
My Princess Episode 5 Recap — 25 Comments

  1. I was thinking the same thing. Episode 5 didn’t have the same fun and breezy pace as the previous episodes. I felt this episode dragged a bit, and I had begun to miss the interactions between Hae Young and Lee Seul from the previous episodes. On the one hand, I guess we’re treading into more serious territory, and I hope the following episodes won’t be as dragging as this episode.

    • You know what, they should just cut out all the politics and grandpa and president stuff and focus on her and him. I know I’m shallow cos I get really bored once they start talking politics…’s like ok yawn yawn…go fridge…get a coke….then next scene: HY and Seul! omg eyes glued, smiling like crazy loony, next scene: grandpa yada yada problems, problems, more problems…..whatever….my eyes start glazing, next scene: HY strutting his stuff!!! Sit up straight, screams SHUDDUP EVERYBODY! IMPORTANT SCENE HERE!!!!

  2. But Jung Woo is freakin’ handsome that I can’t let him slip away just like that… LOL XD

    Thanks for the recap Koala! ^^ This episode is cuuute especially every Seul and Hae Young scenes. I’m starting to really hate the b*tchy character of Dan and Yoon Joo. >:[

      • THAT would be awesome. I love it when they make the couple have an “accident” of whatever, because it just heightens the tension all around. Ah…*anticipates*

        If you’re right, someone should buy you a present.

  3. Hi Ockoala
    As usual, I enjoy reading your recap and insight. Can I just say something about a country reviving the monarchy? In the beginning of the 1900s, Norway held a vote to sit a king on the throne. He wasn’t even Norwegian. This was after more than 500 years without a king. I don’t think the Norwegian people ever looked back. As far as I know the Norwegian monarchy will stay for at least another generation.

    I’m liking this drama and looking forward to tomorrow’s episode. I will again look to your recap. “Thanks beforehand.”

    • Jinja? Man, I need to brush up on my (non)existent Scandanavian history. Way too North American, East Asia centric are my reference points. Thank you, a_fan, for the 411. That is totally cool, now I’m going to read up on Norway’s decision to revive their monarchy. 🙂 I love wikipedia-scouting.

  4. *swoon* I want me a Hae-young! I think I love him so much because he’s not the Darcy-type — he’s totally cued into his own emotions, he’s not an emotional toddler, but he is adorably juvenile sometimes. But at the same time, is very competent, compelling, and of course, handsome. And rich. Except now not so much. But he does look DIVINE in a three-piece suit. Why do American men not wear three-piece suits? Or ascots? Or fedoras? The 1940s need to make a comeback in American fashion. But I digress. I have to say that this is the first time in a while that I have been so on-baord with the emotional development of the main loveline. The writer is hitting all the right beats at the right time with Seol and Hae-young, and their interactions flow naturally from their characters and their situations (fantastical though they may be). I hope this trend continues. I can’t wait for the episode six hijinks and hilarity to ensue!

    Thanks, as ever, our lovely Koala. You are so talented and so dedicated to bringing us timely and impressive recaps. This lovely devotee most assuredly appreciates it. (Heh, sorry for the rather florid language, just finished watching The Importance of Being Earnest – now there’s a romantic comedy!)

  5. Thanks so much for the recaps, I agree this was slow compared to the other episodes but I like how the LS and HY relationship is moving. Gotta love JW and the puppyish LS in her adoration for him-JW. Like you, I’ve always like RSS in his many roles including when he’s the villain. Love his smile and that he is there for LS–am hoping that he will be the guardian angel for LS against YJ’s evil machination as well as the selfish stepsister LD. JW is a great foil to HY and I enjoy watching HY feeling antagonistic towards JW. Am looking forward to your recaps on the whole series.. Thanks so much…

  6. So, was it just me reading too much into it, or did it seem a tad bit like perhaps Seol was seeing Hae Young’s care-taking of her as rather fatherly? She seemed to have this pained yet contented expression as she slipped into dreamland. And we all know how much she longs for the love of a father. At this point, I don’t believe they are *really* aware of each other as anything more than people they care about and find interesting but can’t seem to pinpoint why. I think episode 6 will be the big reveal as far as the light going off inside both of them and their becoming physically aware of each other. and from the preview snippets, it looks like its going to be AWESOMMMMMMEEEEE! I’m so LOVING this show!! it’s the beacon amid this listless season of dramas ~_~

