Trailer for the Upcoming 3D Wuxia Movie Flying Swords of Dragon Gate with Jet Li

Wuxia movies in the golden day of HK cinema were my favorite genre, but the steady decline in quality and innovation has really seeped away all my excitement for any new offerings. I’m tentatively keeping my hopes in check for Director Tsui Hark‘s return to wuxia in his 3D offering Flying Swords of Dragon Gate, which isn’t a sequel to his New Dragon Gate Inn, but more of off-shoot. He managed to lure back Jet Li, re-teamed Chen Kun and Zhou Xun, and added the lovey Kwai Lun Mei to the mix, amongst other big names. Wuxia is as perfect for a 3D version as any genre, but I personally dislike having shit jump out at me, and much prefer to be an old fogey and watch my stuff the traditional way. If the story and the execution are both solid, this could be a fun movie to watch when it’s released next month. Continue reading