
Drunken to Love You Episode 2 Recap — 29 Comments

  1. Finally recap.I have been dying to read this because I depend on you on this, didn’t know that your writing is taken without asking,thats least credit goes to you.where can I download ep with subs?because at viki the subs wont tag along.want to rewatch it again at home.
    in all 2ep brings so much for this drama.had a solid path in story and acting and how they execute it.rainy is way adorable and joseph had charm my heart.finally tdrama show a really good drama in every aspect and hope they continue till the end.oh I wish I can ff time,want to see the scene they start to love each other.I mean 3month is short deal and before their eyes they must separate with realization they love each other.oh sunday hurry come.thanks for you

  2. I dont normally watch TW dramas becoz they are normally flooded with over-acting and slapstick jokes. But i found Sunny Happiness bearable and after reading your recaps, I’ll give this drama a go..

  3. YAY ockoala, I was waiting and waiting for your recap! THANKS!

    Believe me Ep 2 hit me so hard that I didn’t even get a gud nite sleep yesterday. I kept thinking about Jie Xiu and Xiao Ru! >.<

    You are so right, I love love that the leading guy here's conscious of what he's doing and tries to reassure himself that he's doing the right thing, just for Avril. When he prompted Avril about how something may go wrong during the 3 months, I was like," THIS IS NEW!" Finally a person in TW drama who's so aware! I already love his character from the get go but this scene just elevated my love for him beyond reach!

    And Rainie? Like you said, she's WONDERFUL in here. I can't stress more on how natural and comfortable she is in the shoes of Xiao Ru. It's like magic. Her comedic scenes are BRILLIANT, right on spot without too much or too lil of the usual OTT-clicheness. And her crying scenes, beautiful. Word.

    Joseph Chang, oh Joseph Chang. This man is sexy. I have not seen him act before but I really liked what I saw in the last 2 episodes. He has the playboyish-vibe but also emanates a certain level of earnestness and genuineness in his acting. Something which reminds me of Eric (Shinhwa) but a lil more subdued in the macho-ness? It's like you don't what to expect from him. Times he can be loud and arrogant, but when he's sensitive and emphatic, man you get it. You get it hard. I dunno what got me, but I am definitely charmed.

    Best thing – Rainie and Joseph's chemistry. When Rainie mentioned about how she has a different kind of chemistry with Joseph compared to her previous co-stars, I didn't get it. But now I do. I believe if one just saw the beginning of Ep 2, one would agree that they're perfect for each other! 😀

    • i have’nt even watched this episode yet but i agree with you..compared to rainie’s previous dramas and costars, her chmistry with joseph is different..its almost more believable..In a way more realistic..I mean i love mike he..but his chemistry with rainie was more on the dreamy/sappy type..and not that believable..
      I will save my other comments to when i watch this episode..but for now..thanks a lot koala for the wonderful recap..they tide me over to the time when i can actually watch the episode..

  4. Thanks so, so much for the recap. It is bright spot in an otherwise BLAH Monday. I am pleasantly surprised how entertaining this show is and it’s only two episodes in. I just have two questions . . .
    1 – how many episodes is it going to take before we see that make-out scene from the clip last week?
    2 – What WAS she doing in his shower?

  5. thanks for the recap…although not totally the same but i find it similar to the hangover…obviously not the same scale and this is probably a lot cuter 🙂

  6. I’m really loving the chemistry between Rainie and Joseph. Like someone commented earlier, their chemistry is a little different her previous co-stars. More realistic, more believable.

    I’m soo excited for the next episode *hint at the preview ehms*

  7. I loved it! I’ve just finished watching it and I’m SO full of squee you would not believe it. I’m incoherent right. Talk to you later perhaps?

    Btw, FINALLY a hero who’s actually a decent guy from the beginning. Sure, he has his flaws, but he’s essentially GOOD and alsdkjasldj omg, so refreshing!

  8. Thanks Ockoala! I understand Chinese, but it’s great to read your insights after each viewing.

    LOVING this drama, and the two leads. Enjoying my first watch of Joseph Chang too.
    I was actually a tad allergic to Rainie before (in her dramas with Mike He) but she’s really good in this one, and they’re GREAT together! She’s looking good in her new haircut, and more mature too. Looking forward to their upcoming sparks and chemistry.