    • No, I got that vibe, too. But I think a little of that awareness of him as a man was there, too — but I do think it was secondary to the fatherly one. Maybe it wasn’t even a fatherly vibe so much as a trustworthy-caretaking-ery vibe, though; Seol hasn’t really had any male figures in her life, not even having any brothers or good guy friends in the picture (that we’ve seen yet, anyway). In fact, I might even speculate that her crush on her gyosunim (teacher) is because he is so safe. But then again, we might not have enough information to speculate that far. ~shrug~

  7. thanks for recap..
    yeah I think that way for Yoon Joo, always skip whenever she’s on screen can’t stand her so much..
    haven’t watch ep 5 (imma download it) but after reading this and knows that so little HY and LS interaction/on screen with their cute brickering makes me sad but they did give that at half of this episode right?I assume that within next chapter we can have more of then as now HY become her tutor…oh that would add the fun…hope they keep doing good job like in 4 episode which gain them high ratings..

  8. Dear Ockoala, thanks so so much for deatils awesome recape of MP epi 5. For me I love anything about MY PRINCESS, because I never get bore everytime I watch MP so far.
    I haven’t watch with sub yet, but your recap make me LOL that expecially when HY was trying to buy underwears. Your comment on that scene is really good…… seems like he didn’t know his size, hahaha…… u must be right that he did not need to buy them before….. who did buy for him…… or in the drama or in real life …….. may be I am going too far……LOL…
    I was smilling a lot when I was reading this recap.
    SL is a lucky girl that HY will be next to her and lookafter her when its need.
    What I felt sad about in this epi was HY had to give up all his properties including the gift he got for his birthday and credit cards ect……., I think that grandpa is really carzy and does not make sense. Grandpa should leave his gift for HY because it had been given. Why did he take them back????? Let me tell you grandpa this is unfair to my dear HY.
    I really like HY wears blue colour shirt at ending of epi 5 which I was expecting him to wear, since he will be in diplomat role in this drama.
    I want to say that again Song Seung Heon is a really manly handsome gentleman. I really like him a lot……

    If any of you want to see epi5 carry scenes BTS, pls see below……

  9. Thanks for the recap, ockoala. It’s a pity that this ep was a letdown for you 🙁 .

    I love your reactions to Evil Sister and Evil Museum Director. So, just so I am clear — you want to hug them every time they’re on screen? Did I get that right? 🙂 .

    And let me join you in loving how the fantasy scene is shot as if it were real! Also, love: her reaction of Meh-Dude-I-Conjured-From-My-Dreams-Is-Still-Here to Whoa-Real-Man-is-In-Mah-Room-Rite-Nao and his reaction of Did-She-Just-See-Me-Then-Casually-Dismiss-Me?

  10. dear ockoala thanks for the recap , I love the guy from BEAST , he is cute
    the interraction between LS and HY is good too
    but I really don’t like the second female lead , in addition to the fact she’s the evil girl I’m also not liking her acting ( sorry to her fans , no offence , just my POV )

  11. Man,i luv MP i totally totally really luv song seung hun & kim tae hee……together! N yea wats with yoon ju. Why is she there? Must a character like that exists? And HY & Sl, bring on a kiss scene soon. I swear the two of them look so damn cute together.

  12. So far, not bad–not the greatest drama, but not bad.

    Horrible/ridiculous/awful plot curve: Lee Dan takes the satchel and usurps Seol’s place as princess. If this happens, I will drop this drama immediately because it would just be too frustrating.

  13. Yes, thank you very much for the easy one click access you posted for the best preview ever, that I watched surreptitiously-like during my orientation all day at work, for the umpteeenth time! I had to contain my squeeeeeeels, which resorted to snorts.

    I agree the lost princess – my fair lady plot’s been overdone and is making MP predictable; however, the delicious chemistry between these two acknowledged early on is what’s keeping me in tune. I am really hoping they won’t go super PG on us like Playful Kiss and Oh, My Lady. I want SG ending, dagnabbit!!!!

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