So Ji Sub Pairs Up With Jung So Min for the Take Mobile MV
What did I say about our Min Min (Jung So Min)? Girl is going places, with talent, charm, and personality to spare. Min Min just got paired with So Ji Sub (gimme a second here, am hyperventilating – Min Min + Ji Sub = OMG imagine the fireworks) on his ad campaign for the Take mobile phone. Below is the teaser MV for their upcoming commercial/music video.
Teaser MV for Take Mobile:
Watching this teaser MV, it just hammers home the realization that Min Min is really a born actress – she has chemistry with any of her male co-stars, and just melts into the performance seamlessly. I’m eagerly awaiting her next new project, as well as Ji Sub-oppa’s redemption song from the sturm and drang that was Road #1.
Thanks for this news Ockoala! I’ve become a Jung So Min fan since Playful Kiss! I’m glad she has a new project immediately after PK has wrapped up.
yup, you can really tell the ones who are naturally gifted actors and MinMin is one of them. and why does Ji Sub and his droopy eyes look even hotter next to MinMin? his tall, dark, brooding appeal + her delicate aura is pure win. can’t wait to watch the actual MV.
i can totally see MM as the next Ha Ji Won. both are sweet, down-to-earth, well liked by everyone they work with, and so incredibly talented. who knows, MM will also grow to be like HJW who, like you said, have “chemistry even with inanimate objects” (perfect description of HJW, by the way! :P).
go MinMin! 😉
@yeisha hey forest friend, so happy you’re still around!!!! Go easy on the booze now, you hear? LOL
Read in KHJ’s recent interview that he wants to do a drama every year….YAYYYYY!!!!!
And Min Min looks lovely with Ji Sub ….I love Ji Sub…..loved him in Cain and Abel, but didn’t see the war drama…looks depressing and I don’t like depressing shows. Am looking forward to JSM’s new dramas. She’s going to be the next big Korean star!
hi mayssenger.. yeah i read about KHJ’s plans also…
anticipation much *^^*
annyeong… fellow PKissers!!! ✖‿✖
PKissers, annyeong!!! miss you guys. *waves*
@mayssenger, i’m still here. not going anywhere. lol. but my alter-ego is keeping me in line, so no binge-drinking in the forest this time. lol. actually detoxing from all things KHJ for now. i was so riled up by those hateful comments towards MinMin that i’m actually starting to think that she’s better off not associated with him. i know, i know, BAD PKisser…still love KHJ to bits, but i don’t like all hoopla surrounding him. but maybe its just a phase that i’m going through…after all, i think Binnie had me at hello in Secret Garden…sparkly tracksuit and all. haha. you should check it out, its really really goooood. 😉
@ItadakimasU, i’m counting on you to keep me updated. lol.
@allenif, hi back to you too. *activates FB poke button* 🙂
PK-chingus: Annyeong!!! *waves*!!!
@yeisha, will try to poke you with KHJ’s stuff ^^
hey guys, I’m curious….HJ mentioned in an interview that there were only 3 real kisses in PK and the rest were all fake – just mere lip-touching; so I’m wondering which are the real ones? The kiss in the rain, the honeymoon kiss and the birthday kiss at the end? But I was pretty sure the hospital kiss was real…which means there were 4 real kisses….what do you guys think?
@ ItadakimasU Hi there….*waves happily*
@ yeisha No plans to watch SG….I just can’t do it without subs…my mind keeps wandering off LOL But I did catch a glimpse of that shiny blue tracksuit…’s really EYE-CATCHING! haha and yeah, the HJ die-hards and the SJM-HJ shippers are still at each other’s throats over at YT….crazy nuts!
I mean *JSM oops
hi guys….opps..i thought i’ve stopped commenting about PK…but i still get the excitement here when i read all your comments ^^
i’m with yeisha…i’ve read the harsh comment about JSM at yt and make me wish JSM is better off not associated with KHJ too ^^ wish JSM became well known in her acting/modelling ^o^ and study and wish all the best for her…i think i’ve become JSM fan from the first time i saw her in PK without realizing it…kekeke ^^
@mayssenger, i think what he meant by 3 kisses were the ones in the actual show (excluding YT webisodes): rain kiss, honeymoon kiss, mini cooper kiss. also, you can see SG with subs over at 😉
@comicgilz, hello! *waves*.
