
Written Preview for Episode 3 of Drunken to Love You — 15 Comments

  1. I wish the previews were not that long, but I dislike waiting for Sundays.
    I still enjoy reading the previews and watching the episodes though.
    I love Joseph and Rainie. They are a cute couple <3

  2. I don’t think anything could ruin episode 3 for me
    ’cause the chemistry between XR-JX is too good
    for a letdown. Looking forward to Sunday night!

    • Agree! In fact reading the preview only makes me the more looking forward to Sunday’s episode since it’s all about the chemistry between Xiao Ru and Jie Xiu, which can’t be replicated in words!

  3. OMG! So looking forward to this drama. Koala, thank you so much. I love the fact that you mix Taiwanese and Korean dramas together! The best blog ever!

  4. I have no problem with long preview it makes me excited more.each ep brings new concept.its like their past just a shadow and focus on xio ru and Jie xu love development.great job.

  5. I normally don’t read written previews, I merely clicked because it’s DRUNKEN TO LOVE YOU.

    Off topic:
    So obsessed me has been looking up and down for Joseph Chang videos the past few days, and I realized after watching several vids and interviews of this guy, he’s SO SO SHY! In contrary to his characters on screen (that I’ve seen the past few days, yes, I’m so freaking obsessed), which were mostly playful-ish and outgoing etc, he’s just so quiet and reserved. And I’m like WOW, this man hides everything inside huh?

    • Hehehe…welcome to the Joseph Chang fanclub!!! Am so glad that with this show he gets more interest. Have you watch The Legend Of Speed? Also starred Rainie Yang (if you see that, wow you’ll know how much her acting has improved) but unfortunately he wasn’t the main (more like the opposite, the “evil” ex). But damn, being a bad boy only adds to his appeal further XD

      Now I need Wallace Huo to do rom com to complete my wishlist. That guy needs more mainstream appeal…

      • Nope, Drunken To Love You’s my first watch of him. I did check out Eternal Summer just for him, and I thought he was really good in it. Am surprised he didn’t get more known or recognized after that..

        And I agree that Joseph and Rainie’s chemistry kind tops everything in here. Just look at how comfortable and at ease they are with each other. And nope, that surely didn’t happen to me when I watched like several dramas with the hottie Mike He and Rainie together. No matter how good they looked together..

    • Joseph is making an indelible impression on me, the kind that will likely sustain my goodwill for him for all of eternity, kinda like what Joe did to me after ISWAK.

      Damn, why is it not Sunday yet?

      • ISWAK! Ariel Lin is forever in my good books because of that one. Joe too. Great chemistry, those two *glazed faraway look*

        @ripgal: Ooh sorry I made a mistake, in that show Rainie’s ex wasn’t him (it was Duncan -_-“), but all the same I remember him having a bad boy vibe 😀

        His love interest was the supporting actress I liked very much (I was shipping for them too). But was devastated when my cuz said she took drugs in real life!! (no wonder no leading roles for her).

        I just realized that Sonia Sui was in there too! I guess they are all major stars now:)

  6. I’m trying to digest this, but it seems no matter how I try the laughter won’t come. ever watched a funny drama but tears just keep falling, and you can’t seem to accept the idea cause you’ve always been a happy bloke….sometimes happy people cry…. 🙁 the odd thing your crying but your still smiling shoot is a bad habit…. yup reality bites and it has to do me good…. no fantasy for me today!!!! 🙁

  7. I thank you for your recaps for DTLY. I happend on this drama by chance and started watching it. I agree with your comments and insights. This drama is too funny. The scenes with the OTP are serious and yet comical at the same time. I laugh as much as I am sad at the happenings to them. Really selfishness on Avril’s part and YX, only interested in looking out for their own interests. Can’t wait to see them get there just desserts. The affection with which the OTP treat each other already is fun to watch.

  8. Thanks Ockoala.

    I am another watching Joseph Chang for the first time and much liking what I see.
    The dude’s not leading man gorgeous, but he exudes this really down to earth charisma and air which is really appealing..
    Like the men you see and might know in real life. And he comes across as quite naturally *quiet*-strength solid, and that’s always attractive to me – when it’s not so ‘in your face’.

    Not so consciously aware of how ‘good looking’ or how ‘charming or cool’ he should be projecting. Quite different from the eye candy Gods.

    Rainie has toned down quite a bit too in this drama. Her acting has mellowed, and she’s riding her role a lot better than in other dramas I have seen of her.

  9. why is not Sunday yet , and I see me watching this raw again , just hope i am not going to a friends house for dinner and have to sit and watch the drama raw and have everyone look at me like i am crazy

    i am learning Chinese and Taiwanese by watch dramas why did we not have dramas in hs so i could ha ve learn french

    I am drunken on tdrama crack

  10. have not watched a tdrama in a long time (okay i lie, recently i caught a little of mike and janine and had to marathon the series). was attracted to this one bc it’s joseph! haha, that and they have awesome chemistry. it’s such a pain having to wait one week for a new episode, and having to tudou the episode. this gives me the same feel as fated to love you, only i much prefer joseph as my male lead. do you think peggy is pregnant or something? curious to know what kingone’s story is.

    i was glad to find this entry here 🙂 also, pretty happy there’s lots of interesting things on here, such as yamapi being a dork~, janine/mike entries… looking forward to may’s kdramas! will be back to read the commentary.

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