
Ariel Lin – An English Pictorial and MV — 4 Comments

  1. i know exactly where the last pic is taken! [Cambridge – in front of the graduation hall, opposite St Mary’s church. Right smack in the middle of Cambridge.]

    hahaha.. i wish i knew she was coming so i can at least be an impromptu stalker slash paparazi.. haha.. when was this?

  2. @ Monica

    *Gasp* You totally could have stalked her! Since I know you’re in the UK, I’ll let you know next time I get word any Asian star is headed to your neck of the woods.

    @ therainhouse

    She’s lost A LOT of weight for two reasons (1) when she filmed LoCH2008, they asked her to lose 5 kgs at least so her face could be slimmer and more youthful for her character, and (2) afterwards, she had her brain surgery to remove a benign tumor, and she’s since been that skinny and hasn’t put back on her early days roundness.

    I like her in all her incarnations, there was a rumor that she met with SETTV execs and may be to discuss an upcoming drama? I have my fingers crossed.

  3. @ ockoala, yeah, I’ve heard how the operation affected her.

    Whoa, 5 kg? Didn’t know that at all.

    Actually, I’m kinda hoping that she’ll go into films like Barbie did. But, a drama’s good too.

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