
Written and Video Preview for Episode 9 of Flower Boy Next Door — 14 Comments

  1. oh wow! love the new song (can’t understand a word of it but the feel of it shines through) and i think i like where this is going. i’m thinking e will fall for d first… i always like it when the guy falls for the girl first. kinda feel bad for j though — he’s a great 2nd lead but i don’t think he’s even in the running right now.

    • Me, too. I always love it when the guy falls first and all the more when the side of the guy is shown on screen. How he notices the things that girl does, and what he does to make sure that he sees her, etc… I sizzles down my spine and I love it so very much that way… 🙂

    • I can’t say if I like the the guy to fall in love first or vise versa, but to me it all depends on the situation and then I can decipher who I think I would like to be first. I also love this song; it’s very touching and it goes great with the scenes that it partakes on. I might not understand the language, but deep down I can feel the emotions that are out through the melody. I am like that with all types of music that is not English…

  2. OMG I know how you feel. I can’t stand the week days usually because it brings me stress and anxiety, but waiting to see what will happen in this drama between Enrique, Dok Mi and Jin Rok is way worst than any bad weeks combined. My friends are calling me crazy for being OBESSESED with Mondays, but hey this Drama is addicting and wonderful. I’m just glad there are people around the world who have the same views as me, it helps the craziness die down a little.

  3. I hope E will go to spanyol..then JR~DM will start their love line. After that, E comes back again to korea and triangle war start! 😛 😛

  4. Aaaahhhh this drama….
    Makes me love Monday… I was quite surprise when I found out that this one has some depth… Not just ordinary pretty faces on my tv…

    By the way, I’m so glad that now I can open your site, Ms. Koala…
    Few days before, your blog’s labelled unsafe and can’t harm my computer by Google. I didn’t know what happen, but I’m just glad it resolved now

  5. It’s interesting to see that E is now unable to put up the happy, carefree mask wherever his interaction with DM. it’s more often now. Is it reflective of how seriously he takes anything related to her.. This new song does express these changes in their feelings very well. A lot of things look like changing forever in the lives of these adorable characters.
    The scenario from the past seems to be repeating with DH unable to handle the interest of someone she is after, in DM once again. This is going to be good for DM this time because of two knights in shining armours…..E and JR helping her handle it and at the same time finally overcoming this phobia for outer world resulting from what happened in school. Waiting eagerly for the next episode……like always.

  6. Maybe I am connecting the dots too excited, but if after watching the preview like ten times and then reading the written preview, I think I can pretty much predict what’s going to happen in ep. 9. So… Enrique decides to leave, that’s why DM is saying goodbye and everybody is ok to throw a farewell party…BUT evil DW has this plan of getting ride of DM and does something that is going to let DM in the hospital (maybe she says very awful things to her… or maybe now she goes physical and really give her something), so E (as a witness of DW intentions) decide to stay and confront DW, so JR understands he stays for DM and is assuming he (E) has realized his feelings for DM, but I think he is not (just looks at his speechless face at the end).

    Well, tomorrow we will if I’m just nuts and read to much into this drama because its the only thing I am watching so far, but I think that everything Koala’s said about the show is the same I was thinking. Some people would like more drama, more action or angst, idk but I really like the way this drama is developing, because it feels like you are living every moment at a time, you have time to understand the characters and slowly see how one thing lead us to another in every little change in our life we decide to make.

  7. i think he might go back to sy -just to take her back and dokmi will be sad and start relationship with jr and e will come back within a week once he realize he really likes dm but jr and dm already become bf gf- so e is sad and try to distance himself and dm later realize that she cant stop thinking about e so she run to e and they are lovey dovey for 1 episode.

    then e has to go some country for job offer whatever… dm is sad and they broke up and later she follow him there..

    that’s what i think will happen …lol

    • I was also looking for that part. I have noticed recently that in the previews for the next episodes, there are some scenes that has been displayed, but has not been shown as they should be. When it doesn’t present like we thought, it would most likely be in the upcoming episode. I don’t understand why it happens like that, but they still give us a great visual to watch.

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