
A Very Bad Hair Day — 20 Comments

  1. Oh and we can’t forget the bad hair to end all bad hair drama, You’re Beautiful:

    The poofed up hair on JGS doesn’t bother me so much as the slicked straight to his head helmet and the mini-ponytail look.

  2. Oddly, SSH’s hair wasn’t what I was focusing on for that first example. Can I add that if they had really done the full cartoon hair for SIG in A Man Called God it would have been more awesomely ridiculous.

  3. @ Kristal

    Oddly, I liked Jang Hyuk’s hair in Bright Girl, like meaning I thought it looked cute on him and didn’t bother me terribly. Probably bc all the screeching coming from the howler monkey that was Jang Nara made me less inclined to nitpick at anything related to his character.

    But honestly, of all the orangies during that era – JH’s in Bright Girl is middle of the road, not great, but not the worse.

    I thought Kim Rae Won’s hair in My Love Patzzi is worse than JH’s in Bright Girl. Just my two cents. 🙂

    The only person to really pull off the orange hair look, I have to concede, is probably Yonsama in Winter Sonata.

  4. Han Hyo-joo was rocking a bowl cut in Shining Inheritance, too. Makes me reminisce about the days I had the same hair style…in the third grade!

    Dare I bring up a certain I Lub You’s Mane O’Glory in The Restless?

  5. @ unni

    You are WRONG on both accounts! Tee Hee.

    HHY was rocking the mushroom cap haircut in Shining Inheritance. It has volume and roundness tapering inward at the ends. As opposed to the bowl, which lays flat against the head from root to end.

    Mushroom cap is only slightly less awful than bowl, but for some unknown reason I thought she rocked that ridiculous hairstyle. She PWNED the hairstyle!

    As for My I Lub You’s Mane of Glory, (1) this is a review of atrocious drama hairstyles so it doesn’t merit mentioning and (2) even if I were to extend it to movies, he gets a free pass, bc he had to act opposite KTH and he needed all that hair in his face so he couldn’t see her very clearly lest he burst into laughter in the middle of a scene. 😀 Since the Mane was for utilitarian purposes, it also gets a pass from me.

  6. LOL…okay, okay, I’ll have to agree that the Mane O’Glory was necessary for his performance (plus being a movie, sorry. Wasn’t thinking!).

    But I maintain that HHJ had a bowl cut; it’s just that for people with anything other than perfectly straight hair (such as myself), the bowl gets mushroomy. Whatevs, I still thought it was fugly. And she’s so pretty…she deserved a better ‘do!


  7. Love this!

    I like Ender’s Girl’s term for the squiggly hair disaster — “fried hair” — which is nicely descriptive as well as connoting incongruity and ridiculousness.

  8. ok I have to totally defend JGS. I loved all his hairstyles and his whole emo/lambert look. He was my style inspiration last summer.

    SJS wins this category as well *runs to cry some more*

  9. I agree w/ all of them. I just hate any ahjumma/permed/fried hair do. I’ll also bet in futures I’ll hate JH’s new do in AAE C remake.

    Can I add Rain in FH, if you are making a worst wardrobe on Kdrama guys, he should be on there as well.

  10. I think I must be the only person in the world who absolutely adored Seung Gi’s hairstyle. I remember when HHJ punched him and his nest moved as if it had a life of its own. Loved it.

    I’d like to add KSY’s hair in Prosecutor Princess *yikes* In later episodes it was straightened a bit, so I kinda got used to it, but the first half’s style was hideous.

    • @aberdeen
      I kinda liked Seung Gi’s hair too. It suited him I thought. It tamed slightly as the show went on at least.

      I find it hard to believe you defended the monstrosity of orange that was JH’s hairdo in Successful Girl but to each her own! After seeing Jang Nara in that AND My Love Patzzi as well as the movie Oh Happy Day! I think she is officially on my shit list. How can drama casting people even choose her?!

      Hong Ki’s first hairstyle was bad but not unbearable. However, when they decided to cut it midway through and have those random uneven long strands hanging in his face is when I really annoyed! What the hell was that?? Strangely enough looking at these pics and talking about You’re Beautiful makes me want to watch it again though! I need to buy the new Yesasia DVD set. Heh.

      What about the Ahn Jae Wook’s hair from I Love You…

      And we all failed to mention these classic hairdos:
      I know his hair was a product of his rough life on the streets, but come on!

  11. I would probably say that the hair that irked me the most was Chae Rim’s hair in Dal Ja’s Spring. I loved Chae Rim in it…but man the hair…it was totally distracting. I get that she needed to look older but the hair and that heavy eyeliner were a little too much.

    To be honest, SJS’s hair aside in OTYL, the only part of that series that was palatable was that quasi-sageuk piece in the beginning. Maybe he should aim for a serious sageuk piece with a good writer/director combo next? Oh please drama gods, give SJS a good drama next! I have become such a bad fan though, to think that I endured through OTLY for SJS, but can’t do that anymore…

  12. @ langdon-unni

    Of course you are right, as always. The mushroom cap is in fact a blown out version of the bowl. Aigoo, bowl’s should be outlawed, period!

    @Kristal – LOL, I’m not defending JH’s hair in Bright Girl, it’s awful, but I’m only saying that it’s not the worst case of orange hair syndrome, and in that drama I wanted to punch Jang Nara so JH’s hair ranked very low on the irksome scale, is all.

    @nycgirl – poor baby, I promise the next “bad” anything post I do, SJS will not win it. Feel better, sweetie?

    @everyone – agreed that all of the examples given are indeed all very bad hair styles. I actually feel the worst for the orangies, like @Quinze said, YEH’s orange/red hair was fried, colored to oblivion – so not only does it look dreadful, the hair is ruined until it can grow out. Sigh, how the stars suffer.

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