
Sunny Happiness Episodes 11-12 Recap — No Comments

  1. I can’t wait to see where this is heading, particularly in the triangle. I hope Yun Chao actually forms some bonds with Yong Yong, making it not one sided as this goes on.

  2. thanks a million. I really love this drama. I’d rewatch this so many times. I am looking forward to the next recap. Have a blessed day. love…love…love… Can anyone recommend a good TW drama?

    • “down with love” is hands down my favorite tw drama to date. it’s light and silly and the two leads are really endearing.

      “fated to love you” and “autumn’s concerto” are also pretty addicting, although the latter is a bit sad..

      • 2 days? you too? or should I say, me 4! i’ve finished and missing it, so i check everyday for recaps!

        Thank you koala!

        i have to say that i love the develop btwn YY and YJ, their growing feelings, their banter and teasing but most of all their growing respect. For me, when YJ’s face falls at the orphanage, i was excited that he was disappointed ’cause it showed that he likes her and wishes she felt the same. However now, i see that more than that, he realizes that YY doesn’t benefit as much personally from their arrangement and her life is altered forever by their closeness. Her comment gave him a little dose of the gravity of her situation and feelings. She constantly aware of her life after the contract and she’s not always as excited about living in (or enjoying) the moment.
        therefore, i like that, before the end of the ep, she starts truly enjoying her time with him. she refers to it as a “dream” and i’m glad she feels this way. regardless of what happens in the future, i’m glad she is getting the chance to fall for YJ, the real wonderful man that was hidden from her(everyone). i’d like to believe that this is also a reason she referred to their relationship as a “secret.” there’s the obvious reason of course but YJ has so many layers of greatness that no one, not even he family seems to entirely be aware of.

  3. Something (or another of the tone of things) I love abt SH has to do with the brother’s relationship.. Yun chao doesn’t hate his bro, even gives advice b stuff, he is competitive but I can totally where he is coming frm and so does Yun Jie

    The threesome scene was funny 🙂

  4. I love the little beats in Yun Jie and Yong Yong’s relationship. It may not have started off very realistically, but it’s developing that way. I love them, because you can really root for them getting together: each of them have issues, of course, but they’re both emotionally healthy in a relationship that’s developing the way it should be. There are no obsessive stalkings, no insane possessive jealousies, and they both recognize that there’s something there, even if they haven’t totally admitted it to themselves yet. And they treat each other as equals. That’s another point I love. Yun Jie doesn’t think of or treat Yong Yong like she’s inferior to him simply because he’s rich and she’s not, or because he’s her boss. He’s earning her affection with time, attention, and affection of his own, not with money or bribes. And despite all the mistakes he’s made, I can really like him for that.

  5. I just lvoe the way the drama shows how the respect, friendship and mutual affection grow and develop into something more intense.

  6. on a second thought, my only regret is that yun chao and yong yong never had a second chance. i’m a big fan of mike hee. he and ariel lin are the only reason why i watch taiwanese drama but after watching sh, i find li ye feng very alluring that made me somewhat disappointed that his character and yong yong didn’t find it soon that they were ex-pen pals. had they known it, yun jie and yong yong will not go through the contract marriage. yes, i somewhat wanted yun chao to end up with yong yong instead. i guess, i’m having my usual second lead fatal attraction syndrome again. LOL

    • oh my, i almost forgot…. my first asian and taiwanese big crush is vic zhou. i rooted for him in meteor garden and love him more in mars. keke!!!

  7. thansk ockoala!

    im liking sunny happiness more and more with every episode!
    i love every honest conversation that Yong Yong and Xin Jie have!

    i also love the subtle hints of the feelings that they have for each other!
    im excited to see more of it! ^_^

  8. by the contrary, I thought the sandwich scene was both forced AND random. I mean come on, what kind of idiot can’t make a sandwich? I know we’re meant to believe Yun Jie is SO rich and privileged that he never had to put together a sandwich in his life, but this story contrasts itself by the fact that we know he lived a pauper life with Wan Lan back in their wedding days.

    The interactions were cute, but I just wish they’d been backed by some halfway plausible scenario. And, how did she enter the house to make the sandwich without seeing the piano (which resurfaces on her next visit) this time? It’s kind of a large object to be blind to.

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