First Teaser of Panda and Hedgehog with Donghae and Yoon Seung Ah

Cute! And….that might be all there is to it, the upcoming cable drama Panda and Hedgehog starring Super Junior’s Donghae as a prickly patissier and Yoon Seung Ah as a laid back café owner. The drama released more stills and the first teaser which is really a BTS look at the filming of the drama rather than showing actual footage. It still gives a good sense of what to expect, and my initial impression is decidedly unaffected. I’ll admit that the only reason I’m even interested in this drama is because Donghae is in it, and when one of my biases is in something, I feel compelled to check it out. I think Donghae does well when he’s not being asked to do too much, I’ve seen his acting improve with each successive project so that is always reassuring. I think Yoon Seung Ah deserves a shot as a leading lady and I’m curious to see how she fares when not being asked to play wallpaper (like in The Moon that Embraces the Sun or Playful Kiss). Rounding out the cast is Choi Jin Hyuk, who everyone loved in I Need Romance but strangely he didn’t affect me one bit though he’s looking quite yummy here, and Yoo So Young. Panda and Hedgehog premieres on August 18th on Channel A. Continue reading