so not worth it.

  11. Dat man didn’t even want her. He didn’t stand up for her at all. Both girls dodged a bullet. If this account is her, giiiiirrlllllll. That dude is NOT worth your time or energy. If this is true, it’s weirdo behavior at this point.

  12. Lol, Birds of a feather flock together. Both JJS and HSH are cringe.

    I dont get why she hates hyeri. Is she that vengeful? The funny thing is she comparing their followers on IG. How old is she? 10? Lol. Will she compare her popularity to chungmuro actors who rarely have more than 5M followers on IG? Freak.

  13. Honestly I have a soft spot for HSH – she had a hard life growing up. If this is her, I hope she repents and seek help. If anything her anger was misdirected to Hyeri, it should have been the guy who comes out unscathed in this scandal. I find it strange that JJS will show support to her friend by following this account and obviously not cover her tracks. It’s a bit crazy.

    • How many of us have hard a hard life??? I can’t stand people using this type of excuses. Well if she did, she now have better chance than a lot of other people who have hard a hard life and still continues to have a hard life but she just throw it away. Silly girl.

  14. I hope it’s not her account, but I highly suspect it is since given the HSH scandal back in March/April regarding RJY and Hyeri, this would totally be the sort of cringe thing she would do. Even if it isn’t her account, there is no way she can hold herself back from saying or doing something dumb, insecure, and vindictive until it’s proven that it isn’t her account. I like HSH for the most part, but just wish she has even 5% of the chill she pretends to have.

    And JJS – following your friend’s finsta with your public account while you’ve been on some media blitz for the last 6 months is just so dumb.

    Someone needs to make a second season of the kdrama, Sh**ting Stars and incorporate this storyline.

    • What are you talking about even?

      It’s crazy how you are assigning her things she didn’t do and then raging at her for these nonexistent things. She is holding back as her agency is the one that is coming out and dealing with these allegations.

      But do go on in your righteous anger.

      • You’re right that my anger is too much. She has the “it” factor for an actress and is a good actress. I was just mad at how she got in her own way earlier this year because of some guy who wasn’t worth it and am worried that she won’t be able to hold back this time as well. I really hope this isn’t her and that there is just some weird conspiracy and that it gets resolved fast.

      • @prettyautumn

        She messed up big time when the previous incident happened but everyone was emphasising how she should stop responding. So this time around I think she is doing the right thing and leaving it to her agency.

        I don’t know that she can prove it’s not her but at least this is being handled better than last time, I hope we can agree on that. She seems to have learned. Now if she goes on a rant or something, I will join you in your anger! But so far, it’s a good response.

  15. Her agency denied it and will be suing those who claim that it is.

    It’s good that she isn’t speaking up personally and those who are asking her to, I would bet were those who raged at her speaking up last time. Well she learned her lesson and let her agency take over.

  16. It’s pretty obvious it’s HSH’s account. It’s funny her new bestie, JJS, is the one who accidentally exposed her. Even the agency denial was so feeble, it was laughable. Nobody believes it besides her delulu fans. Her agency are hardly going to admit their actress is a petty, mean spirited male-identified pick me who bullies another actress using her private finsta account. They have quickly cleaned up the account since it was exposed so she and her agency are no doubt sitting tight hoping nobody can link it to her now. Too bad for them there are already so many clues HSH is the one behind the account.

    Imagine being a 30 year old woman doing all this over a short-lived fling with an average looking guy who didn’t even want to admit he was seeing her and dumped her like a hot potato whilst she crashed out online. The funniest part is Hyeri has never mentioned her once but HSH seems obsessed with her.

    As for JJS she has longstanding rumours of bullying so this doesn’t help her already negative reputation. Water seeks it’s own level and both HSH and JJS give off nasty mean girl energy so it’s no wonder they became friends.

  17. unfortunately the court of public opinion doesn’t abide by “innocent until proven guilty.” JJS following the account is highly suspicious, but that’s not definitive proof of anything.

    • Totally agree with your comments. There is a something wrong with her. Low self esteem perhaps? Two birds is a feather, they flocks together. I remember the photo of JJS at a party, eyes rolling back, screamed of someone being high.

  18. I dunno with these comments. You’re all assuming the account was hers, but what if you’re wrong? You’d have lynched an innocent person a thousand times over with your negative comments. Please allow for the possibility that you could be wrong, and do not convict a person in the court of public opinion until there’s some definitive proof that she is guilty. My two cents. (And btw I don’t even like Han So Hee, just thinking logically, there are a lot of deep fakes, scams and identity theft online. How easy is it to create a false account and attribute it to a celebrity?) As an impartial observer, I need more definitive proof than just here-say.

    • I feel the same way. I’m not particularly a fan of Han So-Hee, but it seems like at this point there’s witch hunt against her, likely due to how people perceive her public image and persona. Imo, people should give her a break and not speculate. Well, that’s just me and how i felt.

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