
Athena – OST Teaser MV + Sky Vega CFs — 15 Comments

  1. Whoohoo. CSW looks mighty fine & yes his CF is more interesting and not only bc of the abs.

    I was hoping to see SA act with CSW and now I’m not sure they’ll have many scenes together since SA and JWS are the OTP.

  2. Yup, CSW was smokin’ in his CF. CF battle: CSW 1 – JWS 0.5

    As for Su Ae acting against CSW? I have a theory, I think she’ll get nabbed by CSW as the baddie, hence JWS looking all worried and distressed and he’ll have to get her back. Kinda the opposite of in IRIS where LBH was the one who was missing-in-action.

    This way, SA gets to have scenes with both leading men. Just my wholly-unsubstantiated speculation.

  3. my hand wont go for the phone if I’m that reverse Medusa.

    I’m not even an ab/body girl but I crave me some touching.

    and CSW is the only Kstud I WANT pornstarche or whatever he wanna have on (or off)

  4. @ mookietwin

    I KNOW! I was totally sure Medusa was chasing CSW because he was so hot, and she wanted some action from him. Silly girl, wanting the phone instead.

    As for the pornstache – I’d say CSW rocks his more, but KNG suits his more.

  5. @ hjkomo

    JWS’s stache was afraid it was gonna pale next to the space alien attached to CSW’s chin, so it decided to take a sabbatical for the next 6 months!

    I actually quite like him clean shaven (okay, I like him any which way), he looks very boyish, and CSW looks very manly.

  6. Omo! Love the Sky Vega ads, just stunning. Cha-seung-won and Jung Woo-sung who? Heh, kidding, they’re SO gorgeous it’s criminal.

  7. I Want It That Way (which is a damn fine boy band song

    aw… BSB *fond tear*

    tell me why! ain’t nothing but a heartache. tell me why! ain’t nothing but a mistake. tell me why…

  8. Ok I replayed CSW’s CF a few more times to see what y’ all talking about regarding the medusa chasing and taking the phone away and just to be sure I watched it a few more times and then a few more times after that just to make sure I caught every detail. And after closely studying the CF again, and again, and again, it is clear to me that CSW has long lean legs, has hard rippled abs and a lithe cocky walk that draws attention to his eyes, swing of his hips and again to those long legs.

    It is therefore my conclusion that the moral of the CF is that he is just too hot to handle by gorgons or mere mortals and will turn the former into stone and latter into a puddle of goo.

    hmm. What was that about the phone again?

  9. @nycgrl — I didn’t quite get all the, er, technicalities of what you said, so I really had no option but to watch the CF again. Hmm. This might require a bit more, er, study.

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