
Pimp That Drama: Tatta Hitotsu no Koi — 24 Comments

  1. Gomen ne, I have a confession to make: I watch the first 3 episodes and the last episode; skipped the rest. I loved both of the actors, but the storyline was just meh.

    Can I be a pimp mama too? You gotta try Orange Days, it’s one of my favorites. I also plan to do a Top 10 list for jdramas on my blog soon. But for now, you MUST try Orange Days. Sugoi des!!! You won’t regret it koala bear!

    • ohh orange days… I LOVE love LOVE that drama….
      i actually watched it cause Eita and Tsumabuki Satoshi was there..
      but in the end i just came to love the story…

  2. I love watching Kame, although not so much in Gokusen 2, because he was really, really scrawny back then. Loved him in 1 Pound no Fukuin, perhaps because he had filled out a little for the part and didn’t look as emaciated. He was absolutely adorable in that drama and I think that was when I fell in love with him. I still haven’t seen Tatta Hitotsu no Koi or Nobuta wo Produce, now you’ve recommended the first and my nephew recommended the latter, (although I’m convinced his recommendation was purely based on Yamapi) I’ll watch these two dramas now.

    I think Kame is one of the better all round entertainers from Johnny’s, and he’s grown into a fine young actor and if I could visit Japan I would love watching Dream Boys live. I’ll have to start saving.

  3. Hi Ockoala
    I enjoyed this drama. I watched all of it one weekend. I never expected to like it that much. Yep, I did shed a tear or two.

  4. one of my favorite Jdarama besides ‘orange days’.
    I love how the two of them finally meet again and how they officially start dating.
    Can watch this drama hundred times and not get tired of if it!
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. How many episode is this drama? I will try to buy a DVD copy of this base on your recommendation and the very, very pretty MV. Thanks for the heads up!

  6. I just realised Hiraoka Yuta and Kaname Jun are in THnK as well, plus Kame, three very good actors. I’m not so sure about Koki although I liked him enough in My boss, my hero and I liked watching Ayase Haruka in Mr. Brain and Jin, and even though I’m not a big fan of Toda Erika her acting is OK – still fairly good casting of young actors and actresses so will definitely give this drama a try sometime soon.

    Thanks Ockoala for reminding me of this series and take another look at it.

  7. Absolutely one of my favorite Jdramas. It’s such a sweet (in a good way)story. I’ve probably seen it 4 or 5 times over the years and I still love it. 🙂

  8. When a dude’s eyebrows are better groomed and sculpted than mine I have a problem taking him seriously. I mean, the arches are perfect! So I am skeptical. I have a feeling I’d end up watching just the eyebrows, and ignore the rest of the action and characters.

    Can anyone convince me otherwise? Cuz if so, I’ll check it out. Ockoala had me at her review of Friend, Our Legend (which I cannot find in its entirety any where on the web. Lotsa broken links).

  9. yes, you are right. This one is a really nice drama. Seems a simple story of nothing, but still not one boring moment in 10 eps and one you will not forget.

    • *hugs back* I need to write about more J-doramas, maybe along the same vein as your bloggerversary vow to write more about K-dramas? 😉

      I add a link to your review of THnK in my post, people ought to read the real deal to inspire them to check this gem out, not my piffle of a drive-by shout-out.

      Anyhoo, I’ve got Sora Kara queued up but am too scared to press play – KimuTaku please promise me you’ll curl my toes in this drama.

      • Hey thanks for linking the review! *brushes — er blushes*

        Re that Kdrama/Jdorama vow thingy — agreed! *handshake* Pacta sunt servanda! (Uh-oh, guess I better get cracking now… @_@)

        Sora Kara? Wow. Killer of a drama, heh heh. And oh baby, believe me — KimuTaku gets nekkid so many times in this drama you’ll be curling your toes all the way to… your larynx or something. Lawl. (As always, would love to hear your thoughts when you’re done watching! ;-))

  10. I really liked this drama, cried a little bit too… But I kept feeling weird about the fact that he had better shaped eyebrows than me, sometimes I could not buy that tough image of his, with those perfect and non-masculines eyebrows….. But overall its a good drama, a little bit sad, like most of J-Drama…

  11. THANKS for what seems to be another great Jdrama, Ockoala.

    I have liked adorable Ayase Haruka since I stumbled upon Hotaru no Hikari sometime back, but can’t say I was as thrilled recently with Season 2 of that drama.

    Will be checking your PTD out pront0, esp since there is somewhat of a lull with a couple of my K-preoccupations out of the way (SKKS, PK).

    I picked up Buzzer Beat after you mentioned it, and didn’t regret it. Thanks!
    Been procrastinating a whole yr about Black and White too .. but read your comments on it and those were the catalyst which finally got me going and started 2 wks ago.
    Don’t kill me for this … but Vic Chou there reminds me so much of HK’s Tony Leung Chiu-wai/Liang Chao-wei (in some similar police role), acting-wise.
    And Mark Chao is pretty decent for a complete newbie.

  12. Kame is one of the good actors in JE(others being Nino and Kusanagi Tsyoshi) but yeah his looks can most likely scare away some people even though I found him adorable in one pound gospel.
    This wasn’t the best Kame or Ayase dorama but it was quite sweet with some flawas though but still very enteraining.

  13. I really love this drama. Reading this made my remember all those million times I’ve seen it. ^^

    But, you wrote, that it located in Tokyo, which is not quite correct. The story happens in Yokohama. It is really close to Tokyo, but it is counted as a differrent city. Just pointing out 😉

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