@ yeisha oh…. I get it…not the yt webisodes, okay, thanks! Was confused there. yeah, may give it a try since M3 is not going the way I want it to….grrrrr I like the second lead, Jae Wook, but looks like he’s not going to get the girl…grrrrrr
hi yeisha!! *waves back* ^^/ hehehe
I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one feeling sad & down w/ all the hurtful comments everywhere plus all the interview. This is far from my expectation. I’m on the verge of withdrawing from my fangirling. “Respect is earned not asked”. So if we want respect we must know how to respect others also. I’ve known Jung So Min because of PK but I love her more now.
annyeong everybody!
@ yeisha ► fb pokes back ◄ button activated 😀
i guess, that’s the price of being paired with khj. i’m with you too. if being associated with khj will just cause too much trouble with jsm, i’d rather see her with other different leading men. with her charm and talent, she’ll go a long long way.
@ mayssenger – now i understand why you and jj rejected the idea of being the president of khj over zealous fans club. LOL btw, i’m thinking too of watching sg coz i’m afraid i wouldn’t be able to bear the heart breaking ending. but my heart is also saying to deal with it, no matter what. *sigh*
thanks ockoala!!!
got to agree that MinMin is really born an actress and can really have chemistry with any actor as well.
so glad that her star seem to shine more brightly.
and happy to hear the news as well the she and hyunnie will start promote PK on December to the other countries because they will see how they are so well loved by their international fans so all their hard work in PK were really worth it.
really excited for more of her projects to come!
MinMin is cute, just like her name!
I recognize SJS of course, but who’s the singing dude? Is he a singer/actor/model?
best of luck to Min Min , she’s really a star and I love her so much .
whispering , why do I feel jealous and pissed when I read that she’s gonna pair with someone else other than KYJ , LOOOL , sorry still under Minjoong Detox 😉
same here, kinda feel the twinge of jealousy seeing MinMin having a chemistry with other actors aside from our hyunnie (minjoong/hyunmin shipper as well!) but i know she is a professional actress and it cant be help that she would be paired to other actors.
but i also know that they will be together in PK promotions so im just happy for that.
love, love both of them so will support them in their projects together or individually.
yes me too love both them and wish the success whether by working together or searatly and yes you rmeind me about the promotional tour for PK so they will be together 😉
Me too i felt jealous but i still support her and hyunjoong for their individual careers. I hope they are not feeling awkward to each other when the promo tour begins. love them both:D
@rainy, soooo sorry i forgot to write back. will do so now, check your soompi account.
@jeankaycee, hello. good to see you here. *waves*
Thank you Ockoala for posting of JSM new MV with one of the big stars in Korea SJS.
I am really glad for her. I
I wish Jung So Min has full of happiness and every success in her furture.
She definitely made Oh Ha Ni likable and not annoying – props to acting chops! I do love her hair in the MV – a good departure from the braids from Playful Kiss. 🙂
Do I get to be the first one to make a comment about taking SJS home? Or am I the only one old enough to remember the original song and video? Anyway she is a cutie there isn’t she!
MinMin is FANTASTIC!!!
btw… a bit random, but i like the best asia intro also ^^
-__- i meant ‘best of asian’
OMG! *___* Gotta email this link to a friend…
“Watching this teaser MV, it just hammers home the realization that Min Min is really a born actress – she has chemistry with any of her male co-stars, and just melts into the performance seamlessly.”