  9. Love this drama. Love the actors. Don’t know much about Joseph but Rainie I’ve seen in her less famous role and loved her! I knew I had to see this. I wasn’t let down in the least.
    Thanks for the recap and your comments… till next wk 🙂

  10. i love ur recap
    gosh i wish this could be aired in malaysia
    which i’m sue 8tv would pick it up
    but when is a matter of them
    ha ha ha
    thank u
    and see u next week
    ha ha ha

  11. Oh ockoala, u make my day! I’ve been waiting for this recap a whole day ;). Thank u soooooo much. I haven’t watched DTLY actually, just read ur recap first. Since I have to spend my whole day watching drama at home. *sigh* I don’t have sparing partner to discuss dramas :p.

  12. thanks for the recap! I am loving the show too 🙂 I have a theory that Yi Xian does not have anything to do with Peggy’s pregnancy (i dont even think that they had anything romantic going on) I have a gut feel that he is only taking responsibility for her because she got pregnant by someone that is close to him (a brother, a best friend or someone he really loves)

  13. So many people doubted Chang but Oh-Ho. I did not. I’ve seen Eternal summer andboy can this guy act is socks off!

    That being said, this drama/script doesn’t do him justice at all. He’s hardly using his full acting potential (Yes, yes, I know it’s an idol drama, it’s all about the ratings…) Frankly, I’m still a little disappointed. I’ll power through though, that man is fiiiiiinnne. 🙂 (He looks like a real guy, not like those pretty boys. Sorry Mike He!)

    Peggy=typical chinese gold-digger… Bitchy even though she’s the one that got her claws in another woman’s man. Sigh, could’ve got an actress with a symmetrical looking face. her chin is off.

  14. I love reading your recap. Your writing is wonderful, as if i was watching the drama. also i understand more about the drama. Thanks

  15. Thanks for yet another awesome DTLY recap, Koala! But as great as this drama is, I’m not leaving you a comment to gush about the great chemistry between Joseph Chang and Rainie Yang. Errrrr, I just did, didn’t I?
    Anyway, I’m sorry to hear about your work getting stolen. That’s just so sad. You spent time and resources to deliver all these goodies for free only to have them ripped by stealing basterds and biatches. Some people just refuse to honor that everything here is your (and your guest bloggers’) intellectual property. How about you protect your blog by installing WP-Copyright Pro? It’s a free WordPress plugin that disables right-clicking, highlighting/copying of text and downloading of images here. I have it on my blog which is funny because I don’t have anything there worth stealing but you simply don’t know. I also did not think any hacker would try to get in and lock me out of my own blog, but it did so my blog is back to its barren past. You should definitely try WP-Copyright Pro.
    PS: Let it be known that I was not paid to promote this plugin. It is after all free. Just tying to do my good deed for the day. 🙂

  16. I am loving this drama!

    I haven’t watched Rainie in anything since Huan Hun Ai and Devil Beside You just because her “cute” acting was starting to annoy me. I have followed her musical career though; and, it seems that as she has matured musically, she has also done so in acting – in leaps and bounds!

    Everyone is speaking about the chemistry between her and Joseph Chang. I’m not sure if it is that the chemistry is different, or that this is actually an ADULT romcom and we get to see them act their ages – which creates a different chemistry. Whichever/whatever it is, both, neither, all of the above, I love it! and will be watching this drama weekly.

  17. I’m excited to watch this! Only problem, my name really is Peggy….

    I dunno if I can get into this drama with my name coming up and “hussy” along with it….

  18. Finally got around to watching this one although at this point, viki only has some of the episodes loaded so I’m hopping around the internet looking for parts.
    I know something is good when I don’t let that get in the way and barrel through despite having to go to three or four sites.

    Raine/Joseph chemistry, from what I have seen of the BTS, is so good because they are very comfortable around each other and very handsy even when they aren’t filming.

    The drunken night of marriage and destruction in pieces of flash back is HILARIOUS!! I was dying when the bank manager made them watch the tape of her taking her life savings. Soooo perfect.

    It would be really cool if they could just show us that as a special in normal chrono order. From the bar to bar to all the other silly parts and how they ended up sleeping apart.

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