
First Impression: Zhong Wu Yen — 7 Comments

  1. Thank you, sweetie!

    I’m a Cheryl fangirl through and through, she can transcend shiteous material (MQ is not really near brilliant as touted imo) the same way Ariel can. But those pretty pictures u have of Chris Wu r… very pretty, esp the still of him sitting on the bench in a quiet moment. He looks way younger here than AC days. I didnt know his character is BLIND! Now I’m even more intrigued.

  2. Chris looks fiiiiiine in the stills I have seen of him. His emoting in AC was legions above Vanness, who with sheer willpower willed his way to acting well.

    Chris’ character is named Howard, and he’s someone who is blind, but now by choice as he won’t have surgery that will correct the impairment (for what reason the synopsis doesn’t say).

    Acting blind to me is legions harder than acting deaf and mute (both of which is just the person not reacting to noise or having no dialogue). I am way curious and totally cheering on the second male lead already! Chris Wu FTW!

  3. OOh, thanks for the heads up.
    I don’t usually go for TW dramas for reasons that are pretty obvious so it really takes a recommendation to catch my interest.

    I ‘m curious now so when I have some guilt free time I’ll have to check it out. The main actress is kind of appealing to me in that she looks like she’s perfect to play unconventional leads-attractive because they’re strong and not wimpy 🙂

    I hope you’re right about this one! 🙂

  4. my last TW drama was Autumn’s Concerto – we’ve talked about it on OTs – and I was watching it because my love for Vanness.
    I found that latest TW dramas were becoming more and more ridiculous, so I didn’t watch as many as I did few years ago.
    Reading ur heads up, I’m interested.
    But…I guess I won’t take risk yet, I’m going to wait to read more comments from you 😀
    I’m not a fan of Cheryl and Ming Dao, but I do think Chris Wu has potency.

    anyway, thanks for sharing this!

  5. Looking at some of the stills, I thought Chris Wu looked like Ren Quan and Zhang Junning.

    Now that you pointed it out, it does seem as SETTV has the theme ‘underdog overcomes all’ in most of their dramas. The plain Jane, the aging career woman, country girl, unattactive by tv standards girl.

    I find the birthmark plot device totally overused. TVB’s Love is Beautiful, Mei Ren Xin Ji/Schemes of a Beauty, and now Zhong Wu Yen. Most of the time, I find that even with these pink birth marks covering part of their faces, they’re still super pretty. It’s not like they’ve got warts and scars all over.

    The only character who looked ugly was Zhu Er in Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre.

    Zhong Wu Yen is really kinda a lot like Love is Beautiful.

    Yes, the storyline looks promising. It’s unconventional. But, I still can’t believe it got 2.56 while Summer’s Desire got 1.9+… SD deserves more.

  6. Oh…I’m intrigued! I’ll have to definitely check this out…does anybody know how Ming Dao’s mainland dramas did? And Chris Wu is really cute…I still need to finish AC sometime soon…

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