
Kolon Sports Summer 2011 Campaign with Lee Min Jung and Lee Seung Gi — 9 Comments

  1. I don’t understand why lee min jung would always look perfect with her partner, i love her with noo min woo, love her with jung kyung hoo and now with lee seung qi, wah I wonder who else she will be partnering with?

  2. They actually look a bit awkward together, I think.. I mean, I like both of them (LMJ is adorable, and I would om nom on LSG any day), but together they’re just a bit off. :/

    ……………..if I buy the clothes, does LSG come with them? *_*

  3. I like her smile, its warm and I agree with via that she looks good with her partners. Even though I did not like it but she and Lee Min Ho were a match made in heaven (character wise as well). She is awesome with No Min Woo and the lead actor too.

  4. I would bring my +10-year-inactivity body to any hiking trip if LSG holds my hand, grasps my shoulder, puts out a tent and makes coffee for me…

  5. Lil correction here, the upper pics is actually done for 2010 collection.
    The recent one were take place in New Zealand and Canada,. and yup thats how boring my life as compare to these two,. T_T, the farest i could afford is England which happen about 5 years ago btw,..
    But i love both of them, so its not hurt that much >.<

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