
More Stills from Wild Romance with Lee Dong Wook and Lee Shi Young — 42 Comments

  1. I can only hope that LSY’s horrific hair is necessary for the plot. It’s beyond bad – maybe her character wants to “fit in” with other male company bodyguards and …… nope. There’s no plot point that can justify that unruly mop perched on her head.

  2. They’re really trying to play up the whole tomboy image, aren’t they? There’s something about the pic of her in the turtleneck that reminds me of ‘Newsies’, or one of those old Hollywood movies from the 30’s with gangs of street urchins running around New York City.

    As for the three new dramas you mentioned, I’ll be avoiding the plague with you and staying grounded!

  3. the only word I can think of when I saw LSY’s hairstyle was “disastrous”… i seldom got put off by hairstyle alone (not even HJE’s hair in Can you hear my heart) but this? “Kudos” to the hair stylist for making me have negative interest in this drama.

  4. Guy: Your hair sucks.
    Girl: I’m having a bad hair day.
    Guy: I hear boxing helps to clear the head.
    Girl: It’s my hair I’m worried about.
    Guy: Head…hair….they’re connected, right?
    Girl: Good point.

    At boxing ring.


    Girl: Ok, I just unleashed my lethal Yowling Panther Screeching Monkey kick. But my
    hair’s still the same.


    Girl: Oh, shit. I killed him.

  5. I’m just hoping that it’s a wig.
    It looks like a wig doesn’t it? It’s a bit high and doesn’t seem to fit her head…
    Hopefully she’ll be rid of that hair within the first episode.
    Am quite looking forward to this drama. Seems interesting.

  6. I think LSY is LDW number two.
    Since she’s his bodyguard, it could be she will replace him to avoid dangerous situation or something.
    Just like some president of a country i know *grin*

  7. That’s a very very bad haircut. What on earth were they thinking? Poor Lee Shi-young!

    And I haven’t decided what I’ll be watching. IF I’ll even watch anything, that is. Dude, I think Secret Garden killed my k-drama addiction. It’s like…ever since it aired and aside from a few exceptions (LTM and PtB), my will to watch kdramas has steadily faded. This is unacceptable and so so SO sad. Any suggestions to rekindle my love?

    • “Tree with deep roots” – i love it! But wait to end, so you can watch it all with English subs. I watched SG over and over (k drama addiction – I’m so week).

    • Secret Garden killed a lot of things for me. I think it was the beginning of end for me, too. And probably why I branched back out to TW-dramas. Sunny Happiness was like the anti-SeGa, which also destroyed once and for all my goodwill for Kim Eun Sook. I will always love City Hall, but I have no faith in her anymore. SG turned Binnie into a gaunt stalker, Ha Ji Won into a waffling wallflower, Yoon Sang Hyun into a greasy ahjusshi, Baek Ji Young went from my fave ballad songstress into someone who I couldn’t listen to her songs anymore because of that inane “That Woman” and the list goes on.

      Me Too Flower is the only Kdrama right now I love that even comes anywhere close to rekindling my fire for Kdramas. Everything else is a dud. The Princess’s Man was great butfor Park Shi Hoo’s batman act in the second half.

      • noooo, you too? This is sad news indeed. I was hoping for some magic trick or, say, group therapy to overcome this –I don’t even know what to call it. It’s not a slump per se. It’s not disillusionment either. What is it, chingu?

        You know what I think of SG so I won’t go there again. It’s just too painful. /o\

        As for TW dramas, oh I wish I could get as addicted to them as I was to kdramas. Again, with few exceptions, I can’t seem to be able to watch them all the way through. I need my old addiction back, dammit! I feel like something’s missing. :(((((

      • Secret Garden never really got me they way it got others. I loved it in some ways, but there were many things that I couldn’t stand. Not that it was a bad drama, but maybe my taste has changed.
        Now, I’m putting my hopes on Padam Padam and What’s Up. And I want to check out Skip Beat too, but I’m afraid that I won’t get very attached to that one (I never quite finish T-dramas).

    • Me too kind of hard to be please but TPM is the ONLY drama I finished this year. Heart-tugging, just knock-out. read dahee faneel review and bump.

  8. I think LSY’s haircut is cute…there’s just too much hair…let me take my scissors to it. Love starting my day with coffee and your comments (LDW appears less constipated and uptight as usual) LOL thanks.

  9. OMG, her hair is worst than my first and only perm (i use to have very long hair and got a killer perm for 4-5 month). I think that my time is going to be more precious in January, and I’ll watch just one drama. My hubby is going to be so happy :))

  10. holy good lord. she looks so bad. she looks manlier then the actual male lead. my lord. she already has an odd looking face (imo) but hey why not also give her odd looking hair just to make her that much more horrific to look at.

  11. I always have a soft spot for cross gender dramas. But I hope they won’t try to try hard with that concept here. I mean it works well with youth dramas but i am so sure about here.

    I hope that it’s just a wig on LSY.

  12. I guess that’s an androgynous look, but I don’t think I could mistake her for a boy with those giant eyes and pinchable baby cheeks. She just screams cute although her haircut is atrocious. Borderline male Ramen hair. eek.

    She’s giving a Go Eun Chan look in the 6th picture where she’s looking up and blowing at her hair! 🙂

  13. The photo with LSY reading the script is cute. I love the writer’s previous works so I have faith she’s preparing sthing good. Bad hair? pff I’ve seen worse.

  14. what hv they done to LSY’s hair? i mean in the initial stills it looks bad but this is even worse..

    ummm, will there be a make over for her, like maybe in ep2?

  15. The hair, Louisa, the hair!
    You mean, she’s not
    “a cross-dressing bodyguard who needs to pretend to be a boy in order to be employed?”
    They are not playing brother and sister cops?


  16. Gawd, I hate their hairstyles! They looked like Arthur’s giant furry slipper in the Arthur Christmas movie. Bad, bad, bad and ugly!

  17. I can’t decide which hairstyle I hate more, Lee Shi Young’s hairstyles from the stills alone or Jung Woo-sung’s hairstyle in Padam Padam. I haven’t watched Padam Padam yet, have been waiting for it to finish airing so I can marathon it but from the stills Jung Woo-sung looks like some savant idiot, which is not a small feat from the hairstylist considering that I think JWS is a gorgeous specimen of a man. What’s up with all the bad hair lately?

  18. Yeah…um…maybe I will skip this one. It seems to me that they have gone a bit too wild with Wild Romance when it comes to bad facial hair and awful hairstyles.

  19. Is it mean that I want to watch this just to see LDW get knocked out? 😛

    LOL at all the hair puns! Thanks for the laugh, ockoala – I needed it. 🙂

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