
Comedy Period Drama Incisive Great Teacher with Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi Off to a Promising Start — 15 Comments

  1. Looking forward to it! 🙂 Even though the timing caught me by surprise, since the premiere date was in a limbo-like state, but it’s just nice in time for me to scrub out my eyes and memory from the wreck that is BBJQ 🙂 Need a cheerful pick-me-up 🙂

  2. Where can I watch this? its seems really funny and sweet, I love romantic comedy, no melo to deal with, only bringing a smile to your face while watching is the best type of drama.

    • I’d also like to know. None of the k-dramas airing right now have my viewing attention (due to me being a pansy with violence and all the man pain lately) and I’d like to hop into c-dramas. My husband is still somewhat fluent, and I know more Chinese than Korean, and it’s fun to listen to the Chinese dialog.

      • I usually go to You can find new episodes somewhere on the right hand panel. They update every day.

  3. Perfect couple was the only cdrama i liked and finished for a while. Didnt understand why the drama felt so rushed in the last 5 episodes or so and by gawd the last 5minutes were unnecessary and made no sense. Else, it was a pretty enjoyable drama and Wallace was splendid in it. So to reference this drama is a good start. I couldnt bother with BBJQ so this might be a good one to try. Thanks for the update.

  4. The first half of the trailer was cute and funny but the next half looked like melo-BBJQ. The chance to see Nicky in a comedic role with Shi Shi drew me in though. I’ll be giving it a try once I find it somewhere with subs. Also, desperately waiting on that drama for Da Mo Yao to air!

  5. wooww nice, looks like its gonna be awesome. im gonna watch this. anyone could please tell me, where could I watch this and perfect couple? i looked up but cant find em. thank you

  6. Anyone knows where to watch this subbed? Melo is a no-no for me so even though the real-life coupling of ShiShi and Nicky intrigues me, i wont for the life of me, watch BBJX. But knee-slapping and quirky drama? Sign me up, please.

  7. Hi..I catch the few ep following koala recommendation…quite funny…I am so looking fwd to my “10th prince ” and guigui pairing…they are so cute together…so much chemistry and the BTS shows the actors hvg so much fun much that it over shadow the Nicky-shishi boat…can’t wait till Wallace role appear…TQ for this…There is nothing at Kdrama land now that catches my eyes???

  8. I watched all of BBJX just to support Nicky and LSS and all their hard work. It was okay but I thoroughly enjoyed Perfect Couple. Can’t wait to start this one. Just love seeing them together on screen and in real life.

  9. I was watching this yesterday, and then found out that today all of the episodes on YouTube are gone.. A lot of sites like maplestage use the same youtube videos, so now I can’t find any way of watching the rest! I read somewhere that new Chinese regulations forbid any episode-posting online for this show. Has anyone else figured out how to watch this? D:

  10. Love this show very much ! Their interaction in the show are so natural, wonder if this is how they actually react in real life

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