I so very agree with you, despite the age difference, she definitely has chemistry with So Ji Sub! Can’t wait for the full MV! Gosh, I’m so excited to see more of this girl! MinMin! <3
is it becoz the have those kinda eyes?? hihihi puffy eyes……:)
This girl is really charming. 🙂 And oh, this guy’s my mum’s crush. HAHA! She’s a big fan of So Ji Sub. XD
Oh my, am really so so happy for this adorable girl, Min-min! I’m one of those who watched PK for KHJ and stayed with JSM. With her impressive acting in PK, I knew it will be the onset of her successful career.
Minmin… GO FOR THE GOLD!!!
Just two word for Min Min…GIRL CRUSH!!!!
Please vote for JSM Thanks
so ji sub+jung so min= hmmm. interesting….very interesting…heheheh….its strange i can sense chemistry already in that 20 second teaser…
I cannot get enough of Jung So Min. While I love her pairing with Kim Hyun Joong, I must say she looks nice with So Ji Sub. Yep, she’s born with the talent.
Hey that’s the song Take On Me by A-Ha! That’s exactly how the real video was too. I saw it on the MTV greatest videos of all time and fell in love with the song. I downloaded it and everything. Looked up the group too. The lead singer is, of course older now because I think the song was from the 80’s, but he is still attractive. This made my day a little brighter. 🙂
Lol. You’re making me feel so old since you actually had to look up the group, while I just happen to be a child of the 80s, and I don’t know any kid or teen of the 80s who doesn’t know this group and this song. Yes, it is by A-Ha from the 80s. Their Take On Me video has been parodied a lot; one that stood out was in an episode of Family Guy.
thank goodness I wasn’t the only one out here old enough to not only know the song but the video from the early days of MTV…
@momosan, it’s good news for me, too, then that I’m not the only one too young not to remember the video and the group. lol.
Eyes don’t get tired of MinMin cuz she’s so natural cute – no deep cut double eyelids, strangely tall nose, sharp jawline, nor sickly thin arms. She’s real, real lovable. Her acting is just as genuine. Yet she can be baby sweet or super femininely sexy. She will be on our tvs & computers forever.
Oohh. Emm. Gee! i super <3 so ji sub!!! and with min min, this MV is sure going to be beautiful with a touch of spice!
I just looked up who the singer is – Seo In Gook, winner of a singing contest like American Idol, won out of 700,000 contestants. That’s pretty impressive. I predict he will get better and better onto superstardom.
Love, Love this MV teaser. Girl is reaching new heights. A May December affair style film for the pair please. Thank you.
yup…agree will ockoala… JSM sure got telant in acting…i love her expression so much whether the cute side, the sad side and all… ^^
Rooting for her and wish her all the best… ^^
can’t wait for her next project with a different actor=)
I love this two! What a treat!
Love JSM and SJS.
This MV should be awesome. You have two actors who can “act” with their eyes.
Min Min FTW!!!
I love everything with this girl♥
O Ha Ni is moonlighting as an actress? I guess Seung Jo doesn’t know. He’s probably working 72 hour shifts and only goes home to some sleep and some boating, if he has the energy for that.
Hello everyone!
@a_fan *waves excitedly*
good to see you here, forest friend! yes, she’s moonlighting as an actress. and a really good one at that. hee.
p.s. when are you crossing over to Secret Garden? its good, my friend. so good. 😉
a_fan my forest friend!!!!! Where have you been????? *cheering and clapping wildly* miss you!!!!!
yup…. a_fan!! *waves* ^^ i miss all of your jokes around here… hehehe
glad to see you….
Woah! So happy to bump into everybody in MinMin’s playground. Howdy!!!!
Thanks Ockoala for indulging our love for JSM! Miss PK, SJ and HN terribly! Self detox still in progress. Somewhat getting back to my pre-PK sleeping schedule.
Our girl MinMin rocks! So much talent and potential!
PK has turned me into a forever Hyunjoong & MinMin fan! Love them….love them…. love them……^__^
what!!??Jung So Min fans bashing (slightly) on KHJ just the way Hwang Bo fans do. I better believe it.
Love this MV and JSM’s all project, but PK fans!
pls vote to support our PK to the best korean drama of 2010 at;-
thanks in advance everyone!